Tuesday, September 10, 2019

10 Tips for Back to School Prep

Hi everyone! It's that time of year again! It's times to prep for back to school. This is my favorite time of the year, not only on my blog, but sharing my ideas, tips, and strategies with all of you, but also in our house. I love back to school time, my daughter loves back to school time, and we are all looking forward to the first day of school. So in today's post, I am going to over the next week and a half help you get ready and organized for the first day of school.

In case you don't know, I am a mom of two beautiful girls, a 9 year old who will be in the 4th grade, and a 4 year old. We have been doing the back to school routines for the last 3 years now, and while I am not perfect, I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks that I use when prepping for back to school.

1. Make a list of your expectations for back to school time.

This type of list will come in handy when organizing all of the places within your home and the things that are going to help you along the way to make this transition from summer to school time a little bit easier.

2. Mark your calendar.

Your child's school will more than likely send important information such as dates to remember and emergency forms to you before the school year begins. Take some time one day to sit down and mark your calendar with all the dates so that you will not forget them. This will easily take out the stress of trying to shuffle through homework later on and hoping that a date did not pass.

3. Get back into a school routine.

For 5 days a week, your child is out of the house for up to 9 hours in full learning mode. During the summer, most children are indulging in their favorite video games and television programs. Try setting up a routine where you get your child out of the house during the day.

4. Create a homework station.

Designate a special area where your child can strictly work on their school work. You can either set up a stocked up desk in the living room corner or even just utilize the kitchen counter as you are prepping for dinner.

5. Prep your after school game plan.

Get things early on and take the stress away. Set up where and what your child will be doing while you're away at work. This can either be an after school program, going to a neighbor's home or staying home alone of your child is old enough.

6. Unplug the electronics.

During the school year, kids aren't going to be hooked on their electronics all day like they be in the summer time. Prep them before school goes back by unplugging and encouraging them to read or create an art project.

7.  Get on a bedtime routine early.

Putting your child on a sleep and wake routine about a week before school begins can be immensly important. Set them up on the same time schedule that your during the school year. This will easily take out of the grunginess of the first of school wake up call.

8. Do a "first day" test drill with your child.

Sort of like an emergency drill, but for school! Make ut a fun experience waking for breakfast and driving to school to practice the pick up and drop off.

9. Pick out clothes.

Take the stress out of  "I don't know what to wear" by picking out the weeks cloths with your child. Hang up the outfits and line them up.

10. Give your child a gift on the first day of school.

This will be so special for your child. A small present can make anyone's day. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, a book or crayons will do. You can either give it to them in the morning or after school.

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