Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Refrigerator Organization

 Refrigerator Organization

 When it comes to organizing your refrigerator, it can be the center of organization and chaos all in one. With an organized and clean refrigerator you can,

1) prepare better meals
2) utilize  everything with less spoilage
3) prevent buying duplicate items

I find the best time for me to wipe down and organize my refrigerator is right before my big grocery shopping day so that I can see what I need to add to my ever growing grocery list. Keeping the refrigerator clean and organized will make it easier for your family to find what they are looking for. As well as maximize your food's shelf life.

It is important to have a system implemented with your refrigerator and to put things back in the same spots. Older items should be kept in the from, so that they can be used first, and newer items should be kept in the back. It is also important to keep the outside of the refrigerator clear and organized with limited paper. If you do have papers remove any outdated or unnecessary papers. Keep things of the top of the refrigerator and remember to wipe down the front and sides as well.  You can put a basket on top to place lose items that your need to store there.
Here are a few suggestions that will help keep your refrigerator clean and organized for good.

 1) place healthy items that you need to eat more of in the front and place the fatty foods in the back. By doing this it will ensure that you are eating healthier.

2) Keep a list of leftovers with the date that it was prepared.

3) Use clear, plastic handled baskets to contain loose items that constantly falling when you open the door

4) Use a drawer in the refrigerator to store bottled water. This keeps them from rolling around.

What are some helpful tips for organizing your refrigerator. Please leave them in the comments below!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Meal Planning Tips and Strategies

Hi Lovelies!

I have been meal planning for years now and it has become my flight plan for the week. Sometimes I make a very detailed meal plan that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and other times I just plan out a week of dinners. Honestly it depends on how busy we are during the week I am meal planning for.

Today, I will be discussing some tips and strategies for successful meal planning.

Meal Planning Tips and Strategies

Every week I try to accomplish the following:

  • be flexible with meals 
  • try to meal plan around your schedule (this is very important)
  • leave at least one leftover night (depending on what I have made during the week I might have two or three leftover nights. It just depends.
  • only plan/try one new recipe per week
  • move unmade meals to the next week
When you are in a rut with your meal planning try the following strategies:

  • take a week off and just use what you have on hand in your pantry or fridge 
  • use cookbooks, pinterest, or you can even ask friends
  • use an old meal plan
  • use "theme' nights (these are my favorites) Monday-slow cooker, Tuesday- taco tuesday, Wednesday- leftovers, Thursday-slow cooker, Friday- pizza night, Saturday-Leftovers, Sunday-slow cooker.
When it comes to inspiration, I utilize the following:

  • ask friends and family on facebook
  • watch grocery hauls or what's for dinner videos on Youtube
  • pinterest
  • magazines
  • use hashtags (#familymealplan #weeklymealplan #mealplan
What some tips and strategies that you use when meal planning? Please share in the comments below!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Sunday Scoop 8/27/2017

Hi Lovelies!

Tonight I will be posting 3 things that I HAVE to do, 2 things that I HOPE to do, and one thing that I am HAPPY to do.


Here's the scoop to my week:

  • plan my meals for the week 
  • fold the laundry
  • clean out A's bedroom closet
  •  fold the laundry
  • write/schedule a few blog posts
  • take some "me time" at least once this week
This week is going be just as busy as last week was. I need to plan our meals for the week and I need to clean or organize A's closet.

What are you up to this week?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Currently 8/26/2017

 Time and place: 11:42pm  and I am in the living room, typing up this post.
Eating: Chocolate chip muffin and a glass of milk

Drinking: A big glass of water (always)

Watching: Christine

Reading: Lethal by Sandra Brown

Loving: the bullet journal that I made. I love how it is coming together and I am loving the layouts that I have created.

Working: Right now, I am working on some more inserts and some planner bands for the shop and I am working on my first ebook. I am working on my cookbook and gathering recipes.

Listening: to the TV

Buying: a new vacuum cleaner

Planning: my ebook and setting up a writing schedule, setting up a schedule for my cookbook and meal planning strategy guide. I'm also working on my meal planner and I am planning Candence's birthday party.  Whew! That's alot of planning!!

Wondering: can I pull it off? How will I pull it off?

Feeling: tired, but happy, always.

What are you currently up to?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

One Load a Day: Why I Have a Launtry Rountine

There are things that I've been doing every single morning, seven days a week: make myself a glass of lemon water, pour the girls their  milk, and start a load of laundry.

A couple of months ago a read an article written by a mom a loathed laundry day (much like I do), which was the one day a week where she set aside several hours to do 4 or 5 loads of laundry that had piled up throughout the week. According to the article, she set out to semi-eliminate the cumbersome chore and decided to do one complete load every day so that she didn't have one specific day each week that she was bogged down by laundry. Her article detailed what a positive impact this simple switch made on her routines as well as her attitude. Since laundry is my least favorite chore ( I mean I would rather clean the bathroom then do the laundry) I decided to give her "one load a day" practice a whirl.

I swear by this laundry routine. By following this routine it has helped to keep Mt. Washmore under control.

Here's how the routine looks for me:

1. First thing in the morning I gather up all the laundry. The basket in our bedroom is where all of the dirty clothes go (mine, my husbands, and the girl's clothes).

2. I separate the clothes two ways: whites and colors. If the load is small I just mix them together.

3. I throw the whites in to the washer and start the load. When that load is finished, I wash the colors.

4. A load usually runs for about 40 minutes, as soon as it's done I put it in the dryer and throw the next load in the washer.

5. When the first load is dry, I immediately fold it and put it way. This keeps the clean laundry from piling up throughout the week.

As far as laundry products go, the only one I use is All Free and Clear. I swear by this laundry detergent. I wanted something that didn't have a harsh smell to it and it is gentle and pure but tough enough to handle any stains that my husband and kids my get on their clothes.

What is your laundry routine? One load a day or once a week? Please share in the comments below!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ten Tips for a Clean Home

You can drastically stretch the time between weekly and daily cleaning just by following these 10 simple tips for a clean home. 

1. Make your bed

As the focal point of the bedroom, an unmade bed can make the whole room look messy. By making the bed, the room instantly looks tidy. Strive to do this every day, it makes a world of difference.

2. Empty the dishwasher each morning

If you have ever timed yourself then you know that emptying the dishwasher takes only about 5 minutes. Empty the dishwasher while the coffee is brewing or while the kids are getting ready for school. An empty dishwasher lets you put breakfast dishes in so they don't pile up in the sink all morning.

3. Clean up after each meal or snack

Dishes, pots and pans, food containers and spills all make your kitchen look messy since you already emptied your dishwasher. Load dishes after every meal or snack and then wipe down your counters with a homemade all purpose cleaner.

4. Do a load of laundry daily

No one wants to spend their weekend doing laundry and you won't have to if you do a load everyday.  Can't decided what to wash first? Use a laundry sorting hamper and grab the one that has the most clothes. Worried about mildew? Use your washing machine's delayed start (if your machine has one) so that the load is finished when you get home and transfer to the dryer.

 5. Wipe your sinks and faucets

Toothpaste spatters and hairs in the sink look gross. Food spills in the kitchen eventually stink. Grab a disinfecting wipe and spend a few minutes cleaning the sinks and faucets before you leave for work in the morning. Or use a microfiber cloth and a daily sink spray to clean, disinfect, and shine your sink as you go.

6. Sort and recycle paper right away
Keep papers from piling up on the kitchen island and dining table by dealing with the mail when you walk in the door. Run junk mail through the shredder, then put bills and letters in your mail sorter to pay or answer.

7. Use floor mats at every exterior door.

Even if you can’t train your family to not wear shoes in the house (which really reduces household dust) you can keep some of the dirt out by placing floor mats both inside and outside of each exterior door. Vacuum or shake the mats outside every few days.

8. Tidy counters before bed

Before you head to bed give the kitchen a quick glance and put away any clutter. Wipe the counters down with an all purpose disinfecting spray.

9. Nitpick your carpet.

We’ve all heard that we should vacuum high-traffic areas at least every other day, but not everyone has the time or energy for that. Get in the habit of looking over your floor and picking up small messes (cat hair, scraps of paper, etc.) between regular, weekly vacuuming and it will look nicer all week.

10. Run a kitchen sweeper or sweep the kitchen floors nightly 

Let’s face it, brooms and dustpans are a hassle and, thanks to their cords, vacuums aren’t much better. Use a multi-surface sweeper each night to pick up crumbs and pet hair from the kitchen floor so your kitchen always looks company-ready.

Performing these tips to keeping a clean house takes only a few minutes a day but they’ll keep your house looking constantly clean and make your regular, deeper cleaning tasks much easier.

What are some of your tips for a cleaner home? Please share in the comments below! 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Self Care Tips for Stay at Home Moms

I'm ashamed to admit, but I have been running on empty and nerves are beginning to show it. Stress is rising and I need some relief. I sometimes have a short fuse with my husband and an even shorter fuse with my kids.

I am ashamed of myself for even thinking like this. I often apologize for this, but I realize that the damage is already done. I mess up to, friends.

We are in this together and I need grace just like you, so I am sharing my tips and tricks on how  to implement some simple ways to keep yourself nourished  so that you can be the mom your kids need and even the wife your husband deserves.

Self Care Tips for Stay at Home Moms 

1. Get outside. 

Try to make it a habit to get outside at least once a day either alone or with your kids.

2. Exercise.

Pick your favorite. You can do yoga, stretching or walking. The point is to get your body moving as much as you. 

3. Take a bath.

Just soaking in the is relaxing. It releases the tension in the neck and shoulders. Light some candles, listen to some relaxing music or read a book. 

4. Take a nap.

This is a great idea that I just recently implemented. Even resting for 15 minutes can make a difference in my perception of the day and how much energy I have until bedtime. 

5. Read for pleasure.

A good story is so refreshing. I love reading, especially mystery and suspense novels. I love when I can pick up a book and lose myself in the story.

What would you add to this list? 

Monday, August 21, 2017

Meal Plan Monday 8/21/2017

Hi Lovelies!

Here is this week's menu!


Meal Plan Monday

Monday- Chicken nuggets, pasta, broccoli
Tuesday- Creamy ranch chicken
Wednesday- Leftovers
Thursday- Beans, cornbread
Friday- Pizza, breadsticks, salad
Saturday- Tacos or quesadillas
Sunday- Beans, cornbread

What's on your menu this week?

Happy Homemaker Monday 8/21/2017

Good evening Lovelies and Happy Monday?  

How was your weekend?

Our weekend was pretty good. We hung out at home on Saturday and then decided to make a quick trip to town, which turned out to be an all day trip. We shopped for some shoes and a few other odds and ends that we needed. 

The weather:::

On my reading pile:::

I am still reading Lethal by Sandra Brown. I'm on chapter 5 and I really like to so far.

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend:::

I have been watching old reality shows on the E channel and now I am watching Party of Five on the Free Form channel.

On my TV:::

Gilmore Girls
Safe Haven
The Ranch
Party of Five
13 Reasons Why
The Crown

On the menu for this week:::

Monday-Chicken nuggets, pasta, broccoli
Tuesday- Creamy ranch chicken
Wednesday- Leftovers
Thursday- Beans, cornbread, fried potatoes
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks with salad
Saturday- Tacos or quesadillas
Sunday- Ham (slow cooker), mashed potatoes, veggies, fruit

On my to do list:::

Schedule blog posts for this week and next week
Clean bathrooms, bedrooms, and laundry room

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

Working on some new inserts for my planner
Working on the format for my cookbook
Working on my new shop
Work on website for newspaper
Write Mattie Beal story for newspaper

Happening this week:::

Not much is happening this week.

Looking around the house:::

My house needs some serious TLC

What I'm wearing today:::

black shorts and a red t-shirt (my pjs)

One of my simple pleasures:::

Watching a good movie on Netflix

Bible verse, Devotional::: 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

How I Plan My Week

Hi Lovelies!!

I thought I would share how I plan out my weeks in my planner. This takes about 30 to 60 minutes on Sundays and then about 10 minutes each night.


1. weather (Mondays-Wednesdays)
2. transfer sidebar tasks (To Do, To Go, To Buy, etc.)
3. Newspaper work (To Do, ads, emails)
4. events/set time committments (kids schools, events, appointments)
5. meals ( I use a meal planner that I created to plan our meals and grocery lists. I then transfer them to the bottom boxes in my planner).
6. Build Monday out with tasks and errands

Mondays and Tuesdays:

1. inventory what was done, check boxes
2. plan out next day


1. same as Monday and Tuesday
2. weather (Tuesday-Sunday


1. same as Monday and Tuesday

How do you plan your week?

The Sunday Scoop 8/20/2017

Hi Lovelies!

I'm starting a new feature for's called The Sunday Scoop. I will be posting 3 things that I HAVE to do, 2 things that I HOPE to do, and one thing that I am HAPPY to do.


Here's the scoop to my week:

  • plan my meals for the week 
  • fold the laundry
  • establish before school, after school, and evening routines
  •  fold the laundry
  • write/schedule a few blog posts
  • play with my kids
This week is going be just as busy as last week was. I need to plan our meals for the week and I need to work on my lists for before school, after school, and evening routines.

What are you up to this week?

Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy TGIF (or what's left of it) Lovelies!!

Can you believe the workweek is already over? It sure has flown by for me, and I am happily welcoming Friday after such a busy week. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m planning on spending some serious quality time in the sun with my family this weekend.

So without further ado, let’s get into my latest faves…

Favorite TV show on Netflix: Friends. I love this show and I have watched all 10 seasons at least a dozen times (usually late at night when my youngest needs to cuddle).

Favorite sweet treat: S'mores Brownie Bites! These are the perfect little treat to enjoy around the campfire.

Favorite song: This song is one of my favorites!! Bop by Dan Seals. I know this will show my age but I love country music from the eighties and nineties. It's so much fun to listen to and the songs bring back some of my favorite memories. 

Here's one more that I love- Bubba Shot the Jukebox by Mark Chesnut

Favorite Quote: 

Have a great weekend and leave your thoughts in the comments below!

New Beginnings

Hi Lovelies!

I want to welcome you to my new blog "Scattered Musings of a Stay at Home Mom"! For a while now I have been toying with the idea of starting a new blog. It's scary to do something new, and I have decided to jump in with both feet! I will be discussing various topics which will include; home organization, planner related posts (plan with me's and walk throughs of my planners), meal plans, etc.

Now, you maybe wondering what will happen to my old blog. I'm not sure yet. I may take it down or I might transfer posts from my old blog to this one, but I am looking at this blog as s new start for me.

So, please pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and stay awhile. I am excited to share a new chapter of my life with you,