Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #29- Fun Facts About Fall

Happy Fall Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #29 of Blogtober! It's finally time to pull out the sweaters and watch the leaves morph into various shades of yellow and orange. Fall can be a gorgeous time of year, but do you know the history behind it? Well, my friends, I have compiled a list some fun fall facts to celebrate this time wonderful time of year! Enjoy!

 Fun Facts about Fall:

 Fact #1:  Americans typically refer to this time of year as “fall,” while the British use the word “autumn.” Both terms date back to the 16th century but before that it was called “harvest.

Fact #2:  Fall was called “harvest” because of the “harvest moon” that occurs when the full moon is closest to the autumn equinox. Before man-made lighting, this moonlight was essential to a prosperous harvest.

Fact #3:  Weight gain around this time of year may not only be due to comforting fall foods like pumpkin pie and cider, researchers have found that lack of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage.

Fact #4:  According to The Weather Channel, pumpkins are the most craved food during the fall. Although, if you’ve left the house anytime recently, this may not come as a surprise to you.  

Fact #5:  The yellow and orange colors you see actually always exist in leaves but they are overpowered by the abundance of green from chlorophyll. The amount of chlorophyll starts to decrease as the sun weakens and the days grow shorter.

Fact #6:  Red and purple leaves are only that color because of the presence of sugars and sap that are trapped within the leaves. These sugars provide plants with the energy they need to survive.

Fact #7:  Many birds will prepare for their winter migration during the fall. The distance they can travel is impressive; the Arctic Tern travels 11,000 miles each way for it’s annual migration. That’s no small feat.

Fact #8:  Evergreen trees such as pines, cedars, and spruces stay green because their leaves (needles) are covered with thick wax and they contain materials that prevent freezing when it gets cold.

Fact #9:  Men and women experience high levels of testosterone during the fall. This makes sense because more babies are conceived during the fall and winter. The cause is unknown but it could be due to lack of sunlight or even go back to ancient mating rituals.

Fact #10:  We can’t forget Halloween! Halloween takes place in the fall and comes from ancient Celtic tradition. They believed that ghosts roamed on Halloween and people would wear disguises in order to hide from these spirits.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #28- 5 Simple Ways to Stay Organized

Lately I've been thinking alot about habits. I'm realizing more and more that habits are so important because they are what we resort to when we are going through the motions of our day. Forming good habits and sticking to them over time can build phenomenal long term results.

Today I thought I would share 5 habits that I've either gotten into already or am trying to get into that will make life more productive. These are all easy things to d that I think will help my days run more smoothly.

5 Simple Ways to Stay Organized

1. Make your bed. I never used to make my bed, but I quickly found out that If I made my bed my day was more productive. It gives a more positive start to my day.

2. Clean the kitchen and quickly straighten the house. Cleaning the kitchen and straightening the house are the two things that I strive to get done before going to bed each night. Like making the bed a neat and tidy house before going to bed puts me in the right mind set for keeping the rest of life organized. I do love waking up to a neat and tidy house.

3. Use your wait time. I used to be good at this before I had a cell phone. It I was heating up something in the microwave, I would use those minutes to wash dishes or wipe down the counters. I am amazed at what I can get done when I am waiting on something to finish in the oven when I commit to using my time wisely.

4. Make your to do list. I a good to do list. I mean, who doesn't? Right? I love checking things off and sometimes I make them just so I can check things off of them. 

5. Get some sleep. Sleep has everything to do with productivity. My natural inclination is to stay up as late as possible to get things done. Then the next day I'm tired and unproductive. Since realizing this I try to get to bed earlier so that I can get enough sleep.

So, there are my 10! What would you add to the list?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #27- How A Planning Routine Can Increase Your Productivity

If you are looking to organize your time, routines are your solution. A routine is an activity that you practice every day to make your days more run more smoothly and to be more predictable. I'll bet your already have a routine for what you do when you first wake up like brushing your teeth or making your bed. Why not try to get into a planning routine that will increase your productivity and help you to get more things done everyday?

How a Planning Routine Can Increase Your Productivity

A planning routine has many benefits. (1) It makes the task of checking into your planner easier and once you make planning a routine (2 ) it becomes more natural. It relieves stress and anxiety of knowing what to expect next. (3)Writing and planning out your day the night before will prepare you for what's to come with a planning routine. You will be able to focus and concentrate much better and it will help you get more done in less time. 

My Planner Line-up:

1.  My A5 planner- This houses my meal planner, blog planner and my weekly layouts for daily to do list. This I don't always use, because I am in the process of creating inserts for it.

2. Happy Planner Horizontal (classic size)- This is my personal planner that I use for listing, self care lists, to do lists, and right now this houses my blog planner, and use this for my appointments and school activities and school breaks, and school holidays.

3. My bullet journal- I new to bullet journaling and since I cannot draw, my is strictly used for my daily schedule, to do lists, monthly planner, meal plans, and blog post ideas. I time block as well, and I also plan parties and trips in this.  

My Planning Routine:  

To use my planners efficiently every day, I had to find a system that would help me increase my productivity. I had all of these planners but I wasn't using them to their full potential. A planner is a tool to help you get organized, the planner won't magically make you more organized.

You need to learn how to use your planner so that you can start getting more things done. This planning routine has helped me to become more productive in my daily life. Using this planning routine I have crossed more and more things off of my to do list.

Below I will show you what I plan for and when I plan to ensure that I am getting things done every day.

 Beginning of the month

At the beginning of each month, I review my plans from last month. I look at my monthly calendar and at my weekly and daily spreads. There I check to see if I have reached my goals. I track all my month end results and plan new goals for the nest month. If I missed anything it is transferred to the next month.

I then plan my to do's, events, appointments, birthdays, and holidays, and school breaks during the month. I write down all of my appointments in my bullet journal, and when the time gets closer I transfer the information from my weekly and daily planners.


I take every Sunday to plan my upcoming week. I take a look at my monthly calendar and if there is anything planned I write it down in my weekly spread. If things are happening on a specific day I make sure to place a sticker or write it down on that specific day. If anything new pops up I add it to my to do list that I keep in my bullet journal.

Night before/end of the day

Every night before I go to bed I review my day and I start my journaling. My journaling is done in my bullet journal. I write down what I am grateful for on my daily gratitude page in my bullet journal. This is a great way to wind down before bed. I then start to plan for the next day.

Before starting my planning routine, I used to worry and stress about what I didn't get done. This is what I use my bullet journal for. I write down every little thing and plan my daily schedule. I plan my schedule down to every hour of the day. I time block my specific times to work on my blog, our possible business and my house cleaning (all done in the early morning). I also plan my daughter's activities, time with the kids, and my husband.

Having this routine in place helps me know what to expect and when to expect it.

Day of

When I first wake up I always check my planner to see what's happening that day. I then start following my schedule. I get the kids and husband up, I get the oldest one ready for school and feed both kids breakfast. Once the oldest is at school, I start working on my routines.

I follow my daily schedules routine that I have in my bullet journal and planner. The daily schedule gives structure to my day.

It's great when you have a routine, it makes things that much easier. Not only for yourself but for family as well. I have two kids, one is in school and the other one is home with me all day and without a routine we would not be able to make through the day. At the end of the day, I plan for the next day and the cycle repeats itself.

And that's my planning routine!

Make an effort to plan. Make it part of your daily routine. You will notice a difference right away and your whole day will become smoother and you will feel better and happier about your days because of your increase productivity.

Happy Planning!!!! \

Do you have a planning routine? I would love to see it in the comments below.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #25- How to Stay Motivated All Day Long

I won't lie some days my motivation wants to pack it in around noon. I am hot, tired from chasing a toddler around all day, and a million other reasons I sometimes want throw it in and take a nap when the girls have their quiet time. But I really do try and stay motivated and productive all day. In today's blog post, I am going to share how to stay motivated all day long.

How Stay Motivated All Day Long

Wake up grateful: I think reminding yourself every morning even mentally what you are grateful for can really motivate you. For me I am grateful always for my health  and my family.. I try to work hard all day for them! In everything I do I remind myself why I work hard, what I am working towards etc.
Know what needs to get done: This can be in your calendar, in a to do list, etc but know what needs to get done and whatever way works for you schedule that out. I personally use a to-do list and a planner. I color code all of my appointments, tasks, and event,  and use my to-do list for everything else.
Do a workout: I feel like a morning workout just gets me in the motivated mindset! Especially a really good workout. Lately I have been doing a LOT of walking which I love. I walk 2 miles every day and it makes me feel great. 
Have a reward in mind: I’m not necessarily saying to go to the mall and go nuts. Usually for me that reward is doing a face mask, and watching something after the girls go to bed and I can relax. Or maybe the reward is a mid day trip to Target if you knock out half of your to do list in the morning. I think knowing you have something to look forward to can be great motivation.
Go to sleep grateful: Kind of like waking up grateful go to sleep grateful for all you have accomplished that day. It’s really the best feeling to go to sleep happy and grateful.
How do you inspire yourself to stay motivated all day?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day #24- Self Care Tips For Stay at Home Moms

I'm ashamed to admit, but I have been running on empty and nerves are beginning to show it. Stress is rising and I need some relief. I sometimes have a short fuse with my husband and an even shorter fuse with my kids.

I am ashamed of myself for even thinking like this. I often apologize for this, but I realize that the damage is already done. I mess up to, friends.

We are in this together and I need grace just like you, so I am sharing my tips and tricks on how  to implement some simple ways to keep yourself nourished  so that you can be the mom your kids need and even the wife your husband deserves.

Self Care Tips for Stay at Home Moms 

1. Get outside. 

Try to make it a habit to get outside at least once a day either alone or with your kids.

2. Exercise.

Pick your favorite. You can do yoga, stretching or walking. The point is to get your body moving as much as you. 

3. Take a bath.

Just soaking in the is relaxing. It releases the tension in the neck and shoulders. Light some candles, listen to some relaxing music or read a book. 

4. Take a nap.

This is a great idea that I just recently implemented. Even resting for 15 minutes can make a difference in my perception of the day and how much energy I have until bedtime. 

5. Read for pleasure.

A good story is so refreshing. I love reading, especially mystery and suspense novels. I love when I can pick up a book and lose myself in the story.

What would you add to this list? Please leave your suggestions in the comments below! I would love to read them!!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day#21-12 Recipes You Can Make with a Pumpkin

Hi Lovelies!

Fall still hasn't made it's way to our neck of the woods just yet. Hopefully with the cooler temps and the rain chances this week it will begin to feel like Fall. We have quite a few activties this month that we are excited about. We had a tournamant that my oldest was going to be in but sadly we had to keep her out of it because she injured her ankle.

Then we had parent teacher conferences, picture day, and Fall Break last week. We also have a Halloween carnival this weekend and trick or treating next week and y oldest's Fall Party. We might make Candy Corn Cupcakes again.

For today's blog post, I wanted to share just what types of recipes can be made with pumpkins!! Enjoy!!

12 Recipes You Can Make With a Pumpkin:

1.  Pumpkin muffins

2.  Pumpkin bread

3.  Pumpkin pancakes

4.  Pumpkin pie

5.  Pumpkin milkshake

6.  Pumpkin cookies

7.  Pumpkin cinnamon rolls

8. Pumpkin cheesecake

9. Pumpkin pie oatmeal

10.  Pumpkin brownies

11.  Pumpkin spread

12.  Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies

All of these look yummy! What some ways that you use pumpkins?

Happy Homemaker Monday {10/21/2019}

Hello everyone! I hope your weekend was relaxing. Ours was filled with movies, spending time together, and eating some yummy food.

Anyway, let's get into this week's Happy Homemaker Monday post!


The weather has been beautiful here. We did have an unexpected storm that came through last night.

Monday: Sunny 71
Tuesday: Sunny 73
Wednesday: Sunny and windy 82
Thursday: Rain 57
Friday: Partly cloudy 63
Saturday: Mostly sunny 68
Sunday: Sunny 73

On the breakfast plate this morning:

We had scrambled eggs with ham and toast

As I look outside my window:

It's sunny and warm with a nice breeze. The grass needs to be trimmed one more time and we need to trim the limbs on our tree.

Right now I am:

I am sitting at the dining room table working on this post.

As I look around the house:

The kitchen needs to be cleaned and the floors need to be vacuumed.

On today's to do list: 

Tidy the bedroos
Wipe down the bathrooms
Steam the carpet in all of the bedrooms, livingroom and dining room

On the menu this week:

Monday: Mississippi chicken, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and veggies
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: Baked potatoes, veggies
Friday: Pizza and breadsticks

Currently reading:

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

On the TV today:

We're watching Hocus Pocus tonight and when the kids go to bed I'm watching Scream and Scream 2

Inspirational quote:

Friday, October 18, 2019

Blogotber 2019-Day#18-My Fall Morning Cleaning Routine

Hi Lovelies and welcome to Blogtober Day #18!!! Today's post is all about my Fall Morning Cleaning Routine. Let's get to it, shall we?

My oldest has been back in school for about 2 months now and I think I finally have my morning cleaning routine established. Now, I do have my 3 year old with me and my husband does work part time so he's home most of the time too.

My intent on posting this is to encourage you as you manage your own home and to give you  a few ideas that might be helpful. Your routine will probably look much different than mine, and mine will probably look much different as my kids grow and can do more things on their own.

This routine is my "ideal routine", so it rarely looks as perfect and streamlined as this, but it's my daily goal.

The night before:

Yes, my morning routine starts at night. The last hour (630-730pm) before the bedtime routine begins, I clean the kitchen, tidy up the living room and dining room, I also tidy up the girl's rooms, and clean the bathrooms.

The next morning:


As soon as I get out of bed, I make it (if not immediately, then shortly after unless I am washing sheets that morning. I pick up the clothes on the floor and throw them in the hamper, and straighten the desk. I will vacuum the floor if needed as well.


After washing my face, I straighten the bathroom, which includes wiping down the counters and sink, cleaning the mirror, cleaning the toilet, and sweeping the floor.


As I am walking through the house, I pick up any stray clothes and start a load of laundry. I try to do one load a day to keep the laundry under control throughout the week.


While I am making breakfast for my crew, I put the dishes away that in the drainer from the night before and after breakfast I will clean the kitchen. I'll start the crock pot if needed for supper and I will sweep and mop the floor.

Living room

I usually have to tidy this room after the oldest goes to school. I pick any stray toys and vacuum the floor and I straighten the couh and chair.


I try to schedule blog posts the night before (sometimes I preschedule a week's worth on the weekends) so I don't have to do that first thing in the morning. Other days I am not so well prepared, so I write a post and put it up on the blog.

So, that's my morning cleaning routine. Do you have a morning/daily cleaning routine that works for you? I would love to hear about it in the comments.

Stay tuned for my Fall Evening Cleaning routine which will be posted sometimed next week!

Blogotber 2019- Day#17(catchup)- My 80s Playlist

Welcome to Day #17 of Blogtober. Today's post is all about playlists and favorite songs.

Okay, so with this post I am going to show my age. I am an 80s girl through and through. I loved the side ponetails, jelly bracelets, and big hair. I also loved the music, especially the bubble gum pop (Debbie Gibson and Tiffany) and all of the hair bands. For some reason I wasn't able to add the videos to this post.

With that being said, here is my ideal 80s playlist! 

You Give Love a Bad Name- Bon Jovi
I think We're Alone Now - Tiffany
Pour Some Sugar on Me- Def Leppard
Only In My Dreams- Debbie Gibson
Shake Me - Cinderella
18 and Life - Skid Row
Once Bitten Twice Shy- Great White
Up All Night Sleep All Day- Slaughter
I Want to Sex You Up- Color Me Badd
Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley

What is on your playlist?

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Blogtober 2019- Day #16- My Favorite Horror Movies

Hi Lovelies! Welcome to Blogtober 2018- Day #14! Today's post is all about some of my favorite horror movies ( there will be a part 2 that will be posted closer to Halloween).

With Halloween coming up I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite horror movies. Now, I have always been a fan of horror movies and I understand that some of you might not be, but that's okay. If you are not a fan of horror movies then you might just want to skip this post altogether. For those who love horror movies get your popcorn and your big fuzzy blankets ready!!!

1. The Scream series (1996). I love this series!! It's nineties nostalgia in a slasher film. What's not to love?

2. Friday the 13th 1, 2 , and 3. That's it...just those three!! I love all three of these. The third movie I still have a hard time watching because it freaks me out that much.

3. Halloween. Jamie Lee Curtis is the best! Need I say more?

4. Rosemary's baby (1968). Just the right amount of freaky to scare the crap out of me.

5. The Exorcist (1973). Probably the most disturbing movie on this list and probably the most offensive movie I have ever seen.

6. The Shining (1980). One of the most visually beautiful horror films in my opinion. Jack Nicholson is super creepy in this one!!

7. It (the tv mini-series from the 80s). This needs to be on this list. That damn clown gave nightmares for months!! It was worth it though because I loved the story and the movie!

8. Identity. This is another favorite of mine and John Cusack was awesome in it!  I loved that multiple personality disorder was the focus of the story.

9. A Nightmare of Elm Street. This is another favorite of mine. After seeing the movie I would not take baths for months, which brings me to the last movie on the list.

10. Psycho. I would not take showers after seeing this movie, yet it us one of my favorites!

What are your favorite horror movies?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blotober 2019-Day#15- My Skin Care Routine

Welcome to Day #15 of Blogtober! 

Okay, so this post is about my skin care routine. The only thing is that I really don't follow a routine. Yes, I wash my face, I use toner, and sometime a moisturizer.... but that's about it.

I have oily skin, always have. I have tried several different types of cleansers, masks, toners, and moisturizers. Some have been expensive while others have been on the cheap side. Through the years, I have found that my skin responds better to the cheaper skin care products.

As of right now, my skin care routine revolves around two of the cheaper products and one moderately expensive of product. So, I am going to share with you a breakdown of my skin care routine.

1. Cleanser

I use Cetaphil. It's very light and makes my face feel clean. I use this once in the morning and once in the evening.

2. Toner. 

After cleansing my face I use witch hazel as a toner.  I use this because it's very gentle on my skin and it makes it feel and look amazing.

 3. Moisturize. 

I use a moisturizer made by Cetaphil. Again, this is very gentle on my skin and doesn't cause break outs like most other moisturizers that I have used in the past.

What is your skin care routine? Please share in the comments below!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {10/14/2019}

Good afternoon everyone, hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

Ours was restful and quiet. We just spend the weekend around the house reading books, spending time with the girls, and watching movies. We have a short week this week since my oldest doesn't have school on Friday, so this week should go by fast.

Blogotber has gotten away from me again. I just can't keep up with all of the posts. I hoping to start posting every day from now until the end of the month.

Anyways, let's get on with today's post!

The weather outside is: 

It has been nice here! Not too warm and not to cold, just the way I like it. We are supposed to be in the low to middles 80s all  week.

On the breakfast plate this morning:

I had a banana nut muffin and a glass of milk.

As I look outside my window:

The sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky. It's a beautiful day.

Right now I am:

Sitting at the dining room table working on this post.

As I look around the house:

The living room and kitchen need to be cleaned, and I have 4 loads of the laundry that need to folded and put away.

On today's to do list:

Clean the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and bathrooms.
Change and wash all sheets and blankets

On the menu this week:

Monday: Baked potatoes, broccoli, and rolls
Tuesday: Mississippi chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, and rolls
Wednesday: Spaghetti and meatballs
Thursday: Chicken and broccoli alfredo
Friday: Pizza burgers, veggies
Saturday: Beans and cornbread, fried potatoes
Sunday: Ham and cheese sliders and curly fries

Currently reading:

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

On the TV today:

The newest episode of The Walking Dead, Gilmore Girls, The Masked Singer

Devotional, bible verse, or quote:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day #10- My Favorite Book

For today's Blogtober post I thought it would be fun to talk on my of favorite books. Enjoy! 

Fried green tomatoes is one of my favorite books! I think I have read probably more than a dozen times.  I love the plot and I really love the characters that Fannie Flagg has created. It's a great book to read on a cold, rainy Fall evening. When I first read it I fell in love with the characters and the time period that it was set in.


Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is a 1987 novel by Fannie Flagg. It weaves together the past and the present through the blossoming friendship between Evelyn Couch, a middle-aged housewife, and Ninny Threadgoode, an elderly woman who lives in a nursing home. Every week Evelyn visits Ninny, who tells her stories about her youth in Whistle Stop, Alabama where her sister-in-law, Idgie, and her friend, Ruth, ran a café. These stories, along with Ninny's friendship, enable Evelyn to begin a new, satisfying life while allowing the people and stories of Ninny's youth to live on.

What is your favorite book? 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day #9- Fall Bucket List

Hi Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #9 of Blogtober 2019! Today's post is all about the Fall Bucket List. I love Fall....it's not too hot or too cold, the weather is just right. I love making seasonal bucket lists with my kids and this year's list was even more fun to create, hopefully by youngest will show some interest in it this time!

So with out further adieou.....

What's on your Fall Bucket List?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day #8- Interesting Facts About Me

Hi Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #8 of Blogtber. I thought it would be fun to list 15 interesting facts about myself. Ready! Set! Go!

15 facts about me:

(1) I cannot sleep unless the closet doors are closed.

(2) I have no tattoos and I only have my ears perieced.

(3) Stephen King is my all time favorite author. 

(4) I'm a homebody. I'd rather stay home and watch a movie on Netflix than go to the theater.

(5) I never missed an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. Team Brenda!!

(6) I don't like the taste of coffee, but.......

(7) I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

(8) I cry at almost everything.

(9) I love museums.

(10) My kitchen has to be cleaned before I go to bed. 

(11) I love anything and everything from the 80s.

(12) I was 37 when I had my first daughter and I was 42 when I had my second daughter.

(13) My husband and I have known each other since the 3rd grade.

(14) We lived together for 16 years before he asked me to marry him.

(15)  Cheesecake is my favorite dessert.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {10/7/2019}

Hi and welcome to my blog. We are on day #7 of Blogotber and I am dreadfully behind as always. So with that being said, we have yet another busy week ahead of us with marital arts and a school play for my oldest and story time at the Library for my youngest.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that the week ahead treats you well.

Let's get to it, shall we?

The weather

A cold front moved through this morning and it's supposed to get even colder ny Friday night. It's finally time to break out the jeans, sweaters, and boots!! 

Right now

it's 11:30pm and I am sitting at the dining room table typing up this post and enjoying the quiet while husband and kids are sleeping.


I'm thinking about alot of things that are just jumbled in my head. Right now, I am just trying to make sense of it all. 

On my reading pile

Just finished reading "I"ve got you under my skin by Mary Higgins Clark, and I am still reading "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" and I'm going to start reading "Small Great Things" by Jodi Picoult.

 On my tv

Right now I am watching Gilmore Girls, The Ranch, and Friends (Netflix) and I found Designing Women on Hulu (so excited for this one)

On the menu this week

Still working on it. I will update tomorrow.

On my to do list

Everything..... order Halloween costumes for the girls
Get flu shot
Organize refrigerator and freezer
Clean every inch of the house
Catch up on laundry
Find some time to relax and read

What I am creating

Still working on my meal planner, but I am stuck and trying to figure it out.

Looking around the house
My house is a disaster! Clothes and toys everywhere, the kitchen is a mess, laundry is backed up (again) and the bathrooms are a mess, as well as the bedrooms. Sometimes I feel like I am a failure at this homemaking thing. My house is always a mess and I feel like I have absolutely no time to get everything done that needs to be done. Oh well, one day and room at a time, right?

On my prayer list

My husband as he continues to look for full time work

Bible verse, devotional or quote


Saturday, October 5, 2019

Blogtober 2019-Day #5- October Goals

Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog!

 October is one of my favorite months.Between Halloween, the cooler weather, and all things pumpkin it's just a fun month. Today's post is all about my goals for October.

Now that all of our routines are established, I am excited about setting some goals and I am really going to push myself this month. There are alot of things that I would like accomplish so hopefully by the end of the month I will feel good about things. Here we go!

Personal Goals

  • drink more water
  • meditate for 10 minutes
  • stretch for a few minutes before getting up
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • workout consistently
  • read 5 books
Family Goals
  •  keep adapting to our Fall schedule. Continue to work on morning, afternoon, and evening routines
  • celebrate Halloween
  • Cross off items from our Fall bucket list
Blog Goals
  •  post once per day during the month of October
  • make a new list of blog post ideas
  • schedule posts until the end of Ocotber
  • create an editorial calendar for the rest of the year
I hope your October has started out as a fantastic month! Have you set any goals yet? Any fun Fall plans? Have you started crossing things off of your Fall Bucket list?

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Blogtober #1- An Introduction

Hello and welcome to October where we begin the first of 31 back to back posts in Blogtober! I am excited to be participating again this year.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.  I have been blogging off and on for a few years now as a hobby, but I am hoping to turn it into a full time job (which I know will take awhile to accomplish. I am married to my college sweetheart and we have known each other since elementary school (that's a story for another day). We have two beautiful girls, our oldest is in the 4th grade and our youngest is in preschool. My husband is a Psychology professor while I am a stay at home mom.

I love to read (Stephen King and Mary Higgins Clark are my favorites) and I love being in the kitchen creating delicious meals for my family.

I am looking forward to the rest of Blogotber and to see what other bloggers post this month.

Tomorrow's post will be all about my goals for October!

Are you participating in Blogotber?