Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Goals

First, I wanted to start off this post by wishing everyone a Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Years. Since we were all feeling under the weather, we decided to stay home, had some dinner, and played a few games. I can't believe that it's time to share my 2019 goals! I plan to share my January 2019 goals this week too.

In 2019 I want to......

  • Read at least 24 books
  • Have a successful year blogging
  • Set up a sponsored post
  • Set up a fitness plan and actually stick to it
  • Eat healthier
  • Have at least 2 at home date nights with the Husband and actually sit down and plan them with him
  • Take the littlest to the library more often
  • Work on my goals for social media
Something new this year that I am giving myself is a word for the year, I have seen so many people  do this, and it made me curious enough to try it for myself.  My word for the year is PATIENCE. I need to practice patience in my everyday life, especially as a SAHM. I need to have patience with my husband and children, and I need to have patience in general.  Just patience all around.

What are some of your goals for 2019? Do you have a word?

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