Tuesday, April 16, 2019

8 Best Time Management Tips

My days, like most people’s, are SUPER busy. I stay home full time with my youngest, while my oldest is in school. I work on my blog full time (at least I try to) with little outside help, and I take care of our house. Needless to say, time management is a must. Today I am sharing my 8 best time management tips!

8 Best Time Management Tips

Use A Calendar/To Do List: This is really obvious but so many people don’t! I don’t rely on a paper calendar because I find them to not be reliable unless you check them nonstop! I use Google Calendar (my own and one I share with my husband) and I always have them come with alerts. I also have a to do list that I keep on the counter that I use to check things off during the day.
Schedule in even stuff you wouldn’t normally: I schedule reminders in my calendar for things like “post Instagram” “reply to blog comments” “put away laundry” that way I don’t forget. It keeps me on task!
Use Timers: We use the timers and reminders NONSTOP! I also time myself sometimes on smaller tasks. If I am going to spend time working on Instagram or Pinterest I set a timer for 30 minutes. I feel like I work faster and better.
Prioritize Duh: Again, something people forget. I have a to-do list, but it’s in no particular order. From that list I try to do the most time consuming/hardest tasks first.  That way it isn’t 4 PM and you are just now getting around to the thing that may take 5 hours.
Say No When You Need To: I am THE WORST at over-committing, especially when it comes to daughter's school activities, like her class parties. I always sign up for all of them, except this when I only signed up for one. 
Ask For Help: Again, a no brainer but ask for help. For me I may ask my husband to take over when he gets home from work so I can get an hours worth of work done before we do bedtime with the girls. Or maybe I will ask him if he can do the laundry while I get some work done. You have to ask for help or you will get overwhelmed.
Get Up Early:  I am the most productive in the morning. So I get up at 6 and use 30 minutes to lay in bed, read emails, check my phone, read blogs, etc. Then I use about 90 minutes to get work done and eat breakfast before the girls get up. I also try to meditate for five minutes during this time just to get my mind right for the day. I find when I skip it my day just feels off.
Cut Yourself Slack: There will be days your time management sucks and everything goes out the window. Maybe nothing got done. It’s OK. Cut yourself slack and try again tomorrow!
These are my best time management tips and just what works for me!
What is one time management tip you’d add?

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