Wednesday, November 29, 2017

10 Ways to Fill a Notebook

Whenever I see a cute notebook, I must have it. If someone asks me for something that they could get me for my birthday or Christmas I always say "buy me a cute notebook". Right now, I have quite a few notebooks lying around just waiting to be filled up. The problem is I just don't know how to use them. That's why I thought of these 10 ways to fill a notebook.

1. List of books that you want to read. My to read list was kept on various scraps of paper. Using a notebook to write a list of books that I want to read is one way that I can use my notebooks. This way I have a list if books that I want to read and as I read the book I can cross it off my list.

2. Habit trackers. It takes, roughly, around 30 days to form a new habit. Whether your goal is to drink 8 ounces of water each day or to meditate for 10 minutes, those first few months are tough. A habit tracker can help you through. Use tally marks or even a fun design, it's entirely up to you/

3. Bucket Lists. Dedicate a hardy notebook to all the places you want to go and the things you want to experience. Then cross them off one by one. Even better – write mini reviews and paste in ticket stubbs or printed photos.

4. Handwriting practice.  Beautiful handwriting is everything – especially if you’re a planner addict or a snail mail correspondent. Buzzfeed has collected samples of penmanship. But it’s not something that comes naturally to all of us. A fountain pen can help, but regular practice is best. Choose an A4 notebook with blank pages that are tough but thin. Insert a sheet of guidelines and work on your alphabet.

5. Meal Planner. Plan out breakfasts, lunches and dinners for the week ahead. This saves time and money and means that when you g shopping, you don’t end up buying loads of random things just because they are cheaper and on sale.

6. Goals.  With so much going on day-to-day its easy to forget your focus. Keep your goals noted down and carry them with you. I have a dedicated notebook for this. This helps in reaching my goals and I can reflect on them at the end of the month.

7. Moody tracker. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever been given is not to analyse your life when you’re having a bad day. But if you’re down in the dumps it can feel as though everyday is a bad day. A mood diary can help. Use smiley faces or assign colors to common feelings and color in a square or shape for each day. Do this for a while and soon you’ll be able to see what triggers your highs and lows.

8. Sketches.  I love some of the artworks that Moleskine and Leuchtturm fans share on social. Follow both brands on Insta for some truly beautiful drawings and paintings. And then grab your own A5 hardcover, pencils, ink or paint and seek out a beautiful scene to commit to paper.

9. Favorite recipes.  It’s the tweaks you make to recipes that really lift them. Or better yet, those family ones that only your nana seems to know. Keep a record in a notebook with a plastic cover so you can wipe off any spills when you’re in the kitchen.

10. Bullet journal. The bullet journal is described by its founder Ryder Carroll as ‘an analogue system for a digital age.’ It’s a simple method of journalling aimed at productivity. Numerous posts have been written on how to bullet journal and the best monthly spreads and weekly layouts. My personal favorite is Boho Berry.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Meal Plan Monday {11-27 to 12-3}

Hi Lovelies!!

Here is the meal plan for this week

Meal Plan Monday

Monday- Ham with potatoes and veggies
Tuesday- Chicken pot pie
Wednesday- BBQ Chicken and mashed potatoes and corn
Thursday- Baked potatoes and veggies
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks
Saturday- Mexican cornbread
Sunday- Beans with ham and potatoes and cornbread

What's on your meal plan this week?

Happy Homemaker Monday {11-27-2017}

 Good afternoon and Happy Monday!! It's been a long time since I last linked up with Sandra's Happy Homemaker post.  I sure did miss it!!! I can't believe we are in the last week of November. It's crazy how fast this year has gone by.

Anyways, Thanksgiving break was fun and relaxing. We spent Thanksgiving with an old from high school and her family, then we had our own little Thanksgiving dinner on Friday. We spent the weekend watching movies with the girls and driving around town looking at Christmas lights. 

We will be decorating our tree tonight! I can't wait! This is my favorite time of the year.

Anyway, here is my contribution to Sandra's Happy Homemaker Monday link up! Enjoy!

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning

I had a big glass of water and a peanut butter and banana sandwich

Right now I am

Sitting at the dining room table typing up this post.

The weather outside

It's supposed to be in the 60s for most of the week. I hope it stays this way for a while.


Looking around the house

The bedrooms and bathrooms are clean, the beds are made, the floors have been vacuumed and mopped, and the dining room is been rearranged for the Christmas tree.

On today's to do list

Laundry- wash and dry one load and then fold 2 loads from yesterday
Cleaning- my morning routine is done, and I will have to declutter the living room and clean the kitchen from lunch during naptime.
Cooking- baking muffins for snacks this week, and then I need to get started in suppper later today

Currently reading

Weep No More My Lady by Mary Higgins Clark

On the TV today

HBO Now App:

Game of Thrones
Big Little Lies
The Women
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Corina Corina
Fried Green Tomatoes

On the menu this week

Monday- Ham with potatoes and veggies
Tuesday- Chicken pot pie
Wednesday- BBQ Chicken and mashed potatoes and corn
Thursday- Baked potatoes and veggies
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks
Saturday- Mexican cornbread
Sunday- Beans with ham and potatoes and cornbread

If I have a few minutes to myself I will

Pick up the book that I am currently reading and read a couple of chapters

New recipe I want to try this week

Grinch Popcorn

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key verses

Sunday, November 19, 2017

My Evening Routine

Today I'm sharing what I do on a typical day from the time my oldest comes home from school until the time my husband and I go to bed. This is easily my most favorite time of the day because it means I get to spend it with the ones I love the most!

4:00pm- prep/make dinner, homework

Sometime around 4pm I start to prep for dinner while my oldest begins working on her homework. During this time my youngest is usually sitting on the kitchen floor playing with some of her toys while I get dinner prepped and started. Meanwhile the husband is having his "me time".

5:00pm- eat, clean kitchen, sweep/mop floor, take out trash

Around 5pm we sit down to dinner. This is where we catch up on our day and talk about our weekend plans. After dinner, I will wash the dishes, put any leftover food in the fridge. Then I will clean and disinfect the counters and the stove, and sweep and mop the kitchen. Last, I will take out the trash.

6:00pm- baths (Angelina and Cadence), wind down from the day, TV/PC time. Check backpack, check homework, layout clothes for the next day

Around 6pm, I will give Cadence her bath and then I will have Angelina take a shower and put her pjs on. Then I will let the kids play together and Paul and I will watch some TV or just try to sit and talk. During this time, I will also check Angelina's backpack and her homework and layout her clothes for the next day.

7:00pm- bedtime routine (Cadence, bottle/stories/cuddle)

8:00pm- bedtime routine (Angelina, stories, write in journal, cuddle)

9:00pm- declutter living room and dining room, prep Angelina's lunch (if she is taking it).

9:30pm- 12:30am- blog work, computer work, relax

Wow, when you list everything out, my evening looks really busy!!!

What does your evening routine look like?

Saturday, November 18, 2017

My Other Half

Hi Lovelies!!

I found this little survey on Facebook and I wanted to share it with all of you. I thought I would be the best way to talk about my husband and our relationship.

1. Where did you meet your other half?

We actually met in grade school, 3rd grade. We had some of the same friends through grade school, middle school, and high school. We didn't start dating until we took a class together at our local college.

2. How long have you been with your significant other?

 We have been together for 24 years.

3. If you're married, when did you say "I do"?

We said "I do" on December 23, 2009 ( I was 5 months pregnant) at our local courthouse. 

4. What song did you walk down the aisle to?

There was no song, however, if we had had a traditional wedding I would have walked to Livin' on a Prayer (the slower version)

5. Do you have any children yet?

Yes... two beautiful daughters.

6. What's your favorite thing about your other half?

I love how he is with our girls. He loves them so much and spends so much time with them.

7. Were you and your other half high school sweethearts?

No, we were not high sweethearts, but we were college sweethearts

8. Where was your first date?

Golden Corral

9. How long were you dating before you said "I love you"?

Three months

10. How long were you dating your other half before he/she proposed?

 We were together for 16 years before he proposed to me

11. Where is your favorite place you have traveled with your other half?

This is embarrassing, but we have not traveled yet.

12. How do you and your other half usually spend Valentines Day?

I usually make dinner for us with a special dessert.

13. What does your favorite 'date night' consist of?

Ha!!! What is a date night? We haven't been out on a date in almost 7 years. But, we would go to dinner and then see a movie.

14. What is the best gift you have received from your other half?

The best gift he has ever given me were balloons and flowers when we first stated dating.  

How did you meet your significant other?


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I Needed to See This

Hi Lovelies,

It has been a bad day. Everything has gone wrong and the husband and I fighting. While perusing the internets I found this quote that has stuck with me all day.

This is something I nee to remember. I need to learn to dance in the rain!!

Good night!


Monday, November 13, 2017

November Intensions and a Recap of October

I have been writing my monthly goals down for a while now because I want to focus on what is important. Many of the things that i have listed are daily habits that I am seeking to maintain or grow in. The goal is not obtain perfection, but to make steady progress.

Recap of goals in October:

1.  Organize the kid's closets
2.  Create office space in the corner of the family room
3.  Book at least 3 Facebook parties for Jamberry
4.  Begin a new (slightly scary) venture with the Husby
5.  Make at least 2 freezer meals a week
6.  Read 2 books
7.  Blog at least 3 times per week
8.  Menu plan consistently
9.  Use my planner consistently (my days would be less hectic if I would do this)
10. Eat more fruits and veggies

As you can see I accomplished half of the goals that I set for myself last month.

Top three things I was grateful for in October:

1.  spending time with my family
2.  creating office space so that the husband and I have a place to work
3.  being able to work from home with the husband

November Intentions:

These will be broken up into five categories; spritiual goals, personal goals, household goals, writing and blogging goals, and work goals.

Spiritual goals:

1.  daily bible study using the website
2.  pray for my husband, children, and loved ones using the scripture God has given me
3.  silent prayer and mediation

Personal goals:

1.  exercise 3x per week, with walking every day
2.  sleep at least 6 hours a night
3.  write down at least one thing that I am grateful for each evening

Household goals:

1.  meal plan for the month
2.  create a morning and evening routine and then follow them consistently
3.  keep up with the laundry

Writing and blogging goals:

1,  create a blogging editorial calendar
2.  post at least 3x per week on my blog for November
3.  work on first article for newspaper
4.  complete article and then have husband proof read
5.  see if I can become a Yahoo contributor

Monthly goals:

1.  at home date nights with husband
2.  one on one time with each daughter

What are some goals you have for November?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

11 facts about me

I thought it would be fun to list 11 interesting facts about myself. Ready! Set! Go!

11 facts about me:

(1) I cannot sleep unless the closet doors are closed.

(2) I have no tattoos and I only have my ears perieced.

(3) Stephen King is my all time favorite author. 

(4) I'm a homebody. I'd rather stay home and watch a movie on Netflix than go to the theater.

(5) I never missed an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. Team Brenda!!

(6) I don't like the taste of coffee.

(7) I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

(8) I cry at almost everything.

(9) I love museums.

(10) My kitchen has to be cleaned before I go to bed. 

(11) I love anything and everything from the 80s.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

If I Could Turn Back Time

Hi Lovelies! 

Every time I hear those words I think of Cher and this song:

You know you do to!!!
Anyway, I digress.... the point of this post it write about an event/events that you would like to change. Well, let me tell ya I have lots of those. There are so many events that I would like to change that it makes it difficult to pick just a few. However, after some deep thought I finally settled on three events that I would like to change if I am ever given the chance (I know..... I know...... highly unlikely):

1) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that friends come and friends go, but the friends you make when you are older are the ones who will always be there for you. These are the friends that count.

2) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that leaving home will be the best thing you will ever do. Your life will have meaning. You will become a wife to an awesome man, he will be your better half, he will be your soul mate. You will become a mother to the two most beautiful little girls, they will be your two of your best friends.

3) If I could turn back time, I would tell my teenage self that life is not easy. There will be road blocks and all you have to do is bust through the road blocks, never go around them. These road blocks will make you who you are in the future.

If only we knew back then just how our lives would turn out today.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Mom Caves: Why Can't We Have'em?

Hi Lovelies!
I was on Facebook (naturally) one day earlier this week and came across a status update from "What to Expect" about women having "mom caves" and types of items you would have in them. Well, I decided to google "mom caves and I also checked Pinterest and realized that there are tons of "mom" caves out there! Let me tell ya, I did not know that these even existed!!! Now, I'm thinking that if my hubby can have a man cave, then way can't I have a mom cave?

So, I did some browsing, I think I came up with the perfect "mom cave" for me. Here is mine:

This is how I would want my "mom cave" to look like. Wouldn't it be nice just to hide from everyone and everything, just to recharge your battery, and to R-E-L-A-X? It's a DREAM of mine to have one of these rooms one day.

What would you have in your "mom cave"?


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Where would I be.......

I recently saw a status update that posed the following question: Where do you think you would be if you hadn't met your significant other? This is something that I think about quite a bit, I know that I would not be the person that I am now and I know I would not be a wife and a mother. As some of you know, the Hubbs and I have known each other since the third grade and all through school we had the same circle of friends and I had a crush on him all through high school (he did not know this). He finally started talking to me about a year and half after we graduated and we started dating in March of 1993. We have been together for 24 years and we have been through so much that has made us that much stronger. 

Now back to the question: Where do you think you would be if you hadn't met your significant other?

I would not have the life that I have now. I would be 44, single, and still living with my parents and taking care of them, babysitting my nieces and nephews, and just not having a life of my own. I thank God every day that Paul saw me leave my parent's house, picked me up, and took me to his parents where I lived for a year until we found a place of our own. I would not have Angelina and Cadence and I would not have Paul. They are the best blessings that a girl could ever have. I love them so much and they have given me the life that I have always wanted. 

Now, it's your turn to answer the question:
Where do you think you would be if you hadn't met your significant other? 


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

How To Clean Your (top loading) Washer

Today we are going to discuss how to properly clean your (top loading) washer. Clean your washer? Silly question, right? Sounds kind of unnecessary doesn't it? Yes, it does sound that way, but washers need to be cleaned to. Actually it does make perfect sense when you think about all the dirt and grime that cycles through your washer on a day to day basis. 

So, here's a very simple method for cleaning your top loading washer:

Step #1: Fill the washer with hot water. Add 3 cups of white vinegar  and let the mixture sit for 2 hours. 

Step #2: After about an hour, take out a microfiber cloth and start scrubbing all of the nooks and crannies of your washer, including the knobs, the lid, and the exterior. If you have a built in dispensers, clean those too. If the dispensers are not removable, warm one cup of white vinegar in the microwave or in a small pan. Pour it into the dispenser and allow it to sit up for a few minutes to loosen the buildup.

Step #3: After an hour, run the longest wash and spin cycle.

Now, your washer is shiny and sparkly clean!

Have a happy and wonderful Wednesday!!!


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The 5 Biggest Mistakes That Moms Make at Night

Sometimes evenings can be the worst times of day for moms:

1) we have to prepare dinner
2) there are dishes to wash
3) there is homework to help with
4) you have sports practice or music lessons to drive kids to
5) there is always, always, always laundry to finish

And the list goes on and on. With so much to accomplish moms can feel frazzled, with little time to spend on things that matter most, but our nights don't have to be this way.

Take a look and see if you are making any of these 5 mistakes in the evening:

1. Trying to do too much. I am so guilty of doing this! There is so much that I want to do like read a good book, spend time with my girls, spend time with my husband, watch my favorite TV show... the list goes on and on... but it's unrealistic to get all of it done. No matter how much I multi task or try to sneak in a minute here and there.

If my most important goals are to cultivate important relationships with my family then I must choose to work toward these goals on most nights and then set out to successfully accomplish them.

2. Not having a plan. One of the things that I think is so helpful in taking most of the stress out of each evening so to plan for dinner. Knowing what  I'm going to make each night and having the ingredients on hand makes it easier to get dinner on the table quickly.

3. Not being honest about your bad habits. Admit it, checking social media is way more fun than reading the same book over and over to your children. Have you ever stopped to actually measure how much time you spend looking at your phone? I recently realized that I was spending quite a bit of time in the evenings on my computer checking facebook, instagram, and browsing pinterest for my next project.

Maybe your bad habit isn't social media... maybe it's drinking too much coffee or you can't  make it to bed at a decent hour. Whatever it is, it's a good idea to take a minute and think about how bad habits might be affecting your weekends.

4. Not going to bed early. Sometimes staying up late after the kids go to bed may be the only time you get by yourself or to spend to time with your husband. I'm guilty of this. It's hard to get a good night's sleep especially when my youngest still doesn't sleep through the night. I know when I go to bed late it affects my attitude the next morning and I do not like that.

5. Taking care of yourself. It's important to take care of yourself. As a mom, you are the center of your family's universe. Keeping yourself healthy  and physically strong is a gift to yourself and your family. So, I don't feel that taking time to sleep or go for a walk is selfish.

What is the one thing you struggle with the most in the evenings?

Monday, November 6, 2017

You Spin Me Right Round

Hi Lovelies!

Don't you hate it when you get a song stuck in your head? Well, that has been happening to me all day. I have had the same three songs playing on rewind all day long. These happen to be songs that I listened to way back in the 80s ( only the best decade ever!!!). I would dance and sing to my heart's content in my room and just have fun. These songs were the soundtrack of my life. So here is a look into the kind of music that I love and that I hope to introduce the Little too very soon.

Here we go!! Enjoy and see if they get stuck in your head!

1. Mickey- Toni Basil

2.  Only in My Dreams- Debbie Gibson

3. 867-5309 Jenny- Tommy Tu Tone

4. Shout- Tears for Fears

5. Never Gonna Give You Up- Rick Astley

So, there are the songs that have been playing on repeat in my head all day long. As I said before, these are some of the songs that I consider the soundtrack of my life.

What are the songs that are playing on repeat in your head?


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Setting Up a Morning Routine

Hi Lovelies! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend! We just hung out at home, played outside (when it wasn't raining), fixed some yummy meals and snacks and just had a good time.  This weekend I decided to implement a morning rountine and it seemed to help quite a bit. I noticed that my mornings were not as rushed and I was much more relaxed. 

So, today's blog post is all about how to set up a morning routine that works for you. 

Morning Routine:

 (1) Wake up

Take 15 -30 minutes to wake up, enjoy your coffee, check out the news, or read. 

(2) Review your daily tasks (to do list)

Review your to-do list for things that have to be done that day. I usually spend 1-2 minutes reviewing my list in the morning to metally prepare me for the day and to adjust my schedule if needed.  I also prepare my to-do list the night before as part of my night time routine ( I also use as sort of a "brain dump").

(3) Make your bed

Beds take up alot of space and when they aren't made they tend to look like a whole lot clutter. Here's a simple solution: take 5 minutes to make your bed and I promise that your room will look cleaner and you will feel more relaxed.

(4) Prepare for dinner

Make sure all of your food items are defrosted and that you have all the necessary ingredients for the evening’s dinner.  Also you should consider how long it will take for you to make dinner and adjust your schedule if need be.  I usually take this opportunity to refer to my meal plan for the following night to see if I need to take anything out of the freezer to defrost or if I’ll need to stop at the grocery store.  This is also a good time to prepare your crockpot meal which is another easy way to streamline your dinner prep.

(5) Empty dishwasher or dish drainer

 Put your dishes away first thing in the morning so that you and your family can fill it up after breakfast and throughout the day instead of waiting to do all of it after dinner.  This is another task that takes all of 5 minutes to complete, and when it's done, you will feel better. 

(6) Workout, shower, and dress

After you shower and get dressed be sure to put dirty clothes in the laundry, put away your toiletries and makeup, wipe down the sinks and hang up your towel.

(7) Make breakfast and clean up afterwards

Return all food items in the fridge, pantry or cupboards. Scrape leftover food in the trash and put your dishes in the sink or dishwasher.  Wipe down all of the counters, sink, stove and microwave.  Like your bed, the kitchen has a lot of counter space and when one counter is cluttered the whole kitchen looks messy.  Take just a couple of minutes everyday to wipe down those counters and appliances…you’ll be amazed at how refreshing it is to come home to a clean kitchen after a busy day at work.

(8) Get on with your day

Now that you’ve got your morning routine complete you can head off to work (on time of course), or to your home office if you work from home, spend time with your kids or take care of your priority tasks and errands.

So, my question is, do you have a morning routine? And how is it working for you?

Have a wonderful Monday Lovelies!!


Saturday, November 4, 2017

3 Things That Will Help Any Mom Stay Sane

Hi Lovelies!

Even though I am a SAHM with 2 kids, I still do not a have a routine set. You would think that being a SAHM my house would be clean all day. Well, that's not true, my house is always a mess (I usually clean it at night after the kids are in bed), and there is always a pile of laundry that either needs to be washed or folded and put away. As you can see, I am not perfect, but there are things that I can do to make my days go smoother and to keep the laundry from piling up:

1.  Prepare the night before.

Sometime after dinner and before bedtime, make sure that you are ready for the morning. I sign folders and any other papers. I will pack her lunch when she doesn't want to eat in the cafeteria. I then straighten the living room and dining room and I will clean the kitchen (sometimes I don't do this every night). 

2.  Use your planner.

Have a planner session every week ( I do mine on Sundays) where you write down any appointments, school events, and other important dates. This really does help in the structure of my day.

3. Take time for you.

This is very important, just do something that you enjoy for a few minutes at night. I usually read or I will write in a journal. Recently I have started coloring in an adult coloring book and this has really helped to relax at night right before bed.  

How do you stay sane throughout the day?


Friday, November 3, 2017

7 Things to Do on a Sunday for a More Productive Week

Hi Lovelies!

Imagine if you will.... it's Monday morning and you can barely drag yourself out of bed. You're exhausted and you are getting ready for work barely making it out of the door on time. You forgot to pack your lunch so you will have to grab some fast food on your lunch hour. Your desk is a mess and your email box is full. It's going to be a long day. This sounds familiar, doesn't it? We have all been there, but it doesn't have to be that way. If you take advantage of your Sundays to prepare for the week, Mondays can be a lot easier! Here are seven things you can do on Sunday for a more productive week:

1. For thing's first.... think of Sunday as the first day of the week instead of the last. Most people tend to think of Sunday as a day of rest, instead think of Sunday as the first chance to prepare yourself for the week, This one simple little thought will make Monday seem less overwhelming.

2. Clean out your email inbox. If you work a typical 9 to 5 job, chances are most of the emails you receive Friday night through Sunday are personal and junk mail as opposed to work email. Clean these out on Sunday night. By doing this it will help you jump into the work week more quickly.

3. Write a to do list for the week and then begin to tackle it.

4. If you work from home clean off your desk on Sunday so you start the week off with a clean desk. Put anything you will need for Monday's projects front and center.

5. If you are a blogger, schedule your social media posts for the week. Now, I haven't started this yet mainly because I'm still finding the best free social media scheduler. I hope to start this sometime next week.

6. Clean the house. There's is nothing worse that starting the week with a messy house. I don't know about anyone else, but I am much more relaxed when my house is clean.

7. Meal plan and meal prep for the week. I tend to one big shopping trip at the beginning of the month. So, I usually have a detailed menu plan for the month. I still shop at least once a week for the essentials like milk, bread, and eggs and some fruits and veggies. It make all the difference when it comes to meal times.

What do you do on Sundays to have a more productive week?

Have a great day!!



Thursday, November 2, 2017

6 Ways to Relax Before Bed

Every body craves sleep. So why do most people struggle with it periodically? You've tried to do it the right way--- you skip the late night caffeine, you don't eat a heavy meal right before bed, you make sure the lights are off and you follow a consistent bedtime schedule each night. However, as you lay in bed tossing and turning, frustration begins to creep in and none of this seems to matter. When insomina hits you ultimately spend hours stressing instead of doing a few easy things to gently slip into a peaceful sleep.

Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep is a common problem, and it is a valuable commidity. Here are a few steps to follow every night that will encourage a more rapid appearance by Mr. Sandman.

1. Soak in the tub

Relax in the bathtub. This soothes both mind and body. Adding some sleep inducing scents such as lavendar oil which helps calm the mind and body, A word of warning though, don't take a shower as this can awaken your body, instead opt for a warm bath.

2. The old wives tale work

 Have a glass of warn milk. Trust me from experience, it works wonders. If you can't stand the idea of warm milk try some chamomile tea. It works the same way as the warm milk and it does make you sleepy.

3. Find an activity

Do something that relaxes you right before bed. Try reading, watching something boring on television. You could even sew, scrapbook, or even write a letter. This activity should be easy and it should be nothing that will key your nerves back up. Once your eyes get droopy, it's time to hit the sack.

4. De-stress

One of the worst things that you can do is lay in bed and think about what you didn't get done that day, and all of the work waiting for you tomorrow. Worrying about it won't get it done. What I do is make a to do list  and then I forget about it. I have found that this relieves so much of my stress at the end of the day.

5. Add some noise

What i mean by this is white noise. Adding white noise can help you sleep. Another thing you could do is add a fan because a cool bedroom can also help with sleep.

6. Listen to your body

Is your body to tense to sleep? Try a relaxation tape that guides you through loosening up and relaxing each muscle group. Work on some deep breathing exercises which mimic your respiration pattern while you sleep.

Make going to bed a routine. Around the same time every night, even on weekends, start your routine. This could mean taking a bath and some light reading. It could also mean changing into your pajamas and brushing your teeth. Do something consistently so that your body will learn the signals to settle down for th enight and to wake up refreshed the next day.

What are some that you relax before bed?

