Tuesday, July 10, 2018

4 Ways to Relax Before Bed

I am a person who loves to keep busy and feel productive. I am notorious for just working right up until it is time to go to bed. Then as my head hits the pillow my mind continues to race and there is no way I am going to sleep for quite some time. Sleep is so incredibly important for health. Over time I have had to implement ways to relax before bed so I can have a restful night of sleep. I don’t do all five of these things in one night but usually implement one or two to help me relax.

4 Ways to Relax Before Bed

1. Yoga

Obviously doing too much exercise before bed can be a problem if it ends up giving you a major burst of energy and cortisol spike. However, a little stretching and deep breathing before bed can be beneficial for calming the body and mind before sleep.

2. Take a Bath

I used to absolutely despise taking a bath. Probably because it seemed like a waste of time since I am not the best at relaxing. Well when I injured my ankle a few months ago I started taking Epsom salt baths to help relieve the pain and to help reduce the swelling I gained a new appreciation for taking a bath before bed and started to use the time to relax, think and unwind. It is still something I do frequently and instead of fighting the urge to be productive I just focus on taking care of my body and mind. Also, a super hot bath can just wipe you out and a good night’s sleep is basically guaranteed after.

3. No caffeine. 
Cutting down on stimulants such as caffeine can be very helpful if you are struggling to relax before bed. Avoid tea, coffee, or other caffeinated substances in the late afternoon and evening as they make it harder to fall asleep and can prevent the important deep sleep you need. The effects of caffeine can last up to 24 hours, so it can be an important factor in sleeping problems. Caffeine can also raise your heart rate, making you feel more nervous and jittery.
  • Replace caffeine with warm milk or herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint.
  • Other stimulants such as nicotine,sugary foods and beverages, and heavy meals can also make it harder to relax.
4. Prep the night before: 
Lay your clothes out. Pack your bags. Do whatever you have to do to ensure you’re not rushing around in the morning. 

What are some ways you relax before bed? Please share them in the comments below.

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