Monday, October 7, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {10/7/2019}

Hi and welcome to my blog. We are on day #7 of Blogotber and I am dreadfully behind as always. So with that being said, we have yet another busy week ahead of us with marital arts and a school play for my oldest and story time at the Library for my youngest.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that the week ahead treats you well.

Let's get to it, shall we?

The weather

A cold front moved through this morning and it's supposed to get even colder ny Friday night. It's finally time to break out the jeans, sweaters, and boots!! 

Right now

it's 11:30pm and I am sitting at the dining room table typing up this post and enjoying the quiet while husband and kids are sleeping.


I'm thinking about alot of things that are just jumbled in my head. Right now, I am just trying to make sense of it all. 

On my reading pile

Just finished reading "I"ve got you under my skin by Mary Higgins Clark, and I am still reading "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" and I'm going to start reading "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult.

 On my tv

Right now I am watching Gilmore Girls, The Ranch, and Friends (Netflix) and I found Designing Women on Hulu (so excited for this one)

On the menu this week

Still working on it. I will update tomorrow.

On my to do list

Everything..... order Halloween costumes for the girls
Get flu shot
Organize refrigerator and freezer
Clean every inch of the house
Catch up on laundry
Find some time to relax and read

What I am creating

Still working on my meal planner, but I am stuck and trying to figure it out.

Looking around the house
My house is a disaster! Clothes and toys everywhere, the kitchen is a mess, laundry is backed up (again) and the bathrooms are a mess, as well as the bedrooms. Sometimes I feel like I am a failure at this homemaking thing. My house is always a mess and I feel like I have absolutely no time to get everything done that needs to be done. Oh well, one day and room at a time, right?

On my prayer list

My husband as he continues to look for full time work

Bible verse, devotional or quote



  1. Don't know how I missed something called Blogtober when it's my favorite month, but glad I found it while making the Happy Homemaker rounds. I LOVE your inspiration! I hope your busy week is a GREAT one!

  2. Yes, one day and room at a time! I was too far behind to even contemplate Blogtober but I've got a list in my new planner for 2020. Love Designing Women too!

  3. I can't believe how it went from hot to cold, literally, overnight...a 40 degree temperature drop. It's supposed to be 32 degrees here Friday night...freezing already! Unbelievable! Am praying over your dh as he searches for work and love the Winnie the Pooh quote! Blessings for a great rest of the week! <3

  4. How cute is that quote?!
    Don't worry once the kids are older you'll have plenty of time to clean up - enjoy them while you can.
