Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Recap of July Goals

For my last blog post of the month, I wanted to a recap of my month and talk about what goals I accomplished.

Personal Goals
  • drink more water
  • meditate for 5 minutes before bed. Stretch for a few minutes when getting up.
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
Family Goals
  • Visit the zoo and the science museum
  • Celebrate Independence Day.
  • See The Increibles 2 with the girls
Blog Goals
  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the July
  • Create an editorial calendar for the rest of summer (in progress)
  • Start a food blog
As you can see, I accomplished some of the goals that I set up for July. For August, I plan to crush every goal that I make in each section.

Tomorrow I will be sharing my goals for August, so stayed tuned for that. 

Did you accomplish all of the goals that you set for July?  Let me know in the comments below.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Six Basic Steps Toward Easy Meal Prep at Home

One of the best pieces of advice that I have for people in terms of saving money is to get into the habit of preparing your own homecooked meals at home – Restaurants are expensive. Takeout is expensive. Delivered food? Expensive. Prepackaged meals? Expensive. All of that stuff drains your wallet far faster than you might realize.

So, what’s the argument against cooking at home? Many meals require some degree of skill to make and although that skill level is often pretty low, it’s still present. There’s also the time issue and the energy issue and the equipment issue – each solvable, of course, but they again provide resistance against preparing food at home.

So, here are six basic things you can do to work towards effortless meal preparation at home.

1. Experiment when you have more time in the kitchen. 

The time to learn how to cook is not when you come home from a long day at work and feel absolutely exhausted, or when you just don't have the time and can’t afford anything going wrong. Often, people find themselves in these positions without any sort of cooking skills which makes cooking feel overwhelming or impossible.

2. Plan a little.

While it’s fun to imagine a home chef just throwing things together based on whatever’s in the cupboard, the truth is that it only really works if you have a lot of staples on hand, and if you’re reading this article, you probably don’t have a lot of staples on hand and also probably don’t have any ideas of how to use them.

That’s why, at first, it’s a really good idea to follow recipes carefully. A good recipe tells you what you need to have on hand right at the start, so plan ahead a little and make sure you have all of those things on hand. This will probably involve a trip to the grocery store, but it’s far better to do that before doing anything else.

3. Make a dump meal. 

This is about the easiest thing you can make at home. It basically just requires a slow cooker – it’s really the only kitchen implement you need for this. All you have to do is just put a small set of ingredients in there in the morning, turn it on low, and come home to a finished meal. Some of the ingredients might require a cutting board and a knife to chop up a vegetable or slice up a piece of meat, and you might need a can opener. It can’t get any easier than this – in fact, I find such meals to be less hassle than actually ordering food or going to a restaurant, and they’re cheaper, too.

4. Make macaroni and cheese.

 Almost everyone likes macaroni and cheese. It’s such a simple, pleasant food that can be made incredibly straightforward to please children or fancied up to please almost any palate. It’s also one of the easiest things on Earth to make, so I usually encourage people to make this as one of the first things they prepare in the kitchen. Each of my children – all of them pre-teen – have pulled this off with success.

5. Make scrambled eggs.

If you like to eat scrambled eggs at all, I strongly encourage you to learn how to make scrambled eggs. It’s an incredibly simple and flexible thing you can make for yourself or your family, it works with every meal, you can mix in almost anything savory, and it reheats well if you have extras.
Just crack a number of scrambled eggs in a bowl – however many you like – and beat them with a fork until they’re consistently yellow, a minute or two. Add a bit of salt and beat that in for a few seconds, then let the bowl sit.
Take a teaspoon of butter and put it in the middle of a skillet. Put it over medium heat and let the butter melt, then use a plastic spoon or a spatula to move the butter all over the skillet until the skillet is coated. Add the scrambled eggs and let them cook for a minute, then slowly pull that plastic spoon or spatula along the bottom of the skillet to pull up egg curds off of the skillet’s bottom. Do this over the entire bottom of the skillet, then repeat every thirty seconds until the eggs look like slightly wet version of the scrambled eggs you’d normally eat, then remove from the heat, wait a minute or so, and serve.
You can obviously mix lots of things into this recipe. Almost any savory vegetable works, as do most cooked meats and most cheeses. It all turns out delicious and with such little effort.

6. Handle Dirty Dishes the Smart Way

One of the big obstacles for many people in terms of cooking at home is dealing with the cleanup. If you eat at a restaurant, it’s done for you; if you get takeout or delivery, you can just toss the wrappers and other items. On the other hand, if you cook at home, you have to deal with all of that stuff.
A dishwasher makes it much easier, but even then, there’s some extra work involved. Also, many apartments and some homes (like my parents’ home) don’t have a dishwasher and don’t have space for one.
 Here are a few strategies I know from having lived most of my life in places with a kitchen too small for a dishwasher.

Have good tools. Have a strong scrubbing brush and a dish rag at your sink, along with good soap at hand. If you don’t have those things, it’s going to take far longer to wash dishes.

If you have a two bin sink, keep one sink full of water with a bit of soap in it. Just block the drain, fill it perhaps a quarter full with hot water, and add a bit of soap. Then, put your dishes right in that soapy water throughout the day, perhaps adding a bit more hot water once in a while. Just let the dishes soak. It’ll make it much easier to wash them when the time comes, and the other sink bin will be free.

If you have a one bin sink, get a large plastic bin, put it beside the sink, and keep your dirty dishes in there. This keeps the sink free of dishes so that you can easily start in with cleaning whenever you’re ready. Just toss dirty dishes in the bin for the moment, then wash everything in the bin at once when you’re ready. Since the sink is empty, you can dive right in. If the bin is watertight, you can put a bit of hot soapy water in there to soak some of the dishes, as noted above.

If something has caked-on grease or food pieces, pour a bit of vinegar, a bit of baking soda, and a bit of soap in it and fill it with hot water and let it sit for a long time, like a day. After that, it becomes really easy to wash. This takes care of basically every nasty caked-on grease problem I’ve ever faced.

Wash things in “streak order.” What do I mean by “streak order”? Start with stuff that will show streaks easily – glass items – then move onto silverware, then plates and plastic items, then pots and pans.

Have a drying rack beside your sink to put dishes in to dry, plus a ton of drying towels. Most things can air dry relatively quickly once rinsed, but a drying towel is great if you need something dry immediately.

Buy dish soap in bulk, then have a pump to dispense it. You don’t really want a bulk bottle of dish soap at your sink because it’s heavy and it takes up lots of space and when you pour it, it dispenses large amounts of soap. However, bulk soap is cheap.
These tactics turn hand washing dishes into a pretty easy task, even if you don’t have a dishwasher.

Final Thoughts 

If you can handle the things above, you’re already well on your way to cooking a wide variety of things at home. Move on to trying other simple dishes – pasta, for example, is incredibly simple – and try variations on the things you already know, like adding tarragon to the scrambled eggs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

10 Ways to Stay Healthly

  The key to getting and staying healthy is what the experts are calling a lifestyle change. This means making simple changes in your diet and exercise routine and even getting enough sleep. To help you turn your knowledge into results I have compiled a list of suggestions.
10 Ways to Stay Healthy

1. Drink plenty of water. A couple of litres a day will keep you in tip-top shape, and you won’t eat as much.

2. Be happy.  It’s easier said than done, but being in a good mood will do wonders for your health.

3. Sleep 8 hours. Getting a good night’s sleep can improve your memory, sharpen your attention, make you less stressed and potentially even live longer.

4. Do cardio. Cardio won’t just make you fitter - it can help with weight loss, increase bone density, fend off heart disease and relieve mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

5. Eat vegetables. Eat the rainbow. Brightly-coloured fruit and veg is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and vital vitamins.

6. Take the stairs. Squeeze a little more movement in by ignoring the elevator. 

7. Eat fish. Fish is packed with vital nutrients like protein, vitamin D, and omega 3 fatty acids.

8. Get some sun. This is very important part of staying healthy, because sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D and help cure common skin problems like acne.

9. Eat a balanced diet packed with fruits and veggies. 

10. Take some "me time". Take care of yourself, give yourself a facial or even a mani/pedi. It will make you feel better.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday {7/23/2018}

Hi Lovelies!

I'm running late with this post, so I am just going to jump right on in. With that being said, please join me in visiting Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather. It's been unbearably hot this past week. We were in the triple digits all weekend, and we are enjoying temps in the 90s. 

Right now I am... sitting at the dining room table typing this post. 

Thinking. I'm thinking about my daughter's birthday party.

On my reading pile. Right now I am reading P.S. I Love You.

On my tv. I'm watching some shows on Netflix and my Roku app

On the menu this week:

Tuesday- Tacos
Monday- Beans and fried potatoes
Wednesday- Chicken and dressing
Thursday- Leftovers
Friday- Pizza night
Saturday- Mississippi chicken
Sunday- Beans

On my to do list: I finally finished my list earlier today! It took me all weekend but I finally have a clean house that has been purged and decluttered. 

Looking around the house. The house is clean. I just have a few dishes in the sink that need to be washed.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Currently {7/14/2018}

 Time and place: 5:24pm  and I am in the dining room, typing up this post.
Eating: Just finished dinner, we had crockpot lasagna. It was so easy to put together and so yummy!

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Cleaning videos, planner videos, and bullet journal videos.

Reading: P.S. I love You

Loving: the warm weather we have been having lately, but we do have some severe weather in our area tonight. 

Working: I just started designing a meal planner. I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I'm so excited for this new project. I am also working on a weekly planner insert that I am excited about and I am working on some stickers for my bullet journal.
Listening: to the TV 

Buying: Clothes for both girls and some make up for me, and school supplies for my 3rd grader.

Planning: I have most of my posts planned for July already. I just have to write and schedule them. I am working on setting up some deadlines for my meal planner. I am also working with my husband on designing a new website. I am also working on some planner inserts. This should keep me busy for a while!

I'm still planning my youngest daughter's birthday party. She wants a Minnie Mouse theme, so I am trying to think of some ideas for her cake, the decorations, and some party games.

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Bedtime Tag

I’m a bit of a YouTube addict (plan with me videos and clean with me videos) and as I was watching some of the videos I subscribed to one evening, I stumbled upon a fun tag created by Fleur de Force and Talk Becky Talk and it’s called The Bedtime Tag. It was too cute to pass so I thought I’d do it as well. No videos from me (sorry!) but hey, a blog post should suffice, right? 
As the name goes, it’s all about bedtime and preparing to zzz.

The Bedtime Tag

1. What are you favourite pajamas?

A t-shirt and a pair of shorts

2. Current bedtime reading?

I just started P.S. I Love You (for the 4th time) and I alternate with a Mary Higgins Clark mystery (We'll Meet Again).  Reading is one of my favorite ways to relax before bed.

3. What is on your bedside table?

I don't have a bedside table right now, but if I did I would have a lamp, an alarm clock, the current books that I am reading, my phone, and a glass of water.

4. Favourite sleepy scent?

I love lavendar. It's very relaxing and always puts me to sleep.

5. What is your usual bedtime & wakeup time?

I usually go to bed around midnight and sometimes my youngest will wake up at least once during the night. Since I am a SAHM, my days usually start around 7am when the kids wake up.

6. Top 3 bedtime products?

The current three skincare products that I am currently using are Cetaphil face wash, a DIY sugar scrub, and a moisturizer.

7. Your most common sleeping position?

I prefer to sleep on my side (either side) with my arms under my pillow. 8. Any strange bed time routines?

9. Are you big spoon or little spoon?

Always the little spoon. 

I hope you enjoyed this cute little tag today! If you want do this tag yourself please tag me in it so I can see your answers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

4 Ways to Relax Before Bed

I am a person who loves to keep busy and feel productive. I am notorious for just working right up until it is time to go to bed. Then as my head hits the pillow my mind continues to race and there is no way I am going to sleep for quite some time. Sleep is so incredibly important for health. Over time I have had to implement ways to relax before bed so I can have a restful night of sleep. I don’t do all five of these things in one night but usually implement one or two to help me relax.

4 Ways to Relax Before Bed

1. Yoga

Obviously doing too much exercise before bed can be a problem if it ends up giving you a major burst of energy and cortisol spike. However, a little stretching and deep breathing before bed can be beneficial for calming the body and mind before sleep.

2. Take a Bath

I used to absolutely despise taking a bath. Probably because it seemed like a waste of time since I am not the best at relaxing. Well when I injured my ankle a few months ago I started taking Epsom salt baths to help relieve the pain and to help reduce the swelling I gained a new appreciation for taking a bath before bed and started to use the time to relax, think and unwind. It is still something I do frequently and instead of fighting the urge to be productive I just focus on taking care of my body and mind. Also, a super hot bath can just wipe you out and a good night’s sleep is basically guaranteed after.

3. No caffeine. 
Cutting down on stimulants such as caffeine can be very helpful if you are struggling to relax before bed. Avoid tea, coffee, or other caffeinated substances in the late afternoon and evening as they make it harder to fall asleep and can prevent the important deep sleep you need. The effects of caffeine can last up to 24 hours, so it can be an important factor in sleeping problems. Caffeine can also raise your heart rate, making you feel more nervous and jittery.
  • Replace caffeine with warm milk or herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint.
  • Other stimulants such as nicotine,sugary foods and beverages, and heavy meals can also make it harder to relax.
4. Prep the night before: 
Lay your clothes out. Pack your bags. Do whatever you have to do to ensure you’re not rushing around in the morning. 

What are some ways you relax before bed? Please share them in the comments below.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday {7/9/2018}

Well, it's Monday....again.We had a busy weekend with grocery shopping and the start of vacation bible school. Hopefully I can get back into a blogging schedule now that the husband and I are sharing my computer.

Again, I'm hoping to be more consistent with my blogging this week. Anyways, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday! Shall we?

Breakfast time....what was on the plate this morning

Cereal and fruit

Right now I am

Sitting at the dining room table typing up this post.

The weather outside

The weather in my neck of the woods is super hot with triple digits this weekend.

Looking around the house

The living room, kitchen, and dining room need to be cleaned. There are a few loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away.

On today's to do list

Laundry- fold all of the laundry that I washed over the weekend.
Cleaning- general tidying of the house needs to be done.
Planning- I need to update my planners and my bullet journal and I need to work my editorial calendar for July and August. I need to set up a blogging schedule and I need to update my blog's facebook page.

Currently reading

Still reading Gone Girl last night (almost done)

On the TV today

Not much right now, just some movies on Netflix that I have been wanting to watching.

On the menu this week

Monday- Chicken tenders, alfredo noodles, green beans
Tuesday-  Beef and cheese quesodillas
Wednesday- Beans, fried potatoes, cornbread
Thursday- Creamy ranch chicken

Friday- Pizza and breadsticks
Saturday- Sandwiches and chips

Sunday- Beans with ham, fried potatoes, cornbread

If I have a few minutes to myself I will

I will curl up on the couch with a blanket and read my current book or listen to music.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key verses

Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday Favorites {7/6/2018}

TGIF! I’m very ready for the weekend, but you know I would never leave you guys without sharing a few of my favorite recent finds first.

Favorite party theme: I love this theme. It would make a great theme for a movie night.

Favorite sweet treat: I can't wait to make these. They look so yummy!

Favorite summer staples: These outfits look so comfortable for the summer.

Favorite reminder: Love this quote:

What some of your Friday Favorites?  Tell me below!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Simple Switches We've Made to Live Well

It’s funny how set in our ways we can get… or at least I can. I can be so anxious to switch products, services, or just my everyday routine around. But change is good and switching things up is a good thing.

Simple Switches We've Made to Live Well
Meal Prep on Sundays: This has been a GAME CHANGER! We always meal prepped a little but now we meal prep tons of easy snacks, grab and go foods, hard boiled eggs, smoothie packs, chicken breasts, sweet potatoes, and more! We also cut up tons of fresh fruit for the week like pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, cantelope, etc. That way making meals for us and the girls is pretty quick and my little impatient sidekicks don't have to wait too long!

Eating As A Family:This is very important. I know we haven't been very good at this but things are about to change. Eating as a family is something we need to do more of. No more tv during meals, and there will be more talking amongst us as a family.

Cutting Cable: So this is the most recent change.We decided to cut our cable about a year ago and it was the best thing we ever did.

What are some of the ways you are making small steps to live a little better in 2018?

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Interesting Facts about the Fourth of July

Since today is Independence Day (more commonly known as the 4th of July), I thought I would share some interesting facts about this fun holiday!!

We all know the Colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776  and we are already familiar with the fireworks, parades, barbeques and other festivities like picnics, fairs, and concerts that take place on this day, but there are many things that people don't know about the Fourth.

Disclaimer: All facts were taken from this website: Academic exchange

1. Congress made Independence Day an official unpaid holiday for federal employees in 1870. In 1938, Congress changed Independence Day to a paid federal holiday.

2. Only John Hancock actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. All the
others signed later.


3. The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men from 13 colonies.

4. The average age of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence was 45. The youngest was Thomas Lynch, Jr (27) of South Carolina.  The oldest delegate was Benjamin Franklin (70) of Pennsylvania. The lead author of The Declaration, Thomas Jefferson, was 33.


5. One out of eight signers of the Declaration of Independence were educated at Harvard (7 total).


6. The only two signers of the Declaration of Independence who later served as President of the United States were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.


7. The stars on the original American flag were in a circle so all the Colonies would appear equal.


8. The first Independence Day celebration took place in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. This was also the day that the Declaration of Independence was first read in public after people were summoned by the ringing of the Liberty Bell.


9. The White House held its first 4th July party in 1801.
10. President John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on the Fourth. Adams and Jefferson (both signed the Declaration) died on the same day within hours of each other in 1826.


11. Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey as the national bird but was overruled by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who recommended the bald eagle.

12. In 1776, there were 2.5 million people living in the new nation. Today the population of the U.S.A. is 316 million.

13. Fifty-nine places in the U.S. contain the word “liberty” in the name. Pennsylvania, with 11, has more of these places than any other state. Of the 59 places nationwide containing “liberty” in the name, four are counties: Liberty County, Ga. (65,471), Liberty County, Fla. (8,276), Liberty County, Mont. (2,392) and Liberty County, Texas (76,571).

14. The most common patriotic-sounding word used within place names is “union” with 136. Pennsylvania, with 33, has more of these places than any other state. Other words most commonly used in place names are Washington (127), Franklin (118), Jackson (96) and Lincoln (95).


15. Fireworks are part of the tradition of celebrating this national holiday. The U.S. imported $227.3 million worth of fireworks from China in 2012. U.S. exports of fireworks, by comparison, came to just $11.7 million in 2012, with Israel purchasing more than any other country ($2.5 million).


16. In 2012, vast majority of imported U.S. flags ($3.6 million) was made in China.


17. Barbecue is also big on Independence Day. Approximately 150 million hot dogs and 700 million
pounds of chicken are consumed on this day.


18. Every 4th of July the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is tapped (not actually rung) thirteen times in honor of the original thirteen colonies.


19. Traditions place the origins of “Yankee Doodle” as a pre-Revolutionary War song originally sung by British military officers to mock the disheveled, disorganized colonial “Yankees” with whom they served in the French and Indian War. It is believed that the tune comes from the nursery rhyme Lucy Locket. One version of the Yankee Doodle lyrics is “generally attributed” to Doctor Richard Shuckburgh,a British Army surgeon. According to one story, Shuckburgh wrote the song after seeing the appearance of Colonial troops under Colonel Thomas Fitch, V, the son of Connecticut Governor Thomas Fitch.[2]


20. The tune of the National Anthem was originally used by an English drinking song called “to Anacreon in Heaven.” The words have nothing to do with consumption of alcohol but the “melody that Francis Key had in mind when he wrote those words did originate decades earlier as the melody for a song praise of wine.” http://www.colonialmusic.org/Resource/Anacreon.htm

Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Top 10 Facts about July

Hi Lovelies!!!

It's hard to believe that it's already July and that the 4th of July is Wednesday! Where has the year gone? So..... a new month has begun, so let’s welcome it in with a few July facts.

1. The month of July is named after Julius Caesar by a decision of the Roman Senate in 44BC as July was the month of his birth.

2. Before that, it had been known as Quintilis (fifth) as it was the fifth month in the old calendar.

3. Until the 18th century, the word July in English had the stress on the first syllable and rhymed with duly or truly.

4. Although six months have passed, July 1 is not the mid-point of the year. The exact halfway point comes at 1pm BST on July 3 in a non-leap year.

5. No month ends on the same day of the week as July unless it is a leap year, when January does so.

6. Julius is not now in the top 500 names given to newborn boys in the UK, though Julia is 79th for girls in England and Wales and 74th in Scotland. Julian comes 326th in England and Wales.

7. July’s birthstone is the ruby, which is said to symbolise contentment.

8. Seven US presidents have died in July, which is more than any other month.

9. “The English winter, ending in July, To recommence in August, now was done,” (Byron).

10. In all parts of the UK July is on average the warmest month of the year.

July 2018 Goals

It's hard to believe that 2018 is now officially halfway over. Weren't we just writing about all of our resolutions for the year? Yikes! As cliche as it may sound, time has really flown by this year. I will have a 3rd grader and a pre-schooler this year. It's just so hard to believe! 

July is one of my favorite months of the year because it's full of so many fun traditions like: celebrating Independence Day, going swimming, making ice cold pitchers of lemonade, breezy nights with the windows open, lazy summer storms.....so many good things. 

Personal Goals

  • drink more water
  • meditate for 5 minutes before bed. Stretch for a few minutes when getting up.
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • walk 10,000 steps every day
  • Complete one Bible study
Family Goals

  • Visit the zoo and the science museum
  • Celebrate Independence Day.
  • See The Increibles 2 with the girls
Blog Goals

  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the July
  • Create an editorial calendar for the rest of summer (in progress)
  • Start a food blog
I hope your July has started out as a fantastic month. Have you set any goals yet? Any fun summer plans? Have you started to cross things off of your Summer Bucket List?