Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 Small Ways to Be Happier

When life gets hard, it’s easy to dwell on the negative and feel sorry for yourself. While it takes a lot more effort to be positive and grateful for what we have, it is so much worth it, trust me. It’s all about putting things into perspective and choosing happiness. Let’s be real, you can’t be happy all the time and it’s OK to have bad days and let it all out – we all have those days once in a while – but there are plenty of small ways to be happier. Plus, there is no better time than the start of a new year to embrace a positive attitude and create new habits that will bring more happiness to your life!

10 Small Ways to Be Happier

1. Got to sleep when tired.

After a good night's sleep you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready-ish to face a new day. Plus, you will appreciate going to bed earlier when your alarm goes off in the morning.

2.Make someone happy.

Spreading happiness will not only cheer someone up but it will also make you feel better, too. Make your friend a cup of tea, call your best friend, or compliment someone on their outfit. Good energy is contagious.

3.Celebrate your small victories.

What if instead of wasting so much time putting ourselves down for not being good enough at something, we celebrated our small victories? It can be something like getting complimented at school or work, learning a new recipe, or making that phone call you were dreading. Be your own cheerleader!

4. Practice gratitude.

Think about something you’re grateful every day before going to bed and write it down. When you take the time to count your blessings, you realize that your life is actually full of things to be grateful for. Your mind is simply too clouded and too busy to see it.

5. Put down your electronics for one hour every day.

Be in the moment with your family. Spend time with them, pay attention to them. Play with your kids, read a book and spend some time with your spouse. Trust me, they will love it and they will love you more for it.

6. Stop snoozing your alarm.

It will only make you more tired. 

7. Start journaling.

Think of writing as therapy, it really does help to put things into perspective. Just let your thoughts out on the paper. Let it be messy and honest, let it come straight from the heart.

8. Learn something new.

Whether it's a new language, learning how to crochet, or even taking a class online. Learning something new will make you feel accomplished. 

9. Practice self care.

Curl up on the couch with a good book, give yourself a facial, or even just binge watch your favorite series on Netflix. Trust me, it's so important when you take care of yourself. 

10. Cry if you need to.

It’s okay to allow yourself to be sad sometimes, it doesn’t mean your weak. Having a cry and letting it all out will make you feel better but don’t dwell on the negative things for too long.

What are your favorite small ways to be happier?

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