Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/2/2019}

Hi Lovelies!

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We spent the weekend at home relaxing with the kids.

My oven went out on Friday (the stove still works), so I'm on the hunt for a countertop convection oven. Hopefully I will find one soon, because I love to bake and I am itching to bake!!!

On Saturday we finally watched The Secret life of Pets 2. It was such a cute movie.The kids loved it and so did we. Then we just stayed home on Sunday and just relaxed.

Anyway, let's get started with this post, shall we?

The weather. I am so tired of this triple digit heat. I am so ready for fall and cooler temps! 

Monday: 95 and sunny

Tuesday: 97 and sunny

Wednesday: 97 and sunny

Thursday: 98 and sunny

Friday: 100 and partly clooudy
Saturday: 99 and partly cloudy
Sunday: 97 and partly cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning: Scrambled eggs with cheese and ham and a glass of chocolate milk. Yum!

Right now I am... sitting at the dining room table typing this post. 

On my reading pile. Still reading my Sweet Valley High books and I'm about to start reading Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrews.

On my tv.  Beverly Hills 90210, Gilmore Girls, Friends, and How I Met Your Mother

On the menu this week: I need to work on my meal plan for this week and the rest of the month.

Monday- Crockpot Lasanga
Tuesday- Chicken tenders, potatoes, veggies
Wednesday- Sandwiches and chips
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks with salad

On my to do list:

Write and schedule blogs for the next two weeks (by end of the this week)
Update planners and bullet journal
Tidy bedrooms
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum all rooms
Pick up grocery order from Sams

Looking around the house: I really need to get back to my routines. I have slacked on them over the summer and I need to revamp them before school starts. Still working on this, but I can see some progress!

Bible verse, devotional, or quotes


  1. I really need to start Gilmore Girls again. I watched a few episodes, then got distracted by something else and never went back. Have a great week!

  2. Great quote. Seems like you have a super busy week ahead - hope you get some time to relax and enjoy. Have a great week

  3. I'm looking forward to getting into a fall routine, too. I think I'll feel much more like doing something once the cooler weather arrives. Your menus look great! Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  4. Crock pot lasagna sounds really good! I just read a prequel to the Flowers in the Attic series. Are you re-reading it or have you never read them before? Just curious. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. I'm re-reading it. It's my favorite V.C.Andrews series! How was the prequel?

  5. I've been slacking on my house routine lately as well... I've got to get back on track. Love your quote! Have a great week!
