Friday, July 13, 2018

The Bedtime Tag

I’m a bit of a YouTube addict (plan with me videos and clean with me videos) and as I was watching some of the videos I subscribed to one evening, I stumbled upon a fun tag created by Fleur de Force and Talk Becky Talk and it’s called The Bedtime Tag. It was too cute to pass so I thought I’d do it as well. No videos from me (sorry!) but hey, a blog post should suffice, right? 
As the name goes, it’s all about bedtime and preparing to zzz.

The Bedtime Tag

1. What are you favourite pajamas?

A t-shirt and a pair of shorts

2. Current bedtime reading?

I just started P.S. I Love You (for the 4th time) and I alternate with a Mary Higgins Clark mystery (We'll Meet Again).  Reading is one of my favorite ways to relax before bed.

3. What is on your bedside table?

I don't have a bedside table right now, but if I did I would have a lamp, an alarm clock, the current books that I am reading, my phone, and a glass of water.

4. Favourite sleepy scent?

I love lavendar. It's very relaxing and always puts me to sleep.

5. What is your usual bedtime & wakeup time?

I usually go to bed around midnight and sometimes my youngest will wake up at least once during the night. Since I am a SAHM, my days usually start around 7am when the kids wake up.

6. Top 3 bedtime products?

The current three skincare products that I am currently using are Cetaphil face wash, a DIY sugar scrub, and a moisturizer.

7. Your most common sleeping position?

I prefer to sleep on my side (either side) with my arms under my pillow. 8. Any strange bed time routines?

9. Are you big spoon or little spoon?

Always the little spoon. 

I hope you enjoyed this cute little tag today! If you want do this tag yourself please tag me in it so I can see your answers.

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