Monday, January 27, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday {1/27/2020}

Hello Friends!

Good evening, I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

All of us have had colds for the last week. My cold turned into sinusitis, my oldest just has a plain old cold as did my husband, and my youngest has an ear infection. Needless to say, we have all been miserable. Thankfully, we are finally feeling better. I'm disinfecting everything we have touched and have washed blankets and sheets so we can keep from getting these colds again.

On the bright side, my oldest starts Black Belt Club this week. She is so excited! She just got all of her equipment, nun chucks and sticks. She can't wait to learn how to use them.

Anyways, it's getting late, let's get started on this post!

The weather: It looks like this week is supposed to be cooler than last week.

How I am feeling this morning: This morning I felt miserable from the cold that I have. As the day went on though, I began to feel better.

On my mind: My meal plan for the week and for next month and just the usual stuff I guess.

On the breakfast plate: I had scrambled eggs with sausage and I glass of milk

On my reading pile:

Right now I am reading a couple books that I haven't read in a while. I will have to get the titles later.

On my tv: I watching some old tv shows on Hulu.

On the menu this week:

Still working on the meal plan for this week. I will post sometime tomorrow.

Looking around the house: The house needs to be cleaned, every room is a mess.

Chore I m not looking forward to this week: Laundry. My dryer is not working, and since I don't have a clothes line, I am hanging our clothes around the house so that they can dry.l

To relax this week, I will

read one of my books.

On my prayer list: My husband and the kids. I want our colds to go away.

Inspirational quote:


  1. Ugh - hanging clothes around to dry sounds like torture! I just do it with our jeans, but still never enough room! Hope you can get the dryer fixed soon. And hope all the cold germs leave your house even sooner!

  2. Colds are so miserable. So is everything else you mentioned. Hope everyone feels better & you have a great week!

  3. Praying health and healing over your family and that your dryer gets fixed soon. Blessings for a better week ahead!
