Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Recap of July Goals

For my last blog post of the month, I wanted to a recap of my month and talk about what goals I accomplished.

Personal Goals
  • drink more water
  • meditate for 5 minutes before bed. Stretch for a few minutes when getting up.
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
Family Goals
  • Visit the zoo and the science museum
  • Celebrate Independence Day.
  • See The Increibles 2 with the girls
Blog Goals
  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the July
  • Create an editorial calendar for the rest of summer (in progress)
  • Start a food blog
As you can see, I accomplished some of the goals that I set up for July. For August, I plan to crush every goal that I make in each section.

Tomorrow I will be sharing my goals for August, so stayed tuned for that. 

Did you accomplish all of the goals that you set for July?  Let me know in the comments below.

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