Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Confession Sessions

Hi Friends and welcome to the blog! Today's post is all about confessions. So grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back and relax and enjoy reading some of my confessions.



Confession- I had peanut butter and syrup for breakfast this morning and I must say it was good.

Confession- I love reading the books that I read when I was in grade school, i.e. The Little House books, The Ramona books, the Sweet Valley Books series....

Confession- I'm not a coffee drinker ( I hate the taste of coffee), but I love the smell of fresh brewed coffee.

Confession- Even though I don't drink coffee, I however own 2,890 coffee mugs.

Confession- I don't know how to use snap chat and I don't to know how to use it.

Confession- I binge watch TV series on Netflix (Gilmore Girls, Friends, Grounded For Life, A Different World just name a few).

Confession- I'm excited for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!!

What do you confess to?

1 comment:

  1. Ewww! I don't like coffee either and I also don't see the point in snap chat :)

