Friday, February 28, 2020

Easy Healthy Snacks

I am such a snacker, specially late at night. I also have a weakness for salty foods! I try to go towards easy healthy snacks because I know I will snack so why not make them healthy?

 A few of my favorite easy healthy snacks are:

Popcorn: We love air popped popcorn. It's one of our go to snacks in the evening. We just add a little bit of butter and a little bit if salt. I know not too healthy, but we eat healthy most of the time so this is an indulgence for us.

Crackers with Baby bell light cheese: This is a go to recently. I get Ritz crackers Pretzels from Sam's Club and Baby Bell light cheese and eat them together. My kids love this as an afterschool snack.

Horizon String Cheese: I love it, it's quick and easy to grab and another thing we always have in our house.

Greek Yogurt with Berries/Granola: I am a huge Greek yogurt lover. I put it in my smoothies and love it for snacks with granola and berries. Specifically blueberries. Yum. Bonus blueberries are amazing for you.

Fruit Smoothies: This is a daily must have. We try to drink one every day. It's such an easy, quick breakfast as well as an after school snack. We add different fruits like strawberries, blueberries, pineapple chunks, peaches, and mango. We add some greek vanilla yogurt, and some apple juice. These are so healthy and so easy to make. We love them.

What are your easy healthy snacks that you love?

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

5 Simplre Ways to Stay Organized

Lately I've been thinking alot about habits. I'm realizing more and more that habits are so important because they are what we resort to when we are going through the motions of our day. Forming good habits and sticking to them over time can build phenomenal long term results.

Today I thought I would share 5 habits that I've either gotten into already or am trying to get into that will make life more productive. These are all easy things to d that I think will help my days run more smoothly.

5 Simple Ways to Stay Organized

1. Make your bed. I never used to make my bed, but I quickly found out that If I made my bed my day was more productive. It gives a more positive start to my day.

2. Clean the kitchen and quickly straighten the house. Cleaning the kitchen and straightening the house are the two things that I strive to get done before going to bed each night. Like making the bed a neat and tidy house before going to bed puts me in the right mind set for keeping the rest of life organized. I do love waking up to a neat and tidy house.

3. Use your wait time. I used to be good at this before I had a cell phone. It I was heating up something in the microwave, I would use those minutes to wash dishes or wipe down the counters. I am amazed at what I can get done when I am waiting on something to finish in the oven when I commit to using my time wisely.

4. Make your to do list. I a good to do list. I mean, who doesn't? Right? I love checking things off and sometimes I make them just so I can check things off of them. 

5. Get some sleep. Sleep has everything to do with productivity. My natural inclination is to stay up as late as possible to get things done. Then the next day I'm tired and unproductive. Since realizing this I try to get to bed earlier so that I can get enough sleep.

So, there are my 5! What would you add to the list?

Sunday, February 23, 2020

7 Things To Do On Sunday For A More Productive Week

Hi Lovelies!

Imagine if you will.... it's Monday morning and you can barely drag yourself out of bed. You're exhausted and you are getting ready for work barely making it out of the door on time. You forgot to pack your lunch so you will have to grab some fast food on your lunch hour. Your desk is a mess and your email box is full. It's going to be a long day. This sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have all been there, but it doesn't have to be that way. If you take advantage of your Sundays to prepare for the week, Mondays can be a lot easier! Here are seven things you can do on Sunday for a more productive week:

1. For thing's first.... think of Sunday as the first day of the week instead of the last. Most people tend to think of Sunday as a day of rest, instead think of Sunday as the first chance to prepare yourself for the week, This one simple little thought will make Monday seem less overwhelming.

2. Clean out your email inbox. If you work a typical 9 to 5 job, chances are most of the emails you receive Friday night through Sunday are personal and junk mail as opposed to work email. Clean these out on Sunday night. By doing this it will help you jump into the work week more quickly.

3. Write a to do list for the week and then begin to tackle it.

4. If you work from home clean off your desk on Sunday so you start the week off with a clean desk. Put anything you will need for Monday's projects front and center.

5. If you are a blogger, schedule your social media posts for the week. Now, I haven't started this yet mainly because I'm still finding the best free social media scheduler. I hope to start this sometime next week.

6. Clean the house. There's is nothing worse that starting the week with a messy house. I don't know about anyone else, but I am much more relaxed when my house is clean.

7. Meal plan and meal prep for the week. I tend to one big shopping trip at the beginning of the month. So, I usually have a detailed menu plan for the month. I still shop at least once a week for the essentials like milk, bread, and eggs and some fruits and veggies. It make all the difference when it comes to meal times.

What do you do on Sundays to have a more productive week?

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mom Inspiration

Hello Friends.

I usually have a currently post up by now, but today has been a doosy of a day. Plenty of mom guilt over here. It's just been an up and down kind of day, with the dishes piling up, the kids fighting, and messes that need to be dealt with.

So, for today's post I am sharing some much needed mom inspiration.




Good night everyone!!

Friday, February 21, 2020

10 Daily Sanity Saving Habits for Moms

Hi Lovelies and welcome back to the blog. Today's post is all about daily sanity saving habits for moms. Now, some of these I took directly from my mom and some I figured out on my own. Either way all these habits are helpful in saving a mom's sanity.

So, let me share,

10 Daily Sanity Saving Habits for Moms

1. Have quiet time. For me, this is about an hour before my kids wake up. I sit and work on my bible study, answer emails, or just sit and enjoy the quiet.

2. Prepare the night before. What part of the morning is the most stressful for you? Take that one thing you dread and do a little prep for it the night before. Lay out the kids clothes, shower, prepare breakfast, do baths, or just preset the coffee pot. 

3. Do one load of laundry every day. This really helps in keeping "Mount Washmore" at bay. Just remember to fold and put away. Let's be honest, sometimes I forget that step. Don't we all?

4. Clean as you go. Giving yourself plenty of grace, clean up as you go. If you make dinner, wash those dishes right then. If you see a million crumbs under the high chair, grab a broom and do a two-second sweep.

5. Play with your kids. Slow down and enjoy your little people. Offer to play a game or build blocks. Do something that you know will bring a smile to their face.

6. Do one large chore. Knock out one of the bigger chores everyday. Clean a bathroom, vacuum the floors, organize a drawer,..etc.

7. Have kid clean up time. Instead of the house being a tornado throughout the entire day, choose a couple times a day for them to clean up their messes. A good schedule might be everyday before lunch and then again before bedtime.

8. Meal plan. Save yourself the stress of picking meals every few hours and plan them out. Not only will this be a time saver but a money saver as well.

9. Be thankful. There is always something to be thankful for. Let gratitude drive your attitude and actions throughout your day.

10. Have a regular bedtime for your kids. Kids love routine, even if they fight it sometimes. Make your routine as lengthy and as fun as you want, but get the munchkins to bed so you can recoup and have some quality time to yourself or with your spouse in the evenings.

What is an essential daily habit for you?

Thursday, February 20, 2020

10 Ways to Practice Self Care

Many of us want to take care of ourselves, but we have no idea where to start. I'm on of those people. I want to take of myself but I just don't know what to do. I decided a few a days ago to do some research on this particular topic and I found these ten simple ways to, for lack of a better phrase, take care of yourself.

10 Ways to Practice Daily Self Care

1. Eat healthy foods like fruits and veggies.

2. Practice yoga. Stretch and concentrate on your breathing. You will feel better, I promise

3. Take a bath. Soaking in the tub soothes your muscles and relaxes you. Enjoy it you deserve it.

4. Celebrate the small changes. Celebrate turning in an assignment early or being there when a friend needed you.

5. Get 10 hours of sleep.

6. Walk outside. The fresh air does wonders for body, mind, and soul

7. Take a personal day.

8. Write a gratitude list.

9. Let go of unwanted things.

10. Meditate

What some of the ways that you practice self care? 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

10 Tips For A Clean Home

You can drastically stretch the time between weekly and daily cleaning just by following these 10 simple tips for a clean home. 

1. Make your bed

As the focal point of the bedroom, an unmade bed can make the whole room look messy. By making the bed, the room instantly looks tidy. Strive to do this every day, it makes a world of difference.

2. Empty the dishwasher each morning

If you have ever timed yourself then you know that emptying the dishwasher takes only about 5 minutes. Empty the dishwasher while the coffee is brewing or while the kids are getting ready for school. An empty dishwasher lets you put breakfast dishes in so they don't pile up in the sink all morning.

3. Clean up after each meal or snack

Dishes, pots and pans, food containers and spills all make your kitchen look messy since you already emptied your dishwasher. Load dishes after every meal or snack and then wipe down your counters with a homemade all purpose cleaner.

4. Do a load of laundry daily

No one wants to spend their weekend doing laundry and you won't have to if you do a load everyday.  Can't decided what to wash first? Use a laundry sorting hamper and grab the one that has the most clothes. Worried about mildew? Use your washing machine's delayed start (if your machine has one) so that the load is finished when you get home and transfer to the dryer.

 5. Wipe your sinks and faucets

Toothpaste spatters and hairs in the sink look gross. Food spills in the kitchen eventually stink. Grab a disinfecting wipe and spend a few minutes cleaning the sinks and faucets before you leave for work in the morning. Or use a microfiber cloth and a daily sink spray to clean, disinfect, and shine your sink as you go.

6. Sort and recycle paper right away
Keep papers from piling up on the kitchen island and dining table by dealing with the mail when you walk in the door. Run junk mail through the shredder, then put bills and letters in your mail sorter to pay or answer.

7. Use floor mats at every exterior door.

Even if you can’t train your family to not wear shoes in the house (which really reduces household dust) you can keep some of the dirt out by placing floor mats both inside and outside of each exterior door. Vacuum or shake the mats outside every few days.

8. Tidy counters before bed

Before you head to bed give the kitchen a quick glance and put away any clutter. Wipe the counters down with an all purpose disinfecting spray.

9. Nitpick your carpet.

We’ve all heard that we should vacuum high-traffic areas at least every other day, but not everyone has the time or energy for that. Get in the habit of looking over your floor and picking up small messes (cat hair, scraps of paper, etc.) between regular, weekly vacuuming and it will look nicer all week.

10. Run a kitchen sweeper or sweep the kitchen floors nightly 

Let’s face it, brooms and dustpans are a hassle and, thanks to their cords, vacuums aren’t much better. Use a multi-surface sweeper each night to pick up crumbs and pet hair from the kitchen floor so your kitchen always looks company-ready.

Performing these tips to keeping a clean house takes only a few minutes a day but they’ll keep your house looking constantly clean and make your regular, deeper cleaning tasks much easier.

What are some of your tips for a cleaner home? Please share in the comments below!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Jake Ryan, Electric Youth, and Sweet Valley High: All Things 80s

Hi Friends! 

I have been taking a trip down memory lane and loving every minute of it! As some of you know I am an 80s baby through and through. It was a time of mismatched socks, scrunchies, feuds between pop princesses, and of course the ultimate boy band, New Kids on the Block. Those were some of the best days. So, today's post is dedicate to some of my favorite 80s memories. 

(1) Putting plastic charms on every possible accessory and knowing that each charm had its own special meaning.

(2) You knew being a rock star with a secret identity was the best job ever!

 Also, the life lessons Jem taught you:
1. It’s OK if your man cheats on you, as long as it’s with your secret alter ego.

2. Sometimes it’s way more fun to be the villain (looking at you, Pizzazz).

3. That anything can be solved by pressing down on your earring and saying, “Showtime, Synergy!”

(3) The importance of always nailing the perfect sideways ponytail.

(4) The smell of Electric Youth.

(5) How Jake Ryan is still your perfect man.

(6) Knowing that Over Our Heads was the best fictional store to ever exist.

(7) Watching these movies over and over again.

(8)  You went through, like, one Sweet Valley High book a day.

(9) You needed to a SWATCH watch to match every outfit.

(10) Making something in your Easy-Bake Oven was your favorite way to spend a Friday night.

(11)  The style icon that was Denise Huxtable.

(12)  Wanting to paint your room like Punky Brewster’s

(13)  And totally wanting that badass sofa chair from My Two Dads.

(14)  The horrible smell jelly bracelets left after you wore them all day…

(15)  …but knowing that these smelled way worse:

(16)  Drooling in front of your TV on 21 Jump Street night. 

(17) You looked forward to ABC Afterschool Specials and felt sort of edgy watching them.

(18)  Sitting in your room for hours poring over Teen Beat, SuperTeen, Bop, and Tiger Beat.

(19)  You loved NKOTB and had memorabilia mostly of your favorite one in the group.

(20)  The importance of the Slam book.

I hope you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane. What are some of your favorite memories?

Happy Homemaker onday {2/17/20}

Good morning Friends! I Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We the weekend at home just relaxing and spending time together as a family. I did some projects around the house and worked in my planners. It was a great weekend.

Enough with the chatting let's get to today's post!


This week's temps will be in the 40s and 50s. I am so ready for Spring to get here! How much longer?

Monday: Partly cloudy and 64
Tuesday: Cloudy and windy 55
Wednesday: Mostly cloudy and 54
Thursday: Partly cloudy and 44
Friday: Partly cloudy and 48
Saturday: Rain and 51
Sunday: Rain and61

On the breakfast plate this morning:

Hot chocolate that I added hazelnut coffee creamer and a spoonful of nutella and some peanut butter whipped cream. So good! I also had some french toast and scrambled eggs

Outside my window:

Cloudy and dreary.

Right now I am:

Sitting at the dining room table working on this post and listening to the girls play a video game together.

On today's to do list:

Clean the bathrooms
Wash sheets and blankets
Steam carpets

On the menu this week:

Monday: Grilled cheese sandwiches and salad
Tuesday: Tacos, Mexican rice, and chips and salsa
Wednesday: Spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad
Thursday: Leftovers from Wednesday
Friday: Pizza and breadsticks with salads
Saturday: Sandwiches and chips
Sunday: Beans and cornbread with fried potatoes

Currently reading:

The Outsider by Stephen King. I am determined to finish this book even if I have to read the rest of it online. I will finish it by the end of the year!

Cinderella Murder by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV today:

We are going to watch some more movies on Disney+ and we will be catching up on The Masked Singer on Hulu

Inspirational Quote:

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday Inspiration

Hello Friends!

I just wanted to pop in and share some Sunday inspiration with you. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

5 Reasons to Have a Morning Routine

I am type A to a fault which means I thrive on schedules, routines, and to do lists. Without these things I am less productive, more stressed, and not as happy. In today's post I will be discussing 5 reasons to have a morning routine. These things really do work for me and these might just work for you too.

5 Reasons To Have a Morning Routine

 Reason #1: Something to look forward to

 I am on of those people who look forward to my morning tea. Yes, I said morning tea. I am not a coffee drinker, in fact, I hate the taste of it. I love the Celetial Seasonings Herbal tea, cinnamon apple spice to one of my favorites.

I also love my quiet time in the mornings. This is something that I look forward to every single morning. Having two kids who tend to be early risers I find that waking up even 30 minutes before they do helps my mood tremendously in the mornings.

Reason #2: Makes your more productive

I know that I am the least productive when mu schedule is off and not following a routine. When I stick to my routine, i.e. waking up at the same time, following my usual morning routine, and completing my workout I am far more productive the rest of the day. Having a to do list for the day helps this as well.

Reason #3: Less likely to sleep in

When you are used to waking up early and you know what you need to do you are far less likely to sleep in. On days that I sleep in (which isn't often) I feel so blah and I am way less productive for that day.

Reason #4: Getting important things done

I always have a to do list for the day and I can look at it and know what the most important things to get done are. These things are done first thing in the morning  and I have way less stress for that day. Have a morning routine will leaving you feeling less stressed and much happier. This is so important for your mental state as well.

Reason #5: Self care

A skin care routine, flossing, getting dressed everyday, putting on some make-up, and exercising. These are the things that need to be done for self care. When you have a morning routine you can ensure that self care is a priority. That is important because if you are feeling rushed, self care is the first thing to fall by the way side. Having a pretty regimented morning routine you will always make the time for washing your face, applying products to help your skin and getting a good sweat session in.

There you have it, the 5 reason to have a morning routine. Do you have a morning routine that you follow every day?

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

February 2020 Goals

Happy February Lovelies!

It's hard to believe that we are a few days into February, where did January go? February is also my birthday month. Actually, my birthday is this weekend and it means that I am getting old. I will be 47, yeah I'm getting old. Anyways, before I crawl under the covers and hide I think it's time to talk about how I did with my January goals.

In January I wanted to....

Read at least 2 books. I started The Outsider, which is over 1,000 pages long.
Practice Yoga 2 times a week. Started this and will continue
Work on Instagram growth. Did not, but need to.
Have blog posts written through the month of February. Almost done.
Start planning A's birthday party. Yes, Working on invitations.
Have two at home date nights with the Husband. We have had a couple.
Drink more water. Yes.
Track my food daily using My Fitness Pal. Did not do this. I need to work on this.
Walk at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. Did it.
Eat healthier (more fruits and veggies). Yes.
Cut all sweets ( I have a major sweet tooth). Yes.

I did accomplish most of my goals for January.

In February I want to...

Finish reading The Outsider
Work on Instagram growth
Get my Sprng editorial calendar started
Focus more on yoga
Begin mediation every morning before the kids wake up
Continue to up my water intake

What are your goals for February?

Sunday, February 2, 2020

10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day

Happy Sunday Lovelies! Welcome to the blog! Today I will be discussing ways to plan a successful day. Today I encourage you to envision how you’ll want your day to go, then identify the tasks that will get you there. Check in on your progress midday, and finally, reflect on your achievements. When you implement this strategy alongside the practice of writing things down, you’ll go about your day with more focus. This will lead you to accomplishing significantly more in your day!

Today, I will be taking you through a step by step process of planning a successful day. Whether you are a work outside of the home, are a stay at home mom or a student, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and pulled in a million different directions.

So here are the......

10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day 

1. Get an early start. Plan on waking a little bit earlier each day. Establishing an earlier wake up time may mean going to bed earlier the night before. Having this extra time will make a bit calmer and less stressful. For all the moms out there, you and your family will appreciate the calmer start to the day.

2. Picture the desired result. Take a few minutes during your morning routine think about this. Visualize how your day will go. How will it begin and how will it end. Doing this will center you making for a more successful day.

3. Set your schedule and list your to dos. Review your schedule, make adjustments where they are needed, and make your to do list. Remember to stay realistic about you will be able to accomplish during the day. As your outlining your day, remember to batch similar items together as this will make it easier to complete these tasks. 

4. Prioritize healthy habits. It's important to plan out your meals, snacks, and exercise. The best way to achieve these goals is t actually plan them out in your planner. It it's in your planner, then it must be done, right? Also, the check marks are so satisifying to see. Am I the only one who thinks this way?  Planning out your meals will keep you on track with your eating. 

5. Select your top three. Identify your top three. What three items would you not feel like the day was a success if they were not completed? 

6. Get to work. You’ve heard the advice start with the hardest things first. We believe that progress begets progress. Check a few things off your list first thing to gain momentum for the rest of your day. Check in midday on your progress, and if you feel like you’re running short on time, focus on your top three and that’s it.

7. Plan for tomorrow. Don’t neglect looking ahead to tomorrow. Review tomorrow’s schedule, adjust as needed, list your to dos, and move over tasks from today that you couldn’t quite complete. 

8. Practice gratitude. Being grateful each and every day will add more joy and positivity in your life. Think of at least one thing you’re thankful for, if not many more. This is also the ideal time to reflect on your day be proud of what you accomplished!

9. Unplug. Being successful also means knowing when to stop. Knowing when to turn it all off. Knowing when it’s time to take care of you. It means committing to quality, undivided time with those who matter most—and knowing how to live in the moment.

Have dinner as a family, meet up with a friend, enjoy a glass of wine, take your dog for a walk, read to your children, or watch your favorite show. Then, wind down with a calming activity such a detoxifying bath or a book. Truly unplug and take this time to refresh yourself after a day you should be proud of!

10. Commit to quality sleep. Determine the best amount of sleep for you. Become consistent with an ideal bedtime which will help regulate your body’s internal clock. Make a commitment to avoid electronics thirty minutes before bed—keep your phone far from that convenient bedside table of yours.

Remember the importance of a good night of sleep. Without it, tomorrow will be off!

How do you set up for a successful day?

Saturday, February 1, 2020

What To Do When You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep

Raise your hand if are getting enough sleep! Crickets right? I figured! The truth is most people do not get nearly enough sleep. Myself included.


I have a toddler who does not sleep through the night, which means that I am up with her usually 2-3 times almost every night. She goes to bed around 730pm, my oldest goes to bed around 830pm and I try to go to bed around 11pm. This means that two hours after I go to bed then my toddler wakes for the the first time that night. It then takes 1-2 hours to get her back to sleep. This repeats until about 7am the next morning. So this means that I usually get maybe, if i am lucky 1-2 hours of sleep every night. However, there the occasional nights where she does sleep through the night, but let me remind that these night a few and far between.

Because of my lack of sleep I decided to research ways in which I can get more sleep. Here's what I have found to be the most helpful:

What To Do When You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep

In my research I have found that taking a catnap in the early afternoon will make for some of the sleep that is lost at night. They key is to make the catnap brief, by doing this it will improve your alertness, performance, and mood. The short afternoon nap can make up for the loss of one hour of nighttime sleep.

1. Do not nap after dark 

This can trick the body clock into thinking we're down for the night, making it harder to shake off the sleepiness when we wake up. This is somewhat challenging in the short days of December, especially for those who in are a place like Seattle, where the sunset can come as early as 4:18 p.m. 

2. Power up your power nap

Try drinking your post-lunch espresso immediately before you're scheduled to nap. A nap can help clear the brain of the sleep-inducing compound adenosine and gives the coffee just enough time to kick in.

3. Don't over indulge

As most of us know from experience, 10 to 20 minutes hits the sweet spot. Research shows that hat anything longer can put us into the deeper stages of REM sleep—that's when we wake up with a bad case of "sleep inertia," the clinical term for that groggy, where-am-I? sense that makes us feel even worse than we did before we closed our eyes. So, this means that severely sleep deprived may only want limit naptime to only 10 sweet minutes. 

4. Give in to an early bedtime
On those nights when we can barely keep our eyes open it is important to try and go to bed an earlier. A consistent bedtime is important to feeling well-rested, so tuck in early if you must, but don't even think of touching that snooze button. 

What are some tips that you might have to get enough sleep?