Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas Craziness and an Update

It's been quite a while since my last post. With all of the craziness that surrounds Christmas, the class parties, class trips, and shopping, it's been pretty busy around here. Not to mention that we were all sick the week before Christmas which made checking things off my to do list even harder. Everyone is finally healthy!

We had a great Christmas! The girls were given every thing they asked for and we spent Christmas morning with a very special family. I have to say that this was hands down the best Christmas we have had in quite some time.

Now that Christmas is over ( the tree is coming down tomorrow), I can now concentrate on setting up my planner and bullet journal, writing down and finalizing my 2019 goals (post coming soon), updating my blog, revamping my routines, setting up a reading schedule (if I don't I may never read),  and setting up a more realistic blogging schedule.

With that being said, I still need to update my blog planner and plan out my posts for January. What are some topics you would like to see me tackle in the new year? Please leave comments below. I look foward to reading them.

Have a great day and I will catch ya tomorrow!

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