Saturday, December 15, 2018

Blogmas 2018- Day #15- 5 Things To Do Before The End of The Year

It’s hard to believe that we are days away from a new year. I am for sure the type of person who get’s excited for a new year. Not for the parties but for the new start. Who doesn’t love a new start? One of my favorite things to do is make a list of things to get done before a new year starts. Today I am sharing 5 things to do before the end of the year to ensure your 2019 is a great one!

5 Things To Do Before The End Of The Year

Get Organized: For some reason I get on rampages around this time of year to organize all the things. Lately it’s been the closets. They have reached crazy levels of disorganization. I feel like if my house is organized when the year starts I am much more likely to keep it that way. Also a great time to declutter and donate!
Find A Planner/Calendar That Works: I use a Classic Happy Planner. I love it. I have used one the last several years and I also use Google Calendar. Either paper or digital, find an organizer that works for YOU!
Find A Health Plan For You: I feel like this is the time that a lot of people start a new diet or health plan. I'm thinking about trying Weight Watchers again. I love how the program is set up and it's very easy to follow. 
Set Your Intentions: This could be resolutions, goals, intentions, whatever you prefer to call them. I like to make yearly goals and monthly goals to keep track of. I also like to make intentions. 
Find Your Word Of The Year: A lot of people do this. I never have but one think I want to do in this next week or so is figure out what my word for 2019 will be! Have you done this before?
Is there anything you would add to this list?

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