Friday, April 26, 2019

How to create a Weekly and Daily Cleaning Routine for Busy Stay at Home Moms

I have been a busy stay at home mom since 2010. Staying up on housework has always been a struggle for me. I often times feel overwhelmed with trying to keep up with everything and sometimes cleaning the house is the last thing on my to do list. I always think I will get to it later, but, let's be honest that almost never happens. So, today I'm sharing with you my weekly and daily cleaning routines. These routines are extremely practical and are so easy to follow.

How to Create a Weekly and Daily Cleaning Routine 

To create a weekly schedule, you must first determine the various rooms that need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Instead of trying to do all of the cleaning in one day break up your cleaning tasks by room. Clean one room (maybe two) a day, but cleaning for that room goes above and beyond what a normal clean would be. 

Here is my weekly cleaning schedule:

Sunday- wash and change bed sheets.
Monday- steam mop all floors, vacuum all bedrooms.
Tuesday- dust all flat surfaces.
Wednesday- wipe down and clean out the fridge, deep clean the kitchen.
Thursday- wipe down the washer and dryer, deep clean the laundry room.
Friday- deep clean the living room and dining room.
Saturday- deep clean the bathrooms and bedrooms. 

When it comes to daily cleaning, there are a few tasks that must be completed everyday, like washing the dishes. Make a list of chores that you absolutely have to get done each and everyday.
And picking up miscellaneous items and putting there up where they belong. Make a list of the chores that you absolutely have to get done each and every day. You could even assign these tasks to various members of your family to help out a bit. 

Here is my daily cleaning schedule:

There are a few daily tasks that have to be done every single day. One of these tasks is the dishes. Because I cook all of our meals and I hand wash all of the dishes three times a day (I don't have a dishwasher), my kitchen can get out of hand very quickly. Let me tell you, it's not a pretty sight.

Second, another absolutely must clean area of my home are the counter tops. Every night I make sure to wipe everything before going to bed.

Third, I wash one of clothes every day. It's the only way for me to keep up with "Mt. Washmore". 

Lastly, the final daily chore I do each day is make sure things that have been left out are put away in their proper places. I make to do a 15 minute tidy up around the house. It's always nice to wake up to a clean and tidy house. 

What does your weekly and daily cleaning routines look like?

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