Thursday, February 20, 2020

10 Ways to Practice Self Care

Many of us want to take care of ourselves, but we have no idea where to start. I'm on of those people. I want to take of myself but I just don't know what to do. I decided a few a days ago to do some research on this particular topic and I found these ten simple ways to, for lack of a better phrase, take care of yourself.

10 Ways to Practice Daily Self Care

1. Eat healthy foods like fruits and veggies.

2. Practice yoga. Stretch and concentrate on your breathing. You will feel better, I promise

3. Take a bath. Soaking in the tub soothes your muscles and relaxes you. Enjoy it you deserve it.

4. Celebrate the small changes. Celebrate turning in an assignment early or being there when a friend needed you.

5. Get 10 hours of sleep.

6. Walk outside. The fresh air does wonders for body, mind, and soul

7. Take a personal day.

8. Write a gratitude list.

9. Let go of unwanted things.

10. Meditate

What some of the ways that you practice self care? 

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