Wednesday, September 19, 2018

5 Tips to Help You Keep Up with Laundry

I loathe laundry, like really hate it. It's one of those things I wish I could have someone else do it for me. Perhaps one day when I'm rich all of my laundry dreams will come true. I mean a girl can dream, right? To ease the pain of doing this daunting task, I have come up with 5 tips that have helped me keep up with the laundry and will hopefully help you do the same.

5 Tips to Help You Keep Up with Laundry 

1. Schedule it

Laundry is a household chore, plain and simple. So, you will probably never feel up to doing it. So to ensure that it gets done schedule a day and time that you will dedicate to doing the laundry. Some families have a day where they tackle all of the laundry for the week. Personally, I like to wash one load per day to avoid what I call Mount Washmore. I tend to do this first thing in the morning so that it starts washing while I am working on breakfast.

2. Recruit help

Don't place the entire burden of doing laundry on yourself. If your spouse or one of your kids knows how to do the laundry ask them to help. It will make things much easier on you.

3. Don't wash it.

There are several things that don't need to be washed after the first use. Have your kids wear their pajamas for a few nights before they place it in the dirty clothes pile. Let your towels dry so that they can be used more than once. Not only will you have less laundry to wash, but your clothes won't wear out as quick.

4. Put it away the same day.

Now, this is a great concept, but it's one I don't always follow. There are days that the clothes just sit in the dryer waiting to be folded and put away. Don't start a new load if you don't have plans on folding what already dried.

5. Sort as you fold.

What's the purpose of sorting first, then folding? I never understood this concept it's just an extra step in the process. Instead, fold or hang up clothes while you are sorting them in the process. I also find that folding clothes while I watch a favorite show makes the task easier to deal with. Once all the clothing is sorted out, have each family member put away their own clothes. Now, it may not be perfect, but it gets the job done.

So there you have it, 5 simple tips to help you keep your laundry sanity. What are some things you do to keep Mount Washmore at bay?

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