Monday, March 30, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {3/30/2020}

Good afternoon Friends! I hope everyone is doing well. We are on day #16 of social distancing/self isolating. So far we have watched Frozen 2 about 1,000 times, we have had many dance parties, played every board game the we have, put puzzles together, learned some new card tricks, and we have been playing outside whenever the weather allows it. So far we are all doing okay. I have had a few breakdowns (mainly because I worry about not be able to feed my kids), I cry for a few minutes, take some deep breaths, put on some of my favorite music (80s rock is my favorite) and have a dance party in the living room with the kids. It's the only way I know how to deal with everything that is going on in the world.

This is something that I know we will get through. It's tough, but we will get through it one day at time.

Anyway, let's get to Happy Homemaker Monday! Shall we?


It looks like we have quite a few rainy days this week. I sure the warm weather from last week.

Monday: Rain 55
Tuesday: Sunny with clouds 66
Wednesday: Mostly Sunny 72
Thursday: Cloudy 76
Friday: Rain 61

Saturday: Partly cloudy 71
Sunday: Rain 71

On the breakfast plate this morning:

French toast with some fruit

Outside my window:

It's raining at the moment with some dark scary clouds in the sky.

Right now I am:

Sitting at the dining room table working on this post and watching my youngest play with her stuffed animals in the living room

On today's to do list:

Clean the bathrooms
Steam carpets

On the menu this week:

Monday: Hamburgers and chips

Tuesday: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, veggies, rolls
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Baked potatoes, veggies
Friday: Pizza with breadsticks
Saturday: Creamy chicken with rice and veggies

Sunday: Beans, fried potatoes, cornbread

Currently reading:

Small little things by Jodi Picoult

Big Little Lies

On the TV today:

We are going to watch some more movies on Disney+ and we will be catching up on The Masked Singer on Hulu. I am also watching some older shows on Hulu (America's Next Top Model, BH 90210, Full House)

On my mind at the moment: If the weather gets real bad, you know Tornado season is coming, where are we supposed to go since we don't have a cellar. Just something else to worry about, I guess. 

Inspirational Quote:


  1. It sounds like you are having a bit of a rough time. I imagine this is all harder with younger kids who don't quite understand. Praying you have a more peaceful week ahead!

  2. Thank you Jean! We were able to find some meat, bread, and some of the snacks that the girls like. So far today has been good. I am just trying to keep them busy and entertained right now.

  3. ((hugs)) to you and your family. Glad you could find some groceries.
    Have a good week and stay safe
