Friday, October 5, 2018

Blogtober 2018- Day#5- 12 Recipes You Can Make With a Pumpkin

Hi Lovelies!

Fall still hasn't made it's way to our neck of the woods just yet. Hopefully with the cooler temps and the rain chances this week it will begin to feel like Fall. We have quite a few activties this month that we are excited about. Spaghetti and Game night is my oldest's school was last night! We had fun and we even made it onto our local news! Then we have parent teacher conferences, picture day, and Fall Break in the next few weeks. Then the last of the month we have Angelina's Fall party and we might make Candy Corn Cupcakes again. Of course we have Halloween, which my kids are very excited for.

For today's blog post, I wanted to share just what types of recipes can be made with pumpkins!! Enjoy!!

12 Recipes You Can Make With a Pumpkin:

1.  Pumpkin muffins

2.  Pumpkin bread

3.  Pumpkin pancakes

4.  Pumpkin pie

5.  Pumpkin milkshake

6.  Pumpkin cookies

7.  Pumpkin cinnamon rolls

8. Pumpkin cheesecake

9. Pumpkin pie oatmeal

10.  Pumpkin brownies

11.  Pumpkin spread

12.  Pumpkin chocolate chip cookies

All of these look yummy! What some ways that you use pumpkins?

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