Monday, November 13, 2017

November Intensions and a Recap of October

I have been writing my monthly goals down for a while now because I want to focus on what is important. Many of the things that i have listed are daily habits that I am seeking to maintain or grow in. The goal is not obtain perfection, but to make steady progress.

Recap of goals in October:

1.  Organize the kid's closets
2.  Create office space in the corner of the family room
3.  Book at least 3 Facebook parties for Jamberry
4.  Begin a new (slightly scary) venture with the Husby
5.  Make at least 2 freezer meals a week
6.  Read 2 books
7.  Blog at least 3 times per week
8.  Menu plan consistently
9.  Use my planner consistently (my days would be less hectic if I would do this)
10. Eat more fruits and veggies

As you can see I accomplished half of the goals that I set for myself last month.

Top three things I was grateful for in October:

1.  spending time with my family
2.  creating office space so that the husband and I have a place to work
3.  being able to work from home with the husband

November Intentions:

These will be broken up into five categories; spritiual goals, personal goals, household goals, writing and blogging goals, and work goals.

Spiritual goals:

1.  daily bible study using the website
2.  pray for my husband, children, and loved ones using the scripture God has given me
3.  silent prayer and mediation

Personal goals:

1.  exercise 3x per week, with walking every day
2.  sleep at least 6 hours a night
3.  write down at least one thing that I am grateful for each evening

Household goals:

1.  meal plan for the month
2.  create a morning and evening routine and then follow them consistently
3.  keep up with the laundry

Writing and blogging goals:

1,  create a blogging editorial calendar
2.  post at least 3x per week on my blog for November
3.  work on first article for newspaper
4.  complete article and then have husband proof read
5.  see if I can become a Yahoo contributor

Monthly goals:

1.  at home date nights with husband
2.  one on one time with each daughter

What are some goals you have for November?

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