Monday, May 21, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday {5/21/2018}

Good evening Friends, hope everyone had a great weekend.

This is A's last week of school, so it's going to be a busy week with all of the end of the school activities. She is so excited for summer break, swimming at the pool, and going to Girl Scout meetings.

Anyways, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday! Shall we?

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning

Cereal and toast

Right now I am

Sitting at the dining room table typing up this post.

The weather outside

We had some scary storms over the weekend. This week's weather looks beautiful (except for Tuesday)

Looking around the house

The living room still needs be picked up and the bathrooms need to be cleaned. I just have a load of sheets and towels that need to be folded and put away. The kitchen needs to be cleaned. 

On today's to do list

Laundry- fold all of the laundry that I washed over the weekend.
Cleaning- general tidying of the house needs to be done.
Cooking- meal prep for the week
Meal planning- I need to set up my meal plan calendar for June
Planning- I need to update my planners and my bullet journal and I need to work my editorial calendar for June

Currently reading

I just started reading Gone Girl last night

On the TV today

Currently I am watching This is Us and Will and Grace, and Roseanne

On the menu this week

Monday- Baked potatoes and green beans
Tuesday-  Mississippi chicken, rice pilaf, veggie
Wednesday- Mini corn dogs mac and cheese with corn
Thursday- Corn dogs from Sonic

Friday- Pizza and breadsticks
Saturday- Mexican cornbread

Sunday- Beans with ham, fried potatoes, cornbread

If I have a few minutes to myself I will

I will curl up on the couch with a blanket and read my current book.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key verses


  1. Enjoyed reading this week's HHM post. We've had a lot of storms, too, this week. Saturday night one took out one of the redbuds and the big cherry tree. Fortunately, we have lots of babies and they are starting to produce, so we're not completely out of business! :) Have a great weekend! <3

  2. Love your quote for this week. I've read Gone Girl, quite a dark novel. Have you seen the movie? Keep meaning to see it myself. Hope you are in the middle of a great weekend!
