Thursday, February 28, 2019

February Flashback

February has not been kind to us and I am so ready for it to just be over. There were a lot of gray skies and freezing temps. The flu and strep even made a not so welcome visit.

Here is my weekly recap of the month!

Week #1 (Jan 28- Feb 3): This week was fairly busy because my oldest started going to martial arts class.

Week #2 ( Feb 4-10): This week was my birthday week (Feb 8th was my birthday). My oldest has her marital arts class, she had a class trip this week as well. and we celebrated my birthday with a cake and pizza on that Saturday. Then Sunday came and greeted us with a stomach bug for my two girls.

Week #3 (Feb 11- Feb 17): This week was fairly quite. We kept my oldest home from school because of the stomach bug she had and she went back that Wednesday. She had her Valentines day party at school that Thursday. Then when the weekend hit we welcomed an unwanted visitor. THE FLU.

Week #4 (Feb 18-24): This week we all tested positive for the flu and then by Friday my oldest and I tested positive for strep throat. This week was full of sleep and resting, watching movies, eating crackers and chicken noodle soup. By the end of the week we were all feeling better. My daughter's school even closed because most of the kids and teachers had the flu.

Week #5 (Feb 25- March 3): This week has started out fairly calm, well except for the Winter weather watch we were under a few days ago. I am using this week to deep clean my house and to start organizing it a little bit more.

I am so ready for February to end for March to begin. It means no more freezing temps and plenty of blue skies and sunshine!

How was your February? Are you ready for Spring to make an appearance?

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