Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Hello 2020!

2020 started off with a oldest got sick around 11:30pm so while tending to her I wasn't able to ring in the new year with the hubby. She is now feeling much better and is back to her cheerful and smiley self.

2019 was a year of ups and downs. It was a trying year that taught both my husband and I some very valuable lessons that we hope to continue into the new year. It was a year of celebrating birthdays, taking the kids to the zoo over the summer, to my husband finally landing a full time job, and to me finally starting a fledgling business that I will continue to work on in 2020.

2020 is a brand new year. I have decided not to make a list of resolutions but rather a list of goals that I hope to implement and complete by the end of the year. I will share these goals in a future post soon. My husband and I have a few lofty goals that we hope to complete at the end of the year as well.

So here's to a great 2020! May the Force Be With You and May You Live Long and Prosper! My husband would be so proud of me for using two of his favorite movie quotes! LOL!!!

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