Thursday, July 5, 2018

Simple Switches We've Made to Live Well

It’s funny how set in our ways we can get… or at least I can. I can be so anxious to switch products, services, or just my everyday routine around. But change is good and switching things up is a good thing.

Simple Switches We've Made to Live Well
Meal Prep on Sundays: This has been a GAME CHANGER! We always meal prepped a little but now we meal prep tons of easy snacks, grab and go foods, hard boiled eggs, smoothie packs, chicken breasts, sweet potatoes, and more! We also cut up tons of fresh fruit for the week like pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, cantelope, etc. That way making meals for us and the girls is pretty quick and my little impatient sidekicks don't have to wait too long!

Eating As A Family:This is very important. I know we haven't been very good at this but things are about to change. Eating as a family is something we need to do more of. No more tv during meals, and there will be more talking amongst us as a family.

Cutting Cable: So this is the most recent change.We decided to cut our cable about a year ago and it was the best thing we ever did.

What are some of the ways you are making small steps to live a little better in 2018?

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