Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Blogtober 2017- Day #18- My Night Time Routine

Hi Lovelies!

Welcome to Day #18 of Blogotber. Today's post is all about my night time routine. Having a great but simple night time routine can greatly improve your mornings and help set up your day for success. Now, I'm more of a night person so the more that I can get done at the better my morning will be.

With that be said, here is a glimpse into my simple night time routine:

1. Clean the kitchen and sweep/mop the floor.

2. Walk through the house and do a quick pick up.

3. Get ready for bed (shower, brush teeth, skin care routine)

4. Read a book and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate (I'm not a coffee or tea drinker)

5. Check on kids.

6. Climb into bed and go to sleep.

I would love to know what your fall night time routine looks like?

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