Friday, September 27, 2019

How To Start Your Day In a Happy Mood

Nothing is worse that starting your day in a bad, am I right? It really all just gets worse from there. Things get worse and you send out a bad vibe to those around you. So, in tonight's post, I want to share how you can start your day in a happy mood.

 How To Start Your Day In A Happy Mood

Practice gratitude: I think one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to remember what we are grateful for. It’s so easy to get caught up in the things we don’t have or things that could be better but every morning try to stop and name 1-3 things you are grateful for.

Don’t look at your phone: You want to know what will make you immediately unhappy in the morning? Comparison. Looking at social media right when you get up will not put you in a happy mood. I would wait 30-60 minutes and do some of the other things on this list.

Get outside/or into the gym: I love a good early morning workout. Gets your endorphins going and you never regret doing it! It also makes you feel super accomplished first thing.

Practice self-care: For me, this may mean doing a  DIY face mask, or simply just my skincare routine. For you, this may mean something else. But do something just for you!

Listen to music: I love listening to music in the morning! Especially, for me. 80s hair bands. This type of music always puts me in a good mood.

Make a healthy breakfast: Eating a healthy breakfast is such a great way to start the day and will for sure put you in a good mood! Especially if it’s something you really love to eat!

Put out there what you want to get back: Say hi to strangers, open doors, ask how someone’s day is going, say thank you and please. Doing these things as you start your day will absolutely put you in a good mood and it will spread your good mood to others. In turn, they will keep spreading the good mood around. Really what’s better than that?

What is something you do to start your day in a happy mood?

Monday, September 23, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/23/2019}

We have another busy week ahead of us. We have errands to run and martial arts for my oldest and preschool story time with my youngest. I also plan to relax with my books during the week.

Anyways, enough of my rambling! Let's get into the post. Shall we?

The Weather: It's finally cooling down in my neck of the woods. It's supposed to rain all week with the highs in the 80s.

On my reading pile: Right now I am reading these two books (one in the morning and one at night before bed)

And one of my favorites!

On my TV: Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, The Ranch, and the new Ted Bundy movie on Netflix (still watching all of these). I found a new series on Netflix, Unbelievable. I have only been able to watch one episode but it seems very interesting.

On the Menu this week: Still trying to figure it out.

Monday: Hot dogs and chips (easy meal for a busy night)
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: Garlic chicken, roasted potatoes, veggies

Thursday: Beef stew with homemade bread

Friday: Pizza and bread sticks with salad
Saturday: Potato soup

Sunday: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, veggies

On my to do list: cleaning the house, laundry, planning my week. You know.. the usual things.

What I am creating: I am still  in the early stages of creating my meal planner and I am working on opening an Etsy shop.I also decided to work on a food blog.

Looking around the house: Most of the house is clean. I just need to tidy the living room and kitchen

On my prayer list: My husband as he continues to look for full time work.

Devotional, Bible verse, or quote:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

6 Incredible Thinks that Happen When You Drink Warm Lemon Water

Lemon water isn't just incredibly refreshing, it also powers our bodies with vitamins and minerals. It's a great energy booster and hydrates us first thing in the morning. Drinking warm lemon water in the morning provides our bodies with an immune boost.

Here are the benefits of drinking warm lemon water:

1. Lemon water powers up your morning with electrolytes.

I bet most of you wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee. Now, see I don't do this because I don't like coffee, but I have been told by numerous people that coffee does taste better after drinking warm lemon water.

Lemon water contains hydrating electrolytes in the form of magnesium and calcium. Drinking lemon water will get your day started in the right way.

2. Lemon water helps keep joints healthy.

Lemons help to reduce joint and muscle pain and it helps keep your joints healthier.

3. Lemon water improves digestion.

Lemon water is perfect for digestion in that it stimulates the production of digestion enzymes. Drinking lemon water relives heart burn, burping, and bloating.

4. Lemon water gives your immune system a boost.

Vitamin C is jumper cables for your immune system. When you're stressed the level of vitamin C is the first to plummet which is why taking vitamin C is important.

5. Lemon water cleanses your system.

Lemon water flushes out the toxins that are in your body, and it also stimulate the liver.

6. Lemon water helps you lose weight and boosts energy.

Lemon water fights off cravings and it also provides your body with energy and helps reduce anxiety and depression.

Is lemon water part of your daily routine? If so, let me know in the comments.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/16/2019}

This week is busy, busy, busy. We have errands to run and martial arts for my oldest and preschool story time with my youngest, so hopefully I can add some time to relax at the end of the week.

I am so ready for Fall. It can't get here soon enough for me. I am ready for sweaters, cardigans, jeans, boots, hot chocolate, and apple cider.

Anyways, enough of my rambling! Let's get into the post. Shall we?

The Weather:  It's sunny and in the 90s with some rain thrown in here and there. Why can't Fall just get here already?

On my reading pile: Right now I am reading these two books (one in the morning and one at night before bed)

And one of my favorites!

On my TV: Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, The Ranch, and the new Ted Bundy movie on Netflix

On the Menu this week: Still trying to figure it out.

Monday: Chicken tenders, baked potatoes, and broccoli
Friday: Pizza and breadsticks with salad

On my to do list: cleaning the house, laundry, planning my week. You know.. the usual things.

What I am creating: Right now I am in the early stages of creating my meal planner and I am working on opening an Etsy shop.

Looking around the house: My house needs some serious TLC right now.

On my prayer list: My husband as he continues to look for full time work.

Devotional, Bible verse, or quote:

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

10 Tips for Back to School Prep

Hi everyone! It's that time of year again! It's times to prep for back to school. This is my favorite time of the year, not only on my blog, but sharing my ideas, tips, and strategies with all of you, but also in our house. I love back to school time, my daughter loves back to school time, and we are all looking forward to the first day of school. So in today's post, I am going to over the next week and a half help you get ready and organized for the first day of school.

In case you don't know, I am a mom of two beautiful girls, a 9 year old who will be in the 4th grade, and a 4 year old. We have been doing the back to school routines for the last 3 years now, and while I am not perfect, I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks that I use when prepping for back to school.

1. Make a list of your expectations for back to school time.

This type of list will come in handy when organizing all of the places within your home and the things that are going to help you along the way to make this transition from summer to school time a little bit easier.

2. Mark your calendar.

Your child's school will more than likely send important information such as dates to remember and emergency forms to you before the school year begins. Take some time one day to sit down and mark your calendar with all the dates so that you will not forget them. This will easily take out the stress of trying to shuffle through homework later on and hoping that a date did not pass.

3. Get back into a school routine.

For 5 days a week, your child is out of the house for up to 9 hours in full learning mode. During the summer, most children are indulging in their favorite video games and television programs. Try setting up a routine where you get your child out of the house during the day.

4. Create a homework station.

Designate a special area where your child can strictly work on their school work. You can either set up a stocked up desk in the living room corner or even just utilize the kitchen counter as you are prepping for dinner.

5. Prep your after school game plan.

Get things early on and take the stress away. Set up where and what your child will be doing while you're away at work. This can either be an after school program, going to a neighbor's home or staying home alone of your child is old enough.

6. Unplug the electronics.

During the school year, kids aren't going to be hooked on their electronics all day like they be in the summer time. Prep them before school goes back by unplugging and encouraging them to read or create an art project.

7.  Get on a bedtime routine early.

Putting your child on a sleep and wake routine about a week before school begins can be immensly important. Set them up on the same time schedule that your during the school year. This will easily take out of the grunginess of the first of school wake up call.

8. Do a "first day" test drill with your child.

Sort of like an emergency drill, but for school! Make ut a fun experience waking for breakfast and driving to school to practice the pick up and drop off.

9. Pick out clothes.

Take the stress out of  "I don't know what to wear" by picking out the weeks cloths with your child. Hang up the outfits and line them up.

10. Give your child a gift on the first day of school.

This will be so special for your child. A small present can make anyone's day. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, a book or crayons will do. You can either give it to them in the morning or after school.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/9/2019}

Hi Lovelies!

Good evening everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We spent the weekend at home relaxing with the kids.

My oven went out on last Friday (the stove still works), and I finally found a countertop convection oven. Believe me I have baking all weekend.

Anyway, let's get started with this post, shall we?

The weather. Fall needs to hurry up and get here! I am so tired of the heat.

Monday: 95 and sunny

Tuesday: 97 and sunny

Wednesday: 97 and sunny

Thursday: 98 and sunny

Friday: 85  and chance of rain
Saturday: 99 and partly cloudy
Sunday: 97 and partly cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning: Blueberry muffin and a glass of milk

Right now I am... sitting at the dining room table typing this post. 

On my reading pile. Just started reading Flowers in the Attic

On my tv.  Beverly Hills 90210, Gilmore Girls, Friends, and How I Met Your Mother

On the menu this week: I need to work on my meal plan for this week and the rest of the month.

Monday- Chicken tenders, tater tots, corn
Tuesday- Rice pilaf and veggies
Wednesday- Chicken and rice (leftover rice pilaf)
Thursday- Sandwiches and chips
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks with salad
Saturday- Beef stew and homemade bread
Sunday- Meatloaf, baked potatoes, peas, and rolls

On my to do list:

Write and schedule blogs for the next two weeks (by end of the this week)
Update planners and bullet journal
Tidy bedrooms
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum all rooms

Looking around the house: The house is pretty clean and all I have to do is put the clothes in the dryer.

Bible verse, devotional, or quotes

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Currently {9/7/2019}

 Time and place: 3:07pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment, but I did have some grapes for a snack a few minutes ago.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Cleaning videos, planner videos, and bullet journal videos, I even found some old lifetime movies on Youtube.

Reading: Sweet Valley High Confidential. Still reading! I love this book! Finally almost done with this one.

Loving: Spending time with my family.

Working: I'm still revamping my routines and working on some of my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the year. I am also working on designing a meal planner and opening a store on Etsy (hopefully this is will be ready by the end of the month).

Listening: my girls playing in their bedroom

Buying: groceries and other necessitates and looking at Halloween costumes for the girls.

Planning: I have most of my posts written for September already and now I am working on blog post ideas for October. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner.  This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {9/2/2019}

Hi Lovelies!

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We spent the weekend at home relaxing with the kids.

My oven went out on Friday (the stove still works), so I'm on the hunt for a countertop convection oven. Hopefully I will find one soon, because I love to bake and I am itching to bake!!!

On Saturday we finally watched The Secret life of Pets 2. It was such a cute movie.The kids loved it and so did we. Then we just stayed home on Sunday and just relaxed.

Anyway, let's get started with this post, shall we?

The weather. I am so tired of this triple digit heat. I am so ready for fall and cooler temps! 

Monday: 95 and sunny

Tuesday: 97 and sunny

Wednesday: 97 and sunny

Thursday: 98 and sunny

Friday: 100 and partly clooudy
Saturday: 99 and partly cloudy
Sunday: 97 and partly cloudy

On the breakfast plate this morning: Scrambled eggs with cheese and ham and a glass of chocolate milk. Yum!

Right now I am... sitting at the dining room table typing this post. 

On my reading pile. Still reading my Sweet Valley High books and I'm about to start reading Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrews.

On my tv.  Beverly Hills 90210, Gilmore Girls, Friends, and How I Met Your Mother

On the menu this week: I need to work on my meal plan for this week and the rest of the month.

Monday- Crockpot Lasanga
Tuesday- Chicken tenders, potatoes, veggies
Wednesday- Sandwiches and chips
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks with salad

On my to do list:

Write and schedule blogs for the next two weeks (by end of the this week)
Update planners and bullet journal
Tidy bedrooms
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum all rooms
Pick up grocery order from Sams

Looking around the house: I really need to get back to my routines. I have slacked on them over the summer and I need to revamp them before school starts. Still working on this, but I can see some progress!

Bible verse, devotional, or quotes

Sunday, September 1, 2019

September 2019 Goals

Happy September friends! It’s ALMOST socially acceptable to have all the pumpkin things, and put that fall decor out. Football season is here and the temps are starting to somewhat cool down. And school is in full swing! It’s time for me to share my September goals with you guys.

 Personal Goals
  • drink more water
  • practice yoga 3x a week
  • eat more fruits and veggies
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
Family Goals
  • Take a special trip
  • Create a better after school routine
  • Revamp morning and evening routines
  • See a movie with the girls
Blog Goals
  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the September
  • Create an editorial calendar for the fall (in progress)
  • Start a food blog (in progress)
What are some of your goals for September?