Thursday, December 19, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #19- How to Create a Self Care Routine

This is such a busy time of the year, Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, and family visits. That's why having a routine in place for self care and "me time" is so important. Otherwise, we all get a bit run down and out of sorts. So, today I am sharing how to create your own self care routine.

Find the time that works for you: This is different for everyone. For me, it's when the kids are finally in bed for the night. Now, this doesn't always happen when I want it too, my 2 year old usually goes to bed around 730pm and my 7 year old is usually in bed my 830pm, but some nights is bit later for both of them. I have learned to stay calm with them and they will eventually go to sleep even thought it might 10 to 15 minutes past their respective bedtimes.

Grab your essentials: For me the esstentials include; warm pjs, a good book, and a steaming cup of hot chocolate. All of this is enjoyed in the living room, sitting on the couch, curled up in a warm blanket.

Ask for help: Ask your parents to watch your kiddos for a bit so you can have time to yourself, tell your husband you need him to handle the kids or the laundry so you can get out for a but, or hire a baby sitter, Just ask for help when you need it to ensure you get the self care that you need.

Make it part of your routine: Now that you have asked to help, carved out the time, and grabbed your essentials, make it part of your daily routine. Even if it's 20 minutes!

How do you create your own self care routine?

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #18- 25 Healthy Habits to Start Today

Hi Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #18 of Blogmas! Today's post is all about healthy habits. A healthy habit is acquired when we are consistently making healthy choices as part of our regular behavior. Interestingly, even people who develop healthy habits are likely to make unhealthy choices at least part of the time.

Here is a list of healthy habits that you can start today (or any day).

  • Think positive
  • Drink more water
  • GO to bed early 
  • Eat plant based foods
  • Exercise regularly
  • Practice yoga
  • Get outdoors and enjoy nature
  • Read more
  • Make a to do list
  • Snack on healthy foods
  • Make a workout plan
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Set goals, long and short term 
  • Do what makes you happy
  • Try new recipes
  • Stretch before and after exercise
  • Invest in a good form roller
  • Consistently learn new things
  • Don't fear failure
  • It's okay to say No
  • Be resilient
  • Never give up on your dreams
  • Start TODAY
What are some of your healthy habits?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #17- Christmas Crunch Popcorn

Hi and welcome to Day #17 of Blogmas!!! Today's post is all about Christmas popcorn. I love popcorn, any kind of popcorn! This one is such an easy recipe, it's fun to make with the girls, and it oh so yummy!!

 Christmas Crunch Popcorn 


1/2 cup popping popcorn kernels, or 2 bags tender white popcorn
1 (12 oz) bag Vanilla Candy Melts (such as Wilton Candy Melts)
1 1/3 cups broken pretzel pieces
1 (12 oz) bag green and red Milk Chocolate or Mint M&Ms Red, green and white Sprinkles.


Pop popcorn in a popcorn popper into a large bowl (or alternately in the microwave if using microwave bags of popcorn) according to manufactures directions. Remove any unpopped popcorn kernels. Toss in broken pretzel pieces and M&Ms.

Melt Vanilla Candy Melts in a microwave safe bowl on 50% power in 30 second intervals, stirring after each interval until melted and smooth. Drizzle half of melted chips over popcorn mixture, then stir, tossing gently a few times with a rubber spatula. Then drizzle remaining half of melted chips over popcorn, and gently stir mixture until evenly coated (don't over stir though or your sprinkles wont stick if the white chips begin to set and harden).
Pour mixture into a single layer onto wax paper. Sprinkle entire mixture evenly with sprinkles (as many as you'd like) before vanilla chips set. Allow to cool and harden, then gently break into pieces and store in an airtight container.

Note: I was able to fill 8 - 9 1/2"x 4" party treat bags about 2/3 full with this recipe, just to let you know so you have an idea for gift giving.

P.S. I will explain later why I was MIA for so long during Blogmas. I'm going to try and stick to a schedule until the end of the year and finish Blogmas this year!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Scoop {12/15/2019}

Hi Lovelies!

It's time for The Sunday Scoop. In today's post, I will be posting 3 things that I HAVE to do, 2 things that I HOPE to do, and one thing that I am HAPPY to do.


Here's the scoop to my week:

  • plan my meals for the week 
  • fold the laundry
  • make my to do list for the week
  •  fold the laundry
  • write/schedule a few blog posts
  • watch a movie with my husband and kids
This week is going be just as busy as last week was. I need to plan our meals for the week and I have a trillion loads of laundry to fold.

What are you up to this week?

Friday, December 6, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #6- Christmas Traditions

Hello again Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #6 of Blogmas! Today's post is all about memories from past Christmases. The only happy memories that I have from my childhood center around Christmas. Growing up, we had two Christmas celebrations, one on Christmas eve and then on Christmas day. The Christmas eve celebration was always my favorite because we celebrated with German traditions. I loved the food (bratwurst and spetzula, and strawberry cake) , the presents, and just being with my Grandparents. We always went to midnight mass afterwards. It has always been my favorite way to celebrate Christmas.


Strawberry Cake

What are some of your memories from past Christmases?

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #5- Holiday Baking

Hello Lovelies!

Welcome to day #5 of Blogmas! Today's post is all about Holiday baking, the tried and true recipes that you make every year and the ones you want to try. I always make the same cookies every year, chocolate chip, sugar, and peanut butter. This year I want to make something different, something that I have never made before... this is where the internet comes in real handy.

I did a quick search and found a few recipes that I would like to try.

Chocolate Cherry Snowballs

Snickers Chocolate Cookie Cups

Russian Tea Cakes

What are some of your favorite Christmas cookie recipes?

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #3- My Favorite Christmas Movies

Hi and welcome to Day #3 of Blogmas! Today's post is all about some of my favorite Christmas movies.You know those movies that you have to watch every year, without fail, or those that best represent the season for you.

Here's my list!

1. Christmas Vacation:

As the holidays approach, Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) wants to have a perfect family Christmas, so he pesters his wife, Ellen (Beverly D'Angelo), and children, as he tries to make sure everything is in line, including the tree and house decorations. However, things go awry quickly. His hick cousin, Eddie (Randy Quaid), and his family show up unplanned and start living in their camper on the Griswold property. Even worse, Clark's employers renege on the holiday bonus he needs.

2. Home Alone: 

When bratty 8-year-old Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) acts out the night before a family trip to Paris, his mother (Catherine O'Hara) makes him sleep in the attic. After the McCallisters mistakenly leave for the airport without Kevin, he awakens to an empty house and assumes his wish to have no family has come true. But his excitement sours when he realizes that two con men (Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern) plan to rob the McCallister residence, and that he alone must protect the family home.

3. Elf:

Buddy (Will Ferrell) was accidentally transported to the North Pole as a toddler and raised to adulthood among Santa's elves. Unable to shake the feeling that he doesn't fit in, the adult Buddy travels to New York, in full elf uniform, in search of his real father. As it happens, this is Walter Hobbs (James Caan), a cynical businessman. After a DNA test proves this, Walter reluctantly attempts to start a relationship with the childlike Buddy with increasingly chaotic results.

4. The Holiday:

 Dumped and depressed, English rose Iris agrees to swap homes with similarly unlucky in love Californian Amanda for a much-needed break. Iris finds herself in a palatial Hollywood mansion while Amanda navigates the lanes of a picture-perfect English village. Soon enough, both lovelorn ladies bump into local lads perfect for a romantic pick-me-up.

5. The Family Stone:

Everett Stone (Dermot Mulroney) wants to bring his girlfriend, Meredith Morton (Sarah Jessica Parker), to meet his bohemian Connecticut family at Christmas. Straitlaced Meredith, feeling she needs backup, asks her sister Julie (Claire Danes) to come along. Hoping to win the approval of her boyfriend's parents Sybil (Diane Keaton) and Kelly (Craig T. Nelson) and the rest of the family, instead Meredith succeeds only in highlighting her uptight personality and making Everett doubt his intentions.

6. The Santa Clause

Divorced dad Scott (Tim Allen) has custody of his son (Eric Lloyd) on Christmas Eve. After he accidentally kills a man in a Santa suit, they are magically transported to the North Pole, where an elf explains that Scott must take Santa's place before the next Christmas arrives. Scott thinks he's dreaming, but over the next several months he gains weight and grows an inexplicably white beard. Maybe that night at the North Pole wasn't a dream after all -- and maybe Scott has a lot of work to do.

Now, this doesn't make up my entire list, but these are the movies that I have watch every single year.

What's on your must watch movie list?

Monday, December 2, 2019

Blogmas 2019- Day #2- December 2019 Goals

December is finally here and than mean 2019 is coming to a close. So, that means it's time to share one last goals post for the year. I still have to review my goals for November and I will share that with you later. This month's goals are going to be short and sweet.

1. Read at least 2 books this month.
2. Work on my editorial calendars for January, February, March
3. Finish working on my meal planner
4. Drink more water
5. Eat healthier
6. Exercise 3 times per week
7. Enjoy the holidays with my family

What your goals for the December?

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Blogmas 2019 - Day #1- Welcome to Blogmas

Hello Lovelies!

So…It’s December 1st…WHAT!! Where did it even come from? I still feel like I am in the mindset of Halloween. The past couple of months have literally flown by. I have been focusing so much on my daughter's school activities as starting a new business with my husband. And then I blink and here it is…TIME FOR BLOGMAS.

Blogmas is kind of self-explanatory. However, I will explain it for those who do not know what it is and what it involves. Blogmas is an event which happens from December 1st until the 25th, although, it may last until the new year. Blogmas involves bloggers posting every day until Christmas. You can post whatever you like. It can be Christmassy or it can just be things that you are interested in. I like to think of Blogmas as a present for all those readers out there who get something to read every day… kind of like an advent calendar. There is also Vlogmas which is the YouTube version that requires a video or vlog every day.

I have decided that a new blog post will go live every day at 9pm to give me plenty of time to write up my posts without them being rushed. I am going to try very hard to ensure that I successfully complete Blogmas. I did finally complete Blogtober this year... so we will see how Blogmas goes.  Please let me know if you get the chance to read some. This year my Blogmas posts will include some Chrismassy content as well, mommy and lifestyle content.

Once again, welcome to Blogmas 2018!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Hi Friends!!

I just wanted to pop on here and wish everyone a......

I hope everyone had a wonderful day with your families and that you had full hearts and full bellies!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Holiday Bucket List for Families Plus Some of Our Family Traditions

 Well, the holidays are just around the corner and Thanksgiving is a couple of days. Then, it's a mad dash to Christmas and New Year's. It's amazing how fast this year has gone by. So, before things get to crazy, I wanted to share a holiday bucket list for families as well some of our favorite family traditions.

A Holiday Bucket List for Families Plus Some of Our Family Traditions

Drive around and look at Christmas lights (we start doing this right after Thanksgiving and have our specific areas we go to. We also get hot chocolate for the ride)

Go Ice-skating

Watch Christmas movies (our favorites are Home Alone, The Family Stone, The Holiday, The Family Man, all the Santa Claus movies, and the claymations that my husband and I watched when we were kids.)

Make cinnamon rolls (we do this for Christmas morning)

Visit Santa Claus (duh of course! We do this at our local mall)

Get a new family ornament each year

Decorate for Christmas (we already did this, this year!)

Open one gift on Christmas Eve

Matching Christmas Jammies pics

New Christmas jammies for the littles (and us)

The Christmas lights a t MSU (new to us this year)

The Polar Bear Express in Wichita Falls (another new thing we are doing this year)

25 Books of Christmas (we read a different Christmas book each day in December and end with The Night Before Christmas)

Adopting a family for Christmas

Take coffee cakes to friends/neighbors/special people in our life

Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {11/25/2019}

Good morning Friends! I Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We spent some time at the library in a nearby town so that I could renew the library books that I have so that I can possibly finish reading them over Thanksgiving break. My oldest is out of school for the week  and she will be returning to her martial arts class tonight (she is so excited).

Enough with the chatting let's get to today's post!


The temps are all over the place this week with rain on Thanksgiving and server weather on Friday.

Monday: Mostly sunny and 68
Tuesday: Partly cloudy and windy 78
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy and 53
Thursday: Rain and 49
Friday: Thunderstorms and 72
Saturday: Partly cloudy and windy and 63
Sunday: Sunny and windy and 50

On the breakfast plate this morning:

Hot chocolate that I added hazelnut coffee creamer and a spoonful of nutella and some peanut butter whipped cream. So good! i also had a piece of the homemade chocolate chip banana bread that I made yesterday.

Outside my window:

The sun and shining with a few clouds in the sky.

Right now I am:

Sitting at the dining room table working on this post and listening to the girls play a video game together.

On today's to do list:

Clean the bathrooms
Wash sheets and blankets
Steam carpets

On the menu this week:

Monday: Leftover Mississippi chicken and roasted potatoes
Tuesday: Tacos, Mexican rice, and chips and salsa
Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad
Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner  Turkey, dressing, cheesy green beans, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, rolls, cinnamon apple pie bites, and pumpkin pie bites.
Friday: Leftovers from Thanksgiving
Saturday: Sandwiches and chips
Sunday: Beans and cornbread with fried potatoes

Currently reading:

The Outsider by Stephen King. I am determined to finish this book even if I have to read the rest of it online. I will finish it by the end of the year!

Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV today:

We are going to watch some more movies on Disney+ over Thanksgiving break and we throw in a Star Wars marathon this week as well.

Inspirational Quote:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What I Am Reading Wednesdays

Hi Lovelies!

Sorry about not posting yesterday but we were gone all day and did not return until really late. My oldest had her walking boot removed yesterday and was given the all clear to resume her normal activities.

We are so thankful that her ankle healed and that she can get back into her martial arts classes next week. Anyway, tonight's blog post is all about the books I am reading. Right now I am reading two books- The Outsider by Stephen King and Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark.

Now, let's get to the post!

What I Am Reading Wednesdays

The Outsider by Stephen King (synopsis from Stephen

An unspeakable crime. A confounding investigation. At a time when the King brand has never been stronger, he has delivered one of his most unsettling and compulsively readable stories.

An eleven-year-old boy's violated corpse is found in a town park. Eyewitnesses and fingerprints point unmistakably to one of Flint City’s most popular citizens. He is Terry Maitland, Little League coach, English teacher, husband, and father of two girls. Detective Ralph Anderson, whose son Maitland once coached, orders a quick and very public arrest. Maitland has an alibi, but Anderson and the district attorney soon add DNA evidence to go with the fingerprints and witnesses. Their case seems ironclad.

As the investigation expands and horrifying answers begin to emerge, King’s propulsive story kicks into high gear, generating strong tension and almost unbearable suspense. Terry Maitland seems like a nice guy, but is he wearing another face? When the answer comes, it will shock you as only Stephen King can.

What I think so far:

I am 78 pages into the book and I love it. It's getting more interesting as I read it and I cannot wait to finish it. I plan to check it out again and hopefully will be able to finish during Thanksgiving break.

Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark

In this collaboration between “Queen of Suspense” Mary Higgins Clark and bestselling author Alafair Burke, “the snappy pace, layered characters, and many plot surprises will keep readers guessing in this fascinating mystery” (Booklist).

Television producer Laurie Moran is delighted when the pilot for her reality drama, Under Suspicion, is a success. Even more, the program—a cold case series that revisits unsolved crimes by recreating them with those affected—is off to a fantastic start when it helps solve an infamous murder in the very first episode.

Now Laurie has the ideal case to feature in the next episode of Under Suspicion: the Cinderella Murder. When Susan Dempsey, a beautiful and multi-talented UCLA student, was found dead, her murder raised numerous questions. Why was her car parked miles from her body? Had she ever shown up for the acting audition she was due to attend at the home of an up-and-coming director? Why does Susan’s boyfriend want to avoid questions about their relationship? Was her disappearance connected to a controversial church? Was she close to her computer science professor because of her technological brilliance, or something more? And why was Susan missing one of her shoes when her body was discovered?

 What I think so far:

I'm about 100 pages into it and I cannot put it down. I love a good mystery and this book is one of the best.

So, there you have it, that's what I am reading right now. What are you reading?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {11/18/2019}

Wow! Today has been one of those days where nothing has gone right. Now that the kids are in bed I can finally take a breath and reflect on our day. First, my daughter's school was on soft lock down because of an incident that happened in a nearby town. Talk about being nervous and worried and not knowing what was going on. Then, I had a slight problem with my computer. It's fixed now (which why this post is going up so late). Third, I think I have another sinus infection. So, yeah, it's been one of those days.

Anyways, I need to stop my complaining so we can get on with today's post, which is Happy Homemaker Monday! Yay! Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy!

Weather: This week the temps are all over the place! Some days it's going to be warm and other days it's going to be chilly. I hate weeks like this. When the weather is this way one or all of us always wind up with colds.

On the breakfast plate this morning:

We had cinnamon rolls, hashbrowns, and scrambled eggs.

As I look outside my window:

All I see is darkness and the occasional set of headlights going down the street.

Right now I am:

Sitting at the dining room table typing this post.

On today's to do list:

Just the usual housekeeping chores and a few phone calls that need to be ade.

On the menu this week:

I haven't had a chance to meal plan for the week. I hope to sit down tomorrow morning order my groceries ( I love Walmart grocery pick up!), and figure out a meal plan for the week.

Currently reading:

Still reading The Outsider by Stephen King and Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV today:

Disney +, Netflix, and Hulu

Inspirational Quote:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How I Organize My Refrigerator

When it comes to organizing your refrigerator, it can be the center of organization and chaos all in one. With an organized and clean refrigerator you can,

1) prepare better meals
2) utilize  everything with less spoilage
3) prevent buying duplicate items

I find the best time for me to wipe down and organize my refrigerator is right before my big grocery shopping day so that I can see what I need to add to my ever growing grocery list. Keeping the refrigerator clean and organized will make it easier for your family to find what they are looking for. As well as maximize your food's shelf life.

It is important to have a system implemented with your refrigerator and to put things back in the same spots. Older items should be kept in the from, so that they can be used first, and newer items should be kept in the back. It is also important to keep the outside of the refrigerator clear and organized with limited paper. If you do have papers remove any outdated or unnecessary papers. Keep things of the top of the refrigerator and remember to wipe down the front and sides as well.  You can put a basket on top to place lose items that your need to store there.

Here are a few suggestions that will help keep your refrigerator clean and organized for good.

 1) place healthy items that you need to eat more of in the front and place the fatty foods in the back. By doing this it will ensure that you are eating healthier.

2) Keep a list of leftovers with the date that it was prepared.

3) Use clear, plastic handled baskets to contain loose items that constantly falling when you open the door

4) Use a drawer in the refrigerator to store bottled water. This keeps them from rolling around.

What are some helpful tips for organizing your refrigerator. Please leave them in the comments below!!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday (11/11/2019}

Hello everyone! I hope your weekend was relaxing. We celebrated my Hubby's birthday over the weekend. I made him one of his favorite meals, chicken and dressing, mashed potatoes, and green beans and for his birthday cake I made him a cheesecake. He was surprised and we ended our night watching the Cowboys/Vikings game.

Anyway, let's get into this week's Happy Homemaker Monday post!


Monday: Rainy and cold 47
Tuesday: Sunny44
Wednesday: Sunny 58
Thursday: Sunny 56
Friday: Sunny 59
Saturday: Mostly sunny 62
Sunday: Rain 58

On the breakfast plate this morning:

Scrambled eggs and toast

As I look outside my window:

It's still dark and it has started to rain.

Right now I am:

I am sitting at the dining room table working on this post.

As I look around the house:

The kitchen needs to be cleaned and the floors need to be vacuumed.

On today's to do list: 

Tidy the bedrooms
Wipe down the bathrooms

On the menu this week:

Monday: Leftovers from Sunday (chicken and dressing)
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: Baked potatoes, veggies
Friday: Pizza and breadsticks

Currently reading:

The Outsider by Stephen King

Cindrella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV today:

Just the usual, watching movies and TV shows on Netflix and Hulu. I did find the Facto of Life on Roku last night!

Inspirational quote:

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday Scoop {11/10/2019}

Hi Lovelies!

I'm starting a new feature for's called The Sunday Scoop. I will be posting 3 things that I HAVE to do, 2 things that I HOPE to do, and one thing that I am HAPPY to do.


Here's the scoop to my week:

  • plan my meals for the week 
  • fold the laundry
  • make my to do list for the week
  •  fold the laundry
  • write/schedule a few blog posts
  • watch a movie with my husband 
This week is going be just as busy as last week was. I need to plan our meals for the week and I have a trillion loads of laundry to fold.

What are you up to this week?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Currently {11/9/2019}

 Time and place: 11:27pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Cleaning videos, planner videos, and bullet journal videos, I even found some old lifetime movies on Youtube. Also watching Netflix and Hulu.

Reading: The Outsider by Stephen Kind and CinderellaMurder by Mary Higgins Clark

Loving: Spending time with my family.

Working: I'm still revamping my routines and working on my goals that I have set for the end of the year. I am also working on designing a meal planner and opening a store on Etsy (hopefully this is will be ready by the end of the month).

Listening: to the TV. I am watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

Buying: groceries and other necessitates for Thanksgiving. Also, starting on Christmas lists for the girls.

Planning: I have most of my posts written for November already and now I am working on blog post ideas for December. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner.  This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 Small Ways to Be Happier

When life gets hard, it’s easy to dwell on the negative and feel sorry for yourself. While it takes a lot more effort to be positive and grateful for what we have, it is so much worth it, trust me. It’s all about putting things into perspective and choosing happiness. Let’s be real, you can’t be happy all the time and it’s OK to have bad days and let it all out – we all have those days once in a while – but there are plenty of small ways to be happier. Plus, there is no better time than the start of a new year to embrace a positive attitude and create new habits that will bring more happiness to your life!

10 Small Ways to Be Happier

1. Got to sleep when tired.

After a good night's sleep you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready-ish to face a new day. Plus, you will appreciate going to bed earlier when your alarm goes off in the morning.

2.Make someone happy.

Spreading happiness will not only cheer someone up but it will also make you feel better, too. Make your friend a cup of tea, call your best friend, or compliment someone on their outfit. Good energy is contagious.

3.Celebrate your small victories.

What if instead of wasting so much time putting ourselves down for not being good enough at something, we celebrated our small victories? It can be something like getting complimented at school or work, learning a new recipe, or making that phone call you were dreading. Be your own cheerleader!

4. Practice gratitude.

Think about something you’re grateful every day before going to bed and write it down. When you take the time to count your blessings, you realize that your life is actually full of things to be grateful for. Your mind is simply too clouded and too busy to see it.

5. Put down your electronics for one hour every day.

Be in the moment with your family. Spend time with them, pay attention to them. Play with your kids, read a book and spend some time with your spouse. Trust me, they will love it and they will love you more for it.

6. Stop snoozing your alarm.

It will only make you more tired. 

7. Start journaling.

Think of writing as therapy, it really does help to put things into perspective. Just let your thoughts out on the paper. Let it be messy and honest, let it come straight from the heart.

8. Learn something new.

Whether it's a new language, learning how to crochet, or even taking a class online. Learning something new will make you feel accomplished. 

9. Practice self care.

Curl up on the couch with a good book, give yourself a facial, or even just binge watch your favorite series on Netflix. Trust me, it's so important when you take care of yourself. 

10. Cry if you need to.

It’s okay to allow yourself to be sad sometimes, it doesn’t mean your weak. Having a cry and letting it all out will make you feel better but don’t dwell on the negative things for too long.

What are your favorite small ways to be happier?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I Needed This Today

Hi Lovelies,

It has been a bad day. Everything has gone wrong, bedtime was a disaster, and the husband and I fighting. While perusing the internets I found this quote that has stuck with me all day.

This is something I need to remember. I need to learn to dance in the rain!!

Good night!


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Currently {11/2/2019}

 Time and place: 11:07pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.

Eating: Nothing at the moment, but I did have some grapes for a snack a few minutes ago.

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Cleaning videos, planner videos, and bullet journal videos, I even found some old lifetime movies on Youtube.

Reading: The Outsider by Stephen Kind and No Place like home by Mary Higgins Clark

Loving: Spending time with my family.

Working: I'm still revamping my routines and working on my goals that I have set for the end of the year. I am also working on designing a meal planner and opening a store on Etsy (hopefully this is will be ready by the end of the month).

Listening: to the TV. I am watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

Buying: groceries and other necessitates.

Planning: I have most of my posts written for November already and now I am working on blog post ideas for December. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner.  This should keep me busy for a while!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Friday, November 1, 2019

November 2019 Goals

Hey there!! Happy November! It's hard to believe that we are getting closer to 2020 and that we are in the last two months of the decade. This flew by. Today's post is all about my goals for November.

1. Read 2 books
2. Decorate for the holidays
3. Start Christmas shopping for the girls
4. Start writing posts for Blogmas 2018
5. Get blog content scheduled through the end of the year
6. Unplug for at least 2 days during Thanksgiving break
7. Rest and relax
8. Have at least one at home date with the Hubby
9. Spend some 1:1 time with both girls

What are your goals for November?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #29- Fun Facts About Fall

Happy Fall Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #29 of Blogtober! It's finally time to pull out the sweaters and watch the leaves morph into various shades of yellow and orange. Fall can be a gorgeous time of year, but do you know the history behind it? Well, my friends, I have compiled a list some fun fall facts to celebrate this time wonderful time of year! Enjoy!

 Fun Facts about Fall:

 Fact #1:  Americans typically refer to this time of year as “fall,” while the British use the word “autumn.” Both terms date back to the 16th century but before that it was called “harvest.

Fact #2:  Fall was called “harvest” because of the “harvest moon” that occurs when the full moon is closest to the autumn equinox. Before man-made lighting, this moonlight was essential to a prosperous harvest.

Fact #3:  Weight gain around this time of year may not only be due to comforting fall foods like pumpkin pie and cider, researchers have found that lack of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage.

Fact #4:  According to The Weather Channel, pumpkins are the most craved food during the fall. Although, if you’ve left the house anytime recently, this may not come as a surprise to you.  

Fact #5:  The yellow and orange colors you see actually always exist in leaves but they are overpowered by the abundance of green from chlorophyll. The amount of chlorophyll starts to decrease as the sun weakens and the days grow shorter.

Fact #6:  Red and purple leaves are only that color because of the presence of sugars and sap that are trapped within the leaves. These sugars provide plants with the energy they need to survive.

Fact #7:  Many birds will prepare for their winter migration during the fall. The distance they can travel is impressive; the Arctic Tern travels 11,000 miles each way for it’s annual migration. That’s no small feat.

Fact #8:  Evergreen trees such as pines, cedars, and spruces stay green because their leaves (needles) are covered with thick wax and they contain materials that prevent freezing when it gets cold.

Fact #9:  Men and women experience high levels of testosterone during the fall. This makes sense because more babies are conceived during the fall and winter. The cause is unknown but it could be due to lack of sunlight or even go back to ancient mating rituals.

Fact #10:  We can’t forget Halloween! Halloween takes place in the fall and comes from ancient Celtic tradition. They believed that ghosts roamed on Halloween and people would wear disguises in order to hide from these spirits.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #28- 5 Simple Ways to Stay Organized

Lately I've been thinking alot about habits. I'm realizing more and more that habits are so important because they are what we resort to when we are going through the motions of our day. Forming good habits and sticking to them over time can build phenomenal long term results.

Today I thought I would share 5 habits that I've either gotten into already or am trying to get into that will make life more productive. These are all easy things to d that I think will help my days run more smoothly.

5 Simple Ways to Stay Organized

1. Make your bed. I never used to make my bed, but I quickly found out that If I made my bed my day was more productive. It gives a more positive start to my day.

2. Clean the kitchen and quickly straighten the house. Cleaning the kitchen and straightening the house are the two things that I strive to get done before going to bed each night. Like making the bed a neat and tidy house before going to bed puts me in the right mind set for keeping the rest of life organized. I do love waking up to a neat and tidy house.

3. Use your wait time. I used to be good at this before I had a cell phone. It I was heating up something in the microwave, I would use those minutes to wash dishes or wipe down the counters. I am amazed at what I can get done when I am waiting on something to finish in the oven when I commit to using my time wisely.

4. Make your to do list. I a good to do list. I mean, who doesn't? Right? I love checking things off and sometimes I make them just so I can check things off of them. 

5. Get some sleep. Sleep has everything to do with productivity. My natural inclination is to stay up as late as possible to get things done. Then the next day I'm tired and unproductive. Since realizing this I try to get to bed earlier so that I can get enough sleep.

So, there are my 10! What would you add to the list?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #27- How A Planning Routine Can Increase Your Productivity

If you are looking to organize your time, routines are your solution. A routine is an activity that you practice every day to make your days more run more smoothly and to be more predictable. I'll bet your already have a routine for what you do when you first wake up like brushing your teeth or making your bed. Why not try to get into a planning routine that will increase your productivity and help you to get more things done everyday?

How a Planning Routine Can Increase Your Productivity

A planning routine has many benefits. (1) It makes the task of checking into your planner easier and once you make planning a routine (2 ) it becomes more natural. It relieves stress and anxiety of knowing what to expect next. (3)Writing and planning out your day the night before will prepare you for what's to come with a planning routine. You will be able to focus and concentrate much better and it will help you get more done in less time. 

My Planner Line-up:

1.  My A5 planner- This houses my meal planner, blog planner and my weekly layouts for daily to do list. This I don't always use, because I am in the process of creating inserts for it.

2. Happy Planner Horizontal (classic size)- This is my personal planner that I use for listing, self care lists, to do lists, and right now this houses my blog planner, and use this for my appointments and school activities and school breaks, and school holidays.

3. My bullet journal- I new to bullet journaling and since I cannot draw, my is strictly used for my daily schedule, to do lists, monthly planner, meal plans, and blog post ideas. I time block as well, and I also plan parties and trips in this.  

My Planning Routine:  

To use my planners efficiently every day, I had to find a system that would help me increase my productivity. I had all of these planners but I wasn't using them to their full potential. A planner is a tool to help you get organized, the planner won't magically make you more organized.

You need to learn how to use your planner so that you can start getting more things done. This planning routine has helped me to become more productive in my daily life. Using this planning routine I have crossed more and more things off of my to do list.

Below I will show you what I plan for and when I plan to ensure that I am getting things done every day.

 Beginning of the month

At the beginning of each month, I review my plans from last month. I look at my monthly calendar and at my weekly and daily spreads. There I check to see if I have reached my goals. I track all my month end results and plan new goals for the nest month. If I missed anything it is transferred to the next month.

I then plan my to do's, events, appointments, birthdays, and holidays, and school breaks during the month. I write down all of my appointments in my bullet journal, and when the time gets closer I transfer the information from my weekly and daily planners.


I take every Sunday to plan my upcoming week. I take a look at my monthly calendar and if there is anything planned I write it down in my weekly spread. If things are happening on a specific day I make sure to place a sticker or write it down on that specific day. If anything new pops up I add it to my to do list that I keep in my bullet journal.

Night before/end of the day

Every night before I go to bed I review my day and I start my journaling. My journaling is done in my bullet journal. I write down what I am grateful for on my daily gratitude page in my bullet journal. This is a great way to wind down before bed. I then start to plan for the next day.

Before starting my planning routine, I used to worry and stress about what I didn't get done. This is what I use my bullet journal for. I write down every little thing and plan my daily schedule. I plan my schedule down to every hour of the day. I time block my specific times to work on my blog, our possible business and my house cleaning (all done in the early morning). I also plan my daughter's activities, time with the kids, and my husband.

Having this routine in place helps me know what to expect and when to expect it.

Day of

When I first wake up I always check my planner to see what's happening that day. I then start following my schedule. I get the kids and husband up, I get the oldest one ready for school and feed both kids breakfast. Once the oldest is at school, I start working on my routines.

I follow my daily schedules routine that I have in my bullet journal and planner. The daily schedule gives structure to my day.

It's great when you have a routine, it makes things that much easier. Not only for yourself but for family as well. I have two kids, one is in school and the other one is home with me all day and without a routine we would not be able to make through the day. At the end of the day, I plan for the next day and the cycle repeats itself.

And that's my planning routine!

Make an effort to plan. Make it part of your daily routine. You will notice a difference right away and your whole day will become smoother and you will feel better and happier about your days because of your increase productivity.

Happy Planning!!!! \

Do you have a planning routine? I would love to see it in the comments below.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #25- How to Stay Motivated All Day Long

I won't lie some days my motivation wants to pack it in around noon. I am hot, tired from chasing a toddler around all day, and a million other reasons I sometimes want throw it in and take a nap when the girls have their quiet time. But I really do try and stay motivated and productive all day. In today's blog post, I am going to share how to stay motivated all day long.

How Stay Motivated All Day Long

Wake up grateful: I think reminding yourself every morning even mentally what you are grateful for can really motivate you. For me I am grateful always for my health  and my family.. I try to work hard all day for them! In everything I do I remind myself why I work hard, what I am working towards etc.
Know what needs to get done: This can be in your calendar, in a to do list, etc but know what needs to get done and whatever way works for you schedule that out. I personally use a to-do list and a planner. I color code all of my appointments, tasks, and event,  and use my to-do list for everything else.
Do a workout: I feel like a morning workout just gets me in the motivated mindset! Especially a really good workout. Lately I have been doing a LOT of walking which I love. I walk 2 miles every day and it makes me feel great. 
Have a reward in mind: I’m not necessarily saying to go to the mall and go nuts. Usually for me that reward is doing a face mask, and watching something after the girls go to bed and I can relax. Or maybe the reward is a mid day trip to Target if you knock out half of your to do list in the morning. I think knowing you have something to look forward to can be great motivation.
Go to sleep grateful: Kind of like waking up grateful go to sleep grateful for all you have accomplished that day. It’s really the best feeling to go to sleep happy and grateful.
How do you inspire yourself to stay motivated all day?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day #24- Self Care Tips For Stay at Home Moms

I'm ashamed to admit, but I have been running on empty and nerves are beginning to show it. Stress is rising and I need some relief. I sometimes have a short fuse with my husband and an even shorter fuse with my kids.

I am ashamed of myself for even thinking like this. I often apologize for this, but I realize that the damage is already done. I mess up to, friends.

We are in this together and I need grace just like you, so I am sharing my tips and tricks on how  to implement some simple ways to keep yourself nourished  so that you can be the mom your kids need and even the wife your husband deserves.

Self Care Tips for Stay at Home Moms 

1. Get outside. 

Try to make it a habit to get outside at least once a day either alone or with your kids.

2. Exercise.

Pick your favorite. You can do yoga, stretching or walking. The point is to get your body moving as much as you. 

3. Take a bath.

Just soaking in the is relaxing. It releases the tension in the neck and shoulders. Light some candles, listen to some relaxing music or read a book. 

4. Take a nap.

This is a great idea that I just recently implemented. Even resting for 15 minutes can make a difference in my perception of the day and how much energy I have until bedtime. 

5. Read for pleasure.

A good story is so refreshing. I love reading, especially mystery and suspense novels. I love when I can pick up a book and lose myself in the story.

What would you add to this list? Please leave your suggestions in the comments below! I would love to read them!!