Wednesday, November 7, 2018

9 Ways To Get Out of a Funk

Getting into a funk is a normal and natural thing. Even the happiest of people can have days where they are just blah. In this post, I wanted to share 9 ways to get out of a funk so if you ever find yourself in one you know how to feel better stat!

9 Ways To Get Out of a Funk 

Get Outside: Sometimes I can get in a funk if I have been inside too long. When my oldest  was born (in the winter) we stayed inside quite a bit till it warmed up. Some days I would NEED to get outside, so when my Hubby got home from work I would go for a walk. Even if it was around the block it made me feel better. Or I would sit on our porch while my daughter slept and read. Getting outside really helps.

Meet Up With A Friend: One of the things that cheers me up the most when I really need it is meeting up with a friend. It could be for a walk, for a coffee, or even a phone date. It helps!

Clean Your Space: A messy space does not make your mood better. If you are at work, clean up your desk. At home clean up your immediate space. Make your bed, wipe down counters, etc.

Change Your Scenery: If you have the means get out of the place you are in for a few days. Go visit a friend in another city, go on a trip alone. Just change your scenery a bit!

Make/Buy A Healthy Meal: Sometimes when I am feeling blah its because I have been eating blah. So I will make a HUGE salad with greens, veggies, hard boiled eggs, fruit, grilled chicken. . Or I will run to Walmart and grab some yogurt and add some granola to it. Either way it always makes me feel so much better.

Read For inspiration: This could be an article, a magazine, another blog, anything. Read something that inspires you!

Call Your Mom/Bestie: My mom is the best. I love calling her when I’m in a mood. She always makes me feel better. Besties are great for that too!

Clean Out Your Closet: Not only will you get rid of stuff you don’t wear and don’t need but you may unearth some treasures you forgot you had!

Volunteer: Being around those that need your help will really make you appreciate your life and get you out of your funk!

I would love to know what ways to get out of a funk you would add!

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