Saturday, March 3, 2018

March 2018 Goals

Happy Happy March! I feel like the year is just FLYING by!

My oldest is celebrating her 8th birthday this month, my youngest is growing like a weed, and hopefully spring will be here before we know it. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to work on my goals for February. We were hit with the flu (my toddler), ear infections (me, oldest, and toddler), and colds (, oldest, and toddler).

So.... I think I will share the same goals for this month that I had for February.

 In March I want to...

I want to read at least two books
Work on Instagram growth
Get my Spring editorial calendar started
Focus more on yoga
Begin mediation every morning before the kids wake up
Continue to up my water intake
Begin a daily bible study (I think I found one)

What are your goals for March?

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