Friday, September 27, 2019

How To Start Your Day In a Happy Mood

Nothing is worse that starting your day in a bad, am I right? It really all just gets worse from there. Things get worse and you send out a bad vibe to those around you. So, in tonight's post, I want to share how you can start your day in a happy mood.

 How To Start Your Day In A Happy Mood

Practice gratitude: I think one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to remember what we are grateful for. It’s so easy to get caught up in the things we don’t have or things that could be better but every morning try to stop and name 1-3 things you are grateful for.

Don’t look at your phone: You want to know what will make you immediately unhappy in the morning? Comparison. Looking at social media right when you get up will not put you in a happy mood. I would wait 30-60 minutes and do some of the other things on this list.

Get outside/or into the gym: I love a good early morning workout. Gets your endorphins going and you never regret doing it! It also makes you feel super accomplished first thing.

Practice self-care: For me, this may mean doing a  DIY face mask, or simply just my skincare routine. For you, this may mean something else. But do something just for you!

Listen to music: I love listening to music in the morning! Especially, for me. 80s hair bands. This type of music always puts me in a good mood.

Make a healthy breakfast: Eating a healthy breakfast is such a great way to start the day and will for sure put you in a good mood! Especially if it’s something you really love to eat!

Put out there what you want to get back: Say hi to strangers, open doors, ask how someone’s day is going, say thank you and please. Doing these things as you start your day will absolutely put you in a good mood and it will spread your good mood to others. In turn, they will keep spreading the good mood around. Really what’s better than that?

What is something you do to start your day in a happy mood?

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