Wednesday, July 10, 2019

5 Common Meal Planning Mistakes

Meal planning can be overwhelming. The trick is to just get started. But before we talk about meal planning, let's first talk about some common mistakes that most people make when meal planning.

5 Common Meal Planning Mistakes

Mistake #1-- Not making a menu at all

I'll be the first to admit that there are plenty of weeks when I don't have a meal plan in place because of not knowing exactly how our week is going to plan out. But, you know what? When 4pm rolls around, I always regret not having a meal plan to rely on.

Even a simple meal plan that you have to change it better than not having one at all.

Mistake #2-- Thinking you have to plan out every single detail.

Guess what? If you are making the meal plan, you are the boss and you get to make the decision on how much you plan out and how much you want to "wing it". I usually plan the main dish with a side. When it's time to cook, first I check the fridge to see what produce needs to be used up and then I make a decision based on that.

If you are only planning one item per meal, then meal planning goes alot quicker.

Mistake #3-- Thinking you have be extra creative when meal planning.

There is no planning rule that say you have to plan something amazing for each meal. My breakfast menu is very simple and consists of cereal, eggs and toast, poptarts, and toaster strudel.

It's perfectly fine to add simple item to your meal plan-- you will be prepared while still having the ingredients on hand.

Mistake #4-- Thinking you cannot change the menu plan.

You are in control of the meal plan, the meal plan is not in control of you. If the time comes and find out that you do not have the time to make what is planned that day, then swap for something easier.

Do not avoid menu planning because you feel it's too limiting.

Mistake #5-- Being to ambitious in your meal choices. 

The opposite of mistake #4 is to be too ambitious while you are meal planning

I try to learn from my mistakes and plan accordingly the next time.

What types of mistakes have you made while meal planning?

1 comment:

  1. My biggest mistake is getting caught up in sticking to things on a certain day and not doing prep to make cooking easier in the week.
