Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {11/25/2019}

Good morning Friends! I Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We spent some time at the library in a nearby town so that I could renew the library books that I have so that I can possibly finish reading them over Thanksgiving break. My oldest is out of school for the week  and she will be returning to her martial arts class tonight (she is so excited).

Enough with the chatting let's get to today's post!


The temps are all over the place this week with rain on Thanksgiving and server weather on Friday.

Monday: Mostly sunny and 68
Tuesday: Partly cloudy and windy 78
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy and 53
Thursday: Rain and 49
Friday: Thunderstorms and 72
Saturday: Partly cloudy and windy and 63
Sunday: Sunny and windy and 50

On the breakfast plate this morning:

Hot chocolate that I added hazelnut coffee creamer and a spoonful of nutella and some peanut butter whipped cream. So good! i also had a piece of the homemade chocolate chip banana bread that I made yesterday.

Outside my window:

The sun and shining with a few clouds in the sky.

Right now I am:

Sitting at the dining room table working on this post and listening to the girls play a video game together.

On today's to do list:

Clean the bathrooms
Wash sheets and blankets
Steam carpets

On the menu this week:

Monday: Leftover Mississippi chicken and roasted potatoes
Tuesday: Tacos, Mexican rice, and chips and salsa
Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad
Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner  Turkey, dressing, cheesy green beans, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, rolls, cinnamon apple pie bites, and pumpkin pie bites.
Friday: Leftovers from Thanksgiving
Saturday: Sandwiches and chips
Sunday: Beans and cornbread with fried potatoes

Currently reading:

The Outsider by Stephen King. I am determined to finish this book even if I have to read the rest of it online. I will finish it by the end of the year!

Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV today:

We are going to watch some more movies on Disney+ over Thanksgiving break and we throw in a Star Wars marathon this week as well.

Inspirational Quote:


  1. I hope my poodle thinks I'm supermom... it's more normal weatherwise where you are. Dinners sound delish!
    LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  2. I haven't had deviled eggs in forever! Love the inspirational quote! Have a great week!
