Friday, December 1, 2017

Welcome to Blogmas 2017!

Hello Lovelies!

December is finally here! This year I have decided to take part in what seems to be a tradition within the blogging community, Blogmas. I'll be posting every day on this blog from now until Christmas day. The posts will be a mixture of Christmas themed posts and then some regular posts thrown in.  Hopefully you will join me for the ride!

To get us into the Christmas spirit I thought I would share a few of my favorite things about Christmas!

Five Christmas Favorites

1. Christmas music. I'm on one of those people who starts blasting Christmas music in Halloween. I gotta have my Christmas music.

2. Christmas movies. I start watching these around Thanksgiving and I always always start with a viewing of  The Family Stone (my favorite).

3. Christmas Lights.  We love looking at Christmas lights! On Thanksgiving we start driving around town looking at Christmas lights. It's always been a tradition and I hope we continue it for years to come.

4. Hot Chocolate. You gotta have hot chocolate during the Holidays! For me it's a must since I am not a coffee drinker.

5. Gingerbread houses. This is one tradition that I absolutely love to do with my girls. It's messy but oh so much fun!

There are my five Christmas favorites. What are some of your Christmas favorites? Please share in the comments below!

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