Sunday, January 20, 2019

Blogging Goals for 2019

Hi Friends! I know it's been awhile since my last post and I am sorry for that. We have had a busy week with appointments and such. Right now I am working on  a new blogging schedule and I hope to start adding in a few weekly blog post this week. Tonight's blog post is all about my blogging goals for 2019.

Now, I'm not going to be buying my own domain and I won't be taking any fancy photography classes.... but I do have a few goals that I would like to achieve this year:

 1. Increase my page views.

2. I would love to gain more loyal readers.

3. Create a posting schedule. I always have a difficult time keeping up with a posting schedule, so my goal is to start posting at least 4x per week.

4. Add weekly posts (i.e. In the kitchen Tuesdays and Friday Favorites)

5. Comment on more blogs.

6. Learn how to use Ad sense and to install it on my blog.

7. Sponsored posts 

What are your blogging goals for 2019?

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