Saturday, March 2, 2019

March 2019 Goals

Happy March! Hard to believe we are almost through winter. I decided to sit down this morning and organize my March (in my planner)  and to jot down some goals that I want to accomplish. Now, I can't recap my goals for February, because I didn't make any because we were sick for most of the month.

So here's what I'm planning for March in the terms of goals:

1. Implement a cleaning routine

In order to accomplish this I will be following The Flylady. I have seen this on facebook and it seems to be working for most. I just hope I can stick with it this time. I have tried a few times and have just given up. This time I will stick with it and my house will be clean and decluttered by the end of the month. 

2. Plan A's birthday party.

We have the place reserved for the day, I have activities planned and I know what type of cake I am going to make. She is having a Pokemon theme thus year. 

3. Have a fun spring break.

We need to plan a fun trip and I will be celebrating A's birthday during this week as well. Her party will be the week before. 

4. Read at least one book (maybe 2).

I have quite a few books that I have that just haven't taken the time to read. Hopefully I can at least get through one book (maybe 2) this month.

5. Work on editorial calendar for Spring content.

6. Schedule blog posts for this month. 

7. Post more consistently on intragram and increase my followers.

8. Set up a twitter account for my blog.

9. Schedule posts for my blog's facebook and keep it updated.

10. Figure out how to use Intagram stories. 

Well, those are my goals for March. What goals do you have planned for March?

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