Sunday, February 9, 2020

5 Reasons to Have a Morning Routine

I am type A to a fault which means I thrive on schedules, routines, and to do lists. Without these things I am less productive, more stressed, and not as happy. In today's post I will be discussing 5 reasons to have a morning routine. These things really do work for me and these might just work for you too.

5 Reasons To Have a Morning Routine

 Reason #1: Something to look forward to

 I am on of those people who look forward to my morning tea. Yes, I said morning tea. I am not a coffee drinker, in fact, I hate the taste of it. I love the Celetial Seasonings Herbal tea, cinnamon apple spice to one of my favorites.

I also love my quiet time in the mornings. This is something that I look forward to every single morning. Having two kids who tend to be early risers I find that waking up even 30 minutes before they do helps my mood tremendously in the mornings.

Reason #2: Makes your more productive

I know that I am the least productive when mu schedule is off and not following a routine. When I stick to my routine, i.e. waking up at the same time, following my usual morning routine, and completing my workout I am far more productive the rest of the day. Having a to do list for the day helps this as well.

Reason #3: Less likely to sleep in

When you are used to waking up early and you know what you need to do you are far less likely to sleep in. On days that I sleep in (which isn't often) I feel so blah and I am way less productive for that day.

Reason #4: Getting important things done

I always have a to do list for the day and I can look at it and know what the most important things to get done are. These things are done first thing in the morning  and I have way less stress for that day. Have a morning routine will leaving you feeling less stressed and much happier. This is so important for your mental state as well.

Reason #5: Self care

A skin care routine, flossing, getting dressed everyday, putting on some make-up, and exercising. These are the things that need to be done for self care. When you have a morning routine you can ensure that self care is a priority. That is important because if you are feeling rushed, self care is the first thing to fall by the way side. Having a pretty regimented morning routine you will always make the time for washing your face, applying products to help your skin and getting a good sweat session in.

There you have it, the 5 reason to have a morning routine. Do you have a morning routine that you follow every day?

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