Sunday, April 1, 2018

10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day

Happy Sunday Lovelies! Welcome to the blog! Today I will be discussing ways to plan a successful day. Today I encourage you to envision how you’ll want your day to go, then identify the tasks that will get you there. Check in on your progress midday, and finally, reflect on your achievements. When you implement this strategy alongside the practice of writing things down, you’ll go about your day with more focus. This will lead you to accomplishing significantly more in your day!

Today, I will be taking you through a step by step process of planning a successful day. Whether you are a work outside of the home, are a stay at home mom or a student, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and pulled in a million different directions.

So here are the......

10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day 

1. Get an early start. Plan on waking a little bit earlier each day. Establishing an earlier wake up time may mean going to bed earlier the night before. Having this extra time will make a bit calmer and less stressful. For all the moms out there, you and your family will appreciate the calmer start to the day.

2. Picture the desired result. Take a few minutes during your morning routine think about this. Visualize how your day will go. How will it begin and how will it end. Doing this will center you making for a more successful day.

3. Set your schedule and list your to dos. Review your schedule, make adjustments where they are needed, and make your to do list. Remember to stay realistic about you will be able to accomplish during the day. As your outlining your day, remember to batch similar items together as this will make it easier to complete these tasks. 

4. Prioritize healthy habits. It's important to plan out your meals, snacks, and exercise. The best way to achieve these goals is t actually plan them out in your planner. It it's in your planner, then it must be done, right? Also, the check marks are so satisifying to see. Am I the only one who thinks this way?  Planning out your meals will keep you on track with your eating. 

5. Select your top three. Identify your top three. What three items would you not feel like the day was a success if they were not completed? 

6. Get to work. You’ve heard the advice start with the hardest things first. We believe that progress begets progress. Check a few things off your list first thing to gain momentum for the rest of your day. Check in midday on your progress, and if you feel like you’re running short on time, focus on your top three and that’s it.

7. Plan for tomorrow. Don’t neglect looking ahead to tomorrow. Review tomorrow’s schedule, adjust as needed, list your to dos, and move over tasks from today that you couldn’t quite complete. 

8. Practice gratitude. Being grateful each and every day will add more joy and positivity in your life. Think of at least one thing you’re thankful for, if not many more. This is also the ideal time to reflect on your day be proud of what you accomplished!

9. Unplug. Being successful also means knowing when to stop. Knowing when to turn it all off. Knowing when it’s time to take care of you. It means committing to quality, undivided time with those who matter most—and knowing how to live in the moment.

Have dinner as a family, meet up with a friend, enjoy a glass of wine, take your dog for a walk, read to your children, or watch your favorite show. Then, wind down with a calming activity such a detoxifying bath or a book. Truly unplug and take this time to refresh yourself after a day you should be proud of!

10. Commit to quality sleep. Determine the best amount of sleep for you. Become consistent with an ideal bedtime which will help regulate your body’s internal clock. Make a commitment to avoid electronics thirty minutes before bed—keep your phone far from that convenient bedside table of yours.

Remember the importance of a good night of sleep. Without it, tomorrow will be off!

How do you set up for a successful day?

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