Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February 2020 Goals

Happy February Lovelies!

It's hard to believe that we are a few days into February, where did January go? February is also my birthday month. Actually, my birthday is this weekend and it means that I am getting old. I will be 47, yeah I'm getting old. Anyways, before I crawl under the covers and hide I think it's time to talk about how I did with my January goals.

In January I wanted to....

Read at least 2 books. I started The Outsider, which is over 1,000 pages long.
Practice Yoga 2 times a week. Started this and will continue
Work on Instagram growth. Did not, but need to.
Have blog posts written through the month of February. Almost done.
Start planning A's birthday party. Yes, Working on invitations.
Have two at home date nights with the Husband. We have had a couple.
Drink more water. Yes.
Track my food daily using My Fitness Pal. Did not do this. I need to work on this.
Walk at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. Did it.
Eat healthier (more fruits and veggies). Yes.
Cut all sweets ( I have a major sweet tooth). Yes.

I did accomplish most of my goals for January.

In February I want to...

Finish reading The Outsider
Work on Instagram growth
Get my Sprng editorial calendar started
Focus more on yoga
Begin mediation every morning before the kids wake up
Continue to up my water intake

What are your goals for February?

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