Thursday, December 14, 2017

How to Create a Self Care Routine

This is such a busy time of the year, Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, and family visits. That's why having a routine in place for self care and "me time" is so important. Otherwise, we all get a bit run down and out of sorts. So, today I am sharing how to create your own self care routine.

Find the time that works for you: This is different for everyone. For me, it's when the kids are finally in bed for the night. Now, this doesn't always happen when I want it too, my 2 year old usually goes to bed around 730pm and my 7 year old is usually in bed my 830pm, but some nights is bit later for both of them. I have learned to stay calm with them and they will eventually go to sleep even thought it might 10 to 15 minutes past their respective bedtimes.

Grab your essentials: For me the esstentials include; warm pjs, a good book, and a steaming cup of hot chocolate. All of this is enjoyed in the living room, sitting on the couch, curled up in a warm blanket.

Ask for help: Ask your parents to watch your kiddos for a bit so you can have time to yourself, tell your husband you need him to handle the kids or the laundry so you can get out for a but, or hire a baby sitter, Just ask for help when you need it to ensure you get the self care that you need.

Make it part of your routine: Now that you have asked to help, carved out the time, and grabbed your essentials, make it part of your daily routine. Even if it's 20 minutes!

How do you create your own self care routine?

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