Wednesday, June 26, 2019

8 Things to Do Before 8AM

We're always talking about how it would be great to have just one more hour in the day. We wonder how the uber-successful people in our lives find time to fit it all in, how they get as much accomplished as they do, and why they always seem to be one step ahead of everyone else.
Their secret might be simpler than you think, and with a little shift in how you lay out your day, you might be able to take advantage of the benefits of a well-orchestrated, intentional morning. So, get ready to feel energized, motivated and totally on top of your game. Here are the top eight things you can do to set yourself up for success in the morning:

8 Things to Do Before 8am

1. Move your body.

Before the many priorities of the day creep in, commit to moving your body. We're more likely to exercise—and commit to doing it regularly—if we fit it in before we're overwhelmed by to-do's. Even if it's just for 20 minutes, take advantage of this part of the day where there are fewer interruptions and kickstart your productivity with a big hit of endorphins.

2. Meditate.

No worries if your morning won't allow for sitting on a pillow and chanting for an hour. You can reap similar benefits with just a few minutes of quiet, mindful breathing. Focus on inhaling for four counts and exhaling for four counts as your mind settles and your body releases any panic about the day ahead. This isn't supposed to be an opportunity to solve problems; Rather, it's meant to reset the mind and create space for open thought and creativity later on.

3. Eat something and hydrate.

It seems simple, but eating and hydrating within the first hour of waking is a great way to set up your body and mind for success. A nourished, hydrated physical self will be less stressed, less tense and more focused throughout the day. Plus, you can avoid distracting hunger later on by pre-fueling. Aim to have at least three glasses of water before you leave the house, and power up with ample protein and fats to keep your cells running strong until lunch.

4. Stay positive, set goals, and speak intentions.

Starting the day on a positive note by checking in with goals you've set for yourself and giving yourself kudos for a job well done can set the tone for more successes and more goals realized. Set an intention for the day (“I intend to be focused”) and reflect on your goals (“Today I will eat well to nourish myself”) to keep your priorities in line. You can also jot down a few lines of gratitude. The more attention we pay to this, the more likely we are to continue to notice these moments all day long. This leads to more gratitude, more openness, and more satisfaction with the little things, which means less stress and feeling overwhelmed.

5. Strategize.

When we're clear on what we intend to accomplish in the day, and we craft a plan to realize it, we're more likely to make it happen. Using your morning hours to map out your day will help you stay on track and well prioritized. You can visualize or write these out, whichever works best for your mind. Consider your must-do's, where you need to be, how you'll get there, and who you plan to speak with that day. Factoring in things like travel time and anticipating challenges can also be helpful first thing. If you foresee them happening, you can preemptively develop a solution to work through them if they arise.

6. Tackle the tough task first.

While it can be tempting to procrastinate and tick off the 700 smaller tasks on your to-do list first, that larger more challenging one will loom over you all day (or all week). Email is often the biggest offender for tiny task takeover. Instead, scan your inbox quickly for anything urgent that could derail your day's trajectory, then close your inbox until you get to work. Focusing instead on the largest task at hand, and committing to getting it done early, will free up mental bandwidth and improve your mood.

7. Create a ritual.

Having something consistent and predictable to look forward to in the morning—a walk with the dog, a pot of tea and a gratitude journal, or a few minutes of stretching—is tremendously calming. Knowing you have something pleasurable to look forward to will get you out of bed and into an I've-got-this mindset early in the day. Particularly if this includes something creative, like coloring or music, you'll start your problem solving, artistic neurons firing first thing, priming them for easy use later on.

8. Get up an hour earlier.

The biggest hindrance to a productive morning is the snooze button. Even more so, leaving yourself just enough to time to get the essentials done isn't conducive to spacious, calm time to yourself (and without that, fitting in any or all of the above will likely just cause you more stress). Plan ahead for when you intend to get out of bed, set an alarm and rise when that alarm goes off, even if that's an hour earlier than you would usually get out of bed. How, you ask? Go to bed earlier. The quality and quantity of sleep will also play heavily into the next day's success!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Our Summer Evening Routine

Disclaimer:  I know it my sound strange to start off talking about the evening routine first, but I think that your evening routine sets the pace for the morning routine. 

Our Summer Evening Routine

Today I'm sharing what I do on a typical summer evening. This is easily my most favorite time of the day because it means I get to spend it with the ones I love the most! 

4:00pm- outside time, prep/fix dinner.

5:00pm- eat, clean kitchen, sweep/mop floor, take out trash

Around 5pm we sit down to dinner. This is where we catch up on our day and talk about our weekend plans. After dinner, I will wash the dishes, put any leftover food in the fridge. Then I will clean and disinfect the counters and the stove, and sweep and mop the kitchen. Last, I will take out the trash.

6:00pm- baths (Angelina and Cadence), wind down from the day, TV/PC time. Check backpack, check homework, layout clothes for the next day.

Around 6pm, I will give Cadence her bath and then I will have Angelina take a shower and put her pjs on. Then I will let the kids play together and Paul and I will watch some TV or just try to sit and talk.

7:00pm- bedtime routine (Cadence, cup of milk/stories/cuddle)

8:00pm- bedtime routine (Angelina, stories, write in journal, cuddle)

9:00pm- declutter living room and dining room, prep Angelina's lunch (if she is taking it).

9:30pm- 12:30am- blog work, computer work, relax

Wow, when you list everything out, my evening looks really busy!!! What do your evenings look like in the summer? Let me know in the comments!

Monday, June 24, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday {6/24/2019}

Hi Lovelies!

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Ours started pretty good until my youngest got sick, so we spent most yesterday afternoon at a wellness clinic. She's doing much better today.

Anyway, let's get started with this post, shall we?

The weather. It's supposed to be sunny and hot with a chance of rain throughout the week.

Right now I am... sitting at the dining room table typing this post. 

On my reading pile. I'm reading Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. I will be posting my Summer reading list this week.

On my tv.  The Walking Dead (we just started Season 9), Beverly Hills 90210, Baywatch, Boy Meets World, Sons of Anarchy, A Million Little Things and How I Met Your Mother (again)

On the menu this week: This week's menu is very simple!

Monday- Spaghetti and garlic bread
Tuesday- Rice and veggies
Wednesday- Tacos with mexican rice and chips
Thursday- Mississippi Chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies
Friday- Pizza and breadsticks
Saturday- Sandwiches and chips
Sunday- Beans, fried potatoes and ham, and corn bread

On my to do list:

Write and schedule blogs for the next two weeks (by end of the this week)
Update planners and bullet journal
Tidy bedrooms
Clean bathrooms
Vacuum all rooms
Pack Angelina's snack for martial arts class tonight

Looking around the house: My house is a mess and really needs to be cleaned. I just don't have the motivation to clean it. 

Bible verse, devotional, or quote:

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

!0 Tips For a Clean Home

You can drastically stretch the time between weekly and daily cleaning just by following these 10 simple tips for a clean home. 

1. Make your bed

As the focal point of the bedroom, an unmade bed can make the whole room look messy. By making the bed, the room instantly looks tidy. Strive to do this every day, it makes a world of difference.

2. Empty the dishwasher each morning

If you have ever timed yourself then you know that emptying the dishwasher takes only about 5 minutes. Empty the dishwasher while the coffee is brewing or while the kids are getting ready for school. An empty dishwasher lets you put breakfast dishes in so they don't pile up in the sink all morning.

3. Clean up after each meal or snack

Dishes, pots and pans, food containers and spills all make your kitchen look messy since you already emptied your dishwasher. Load dishes after every meal or snack and then wipe down your counters with a homemade all purpose cleaner.

4. Do a load of laundry daily

No one wants to spend their weekend doing laundry and you won't have to if you do a load everyday.  Can't decided what to wash first? Use a laundry sorting hamper and grab the one that has the most clothes. Worried about mildew? Use your washing machine's delayed start (if your machine has one) so that the load is finished when you get home and transfer to the dryer.

 5. Wipe your sinks and faucets

Toothpaste spatters and hairs in the sink look gross. Food spills in the kitchen eventually stink. Grab a disinfecting wipe and spend a few minutes cleaning the sinks and faucets before you leave for work in the morning. Or use a microfiber cloth and a daily sink spray to clean, disinfect, and shine your sink as you go.

6. Sort and recycle paper right away
Keep papers from piling up on the kitchen island and dining table by dealing with the mail when you walk in the door. Run junk mail through the shredder, then put bills and letters in your mail sorter to pay or answer.

7. Use floor mats at every exterior door.

Even if you can’t train your family to not wear shoes in the house (which really reduces household dust) you can keep some of the dirt out by placing floor mats both inside and outside of each exterior door. Vacuum or shake the mats outside every few days.

8. Tidy counters before bed

Before you head to bed give the kitchen a quick glance and put away any clutter. Wipe the counters down with an all purpose disinfecting spray.

9. Nitpick your carpet.

We’ve all heard that we should vacuum high-traffic areas at least every other day, but not everyone has the time or energy for that. Get in the habit of looking over your floor and picking up small messes (cat hair, scraps of paper, etc.) between regular, weekly vacuuming and it will look nicer all week.

10. Run a kitchen sweeper or sweep the kitchen floors nightly 

Let’s face it, brooms and dustpans are a hassle and, thanks to their cords, vacuums aren’t much better. Use a multi-surface sweeper each night to pick up crumbs and pet hair from the kitchen floor so your kitchen always looks company-ready.

Performing these tips to keeping a clean house takes only a few minutes a day but they’ll keep your house looking constantly clean and make your regular, deeper cleaning tasks much easier.

What are some of your tips for a cleaner home? Please share in the comments below! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

National Peanut Butter Cookie Day and a Recipe

Hi Friends!
Today is National Peanut Butter Cookie Day! The Aztecs invented peanut butter in the 14th century, but peanut butter cookies didn’t become an American favorite until the early 1900s. In 1916, George Washington Carver began promoting the peanut and its many uses. As part of the campaign, he published three peanut butter cookie recipes in a research bulletin entitled, “How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption.”
In 1932, the Schenectady Gazette published the first peanut butter cookie recipe that called for crisscrossed fork marks on the top. Today, a peanut butter cookie just wouldn't be quite right without this iconic decoration!
To celebrate National Peanut Butter Cookie Day, dig out Grandma’s famous recipe and make a batch of delicious homemade peanut butter cookies for your family!

I'm also going to share my peanut butter cookie recipe below! Enjoy!

Peanut Butter Cookies


  • 1 1/3 cup (188g) all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup (113g) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup (105g) granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup (110g) packed light brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup (185g) creamy peanut butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line two 18 by 13-inch baking sheets with silicone baking liners or parchment paper. 
  2. In a medium mixing bowl whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
  3. In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment cream together butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar until combined.
  4. Mix in peanut butter then blend in egg and vanilla. With mixer set on low speed slowly add in flour mixture and mix just until combined. 
  5. Scoop dough out and shape into balls (30 grams each or nearly 2 Tbsp) then place on baking sheets spacing them 2-inches apart.
  6. Using a long pronged fork flatten cookies slightly then turn fork going opposite direction and flatten just slightly again (it should create that criss cross pattern).
  7. Bake cookies in preheated oven, one sheet at a time, for about 9 minutes (cookies will appear pale and slightly under-baked, they'll continue to cook slightly as they cool). 
  8. Let cool on baking sheet 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store cookies and an airtight container.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

S'mores Cheesecake

Hi Lovelies!!!!

 I finally found a recipe that combines my two favorite desserts--- s'mores and cheesecake!!! This recipe looks so delicious and I cannot wait to make it this fall. I searched and searched the interwebs until I found the right recipe to make this yummy concoction from the Kraft website. So, here is the recipe that I found and one that I hope to keep in my recipe binder. Enjoy!!

 S’Mores Cheesecake





1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter, melted


3 packages (8 oz each) cream cheese, softened
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1/3 cup marshmallow creme
1 tablespoon vanilla
4 eggs
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup milk chocolate chips (6 oz)


1 cup milk chocolate chips (6 oz)
1/4 cup whipping (heavy) cream


  • 1 Heat oven to 425°F. Spray 10-inch springform pan with cooking spray.
  • 2 In small bowl, mix all crust ingredients. Remove 1/2 cup mixture for topping; set aside. Press remaining mixture evenly into bottom of pan. Bake 5 minutes or until crust is just turning deep golden around edge.
  • 3 In large bowl, beat cream cheese with electric mixer on medium speed, stopping to scrape side occasionally, until smooth. Add brown sugar, marshmallow creme and vanilla, and beat until smooth. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating 1 minute after each addition. Use rubber spatula to stir in cinnamon. Sprinkle 1 cup chocolate chips over crust. Pour batter over chips.
  • 4 Bake cheesecake 15 minutes; reduce oven temperature to 225°F. Bake 55 minutes longer or until cheesecake is set around edge and center is almost set but just slightly wiggly. (Do not insert knife to test doneness because hole could cause cheesecake to crack.) Turn off oven, open oven door slightly and allow cheesecake to cool to room temperature. Remove from oven, cover loosely with foil and refrigerate at least 3 hours.
  • 5 In 1-quart saucepan, heat 1 cup chocolate chips and the whipping cream over low heat, stirring occasionally, until chocolate chips are melted. Spread over cheesecake and sprinkle with reserved 1/2 cup crumbs.
  • 6 Cover with foil and refrigerate cheesecake 1 hour or up to 48 hours. Run metal spatula along side of cheesecake to loosen and remove side of pan before serving. Store any leftovers covered in refrigerator.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Nutellla S'mores Fudge

Two favorite flavors -- Nutella and s’mores -- come together in this indulgent, super-easy fudge. The secret ingredient? Frosting!

Nutella S'mores Fudge


1 bag (11.5 oz) milk chocolate chips (2 cups)
1 cup Nutella™ hazelnut spread with cocoa
1 container (1 lb) Betty Crocker™ Rich & Creamy frosting milk chocolate
1 cup Golden Grahams™ cereal
1 cup miniature marshmallows 
  • Line 8- or 9-inch square pan with foil; spray with cooking spray.
  • In large microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate chips and hazelnut spread uncovered on High in 30-second intervals, stirring after each interval, 40 seconds to 2 minutes or until smooth.
  • Stir in frosting; microwave uncovered on High 20 to 30 seconds or until melted. Stir in cereal and marshmallows; blend well. Spread evenly in pan. Refrigerate uncovered until set, about 1 hour.
  • Cut into 8 rows by 8 rows. Store covered in refrigerator.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

June 2019 Goals

Happy June everyone!! I am so happy it's finally June and that May is finally over. Don't get me wrong, May is one of my favorite months, but it's also a very busy one with all of the end of the school activities. I didn't do too well with last months goals, so hopefully this month will be better.

But now that I have our summer routine established, I am excited about setting some goals and I am really going to push myself this month. There are a lot of things that I would like to accomplish so hopefully by the end of the month I will feel good about things. Here we go!!!

Personal Goals

  • drink more water
  • meditate for 5 minutes before bed. Stretch for a few minutes when getting up.
  • get better quality sleep by going to bed earlier
  • workout consistently
  • read 2 books
Family Goals

  • Adapt to our summer schedules. Create a morning, afternoon, and evening routines for the summer.
  • Celebrate Father's Day.
  • Cross off items from our Summer Bucket List
Blog Goals

  • Post at least 3x per week.
  • Make a new list of blog post ideas
  • Schedule posts until the end of the June
  • Create an editorial calendar for the rest of summer 
I hope your June has started out as a fantastic month. Have you set any goals yet? Any fun summer plans? Have you started to cross things off of your Summer Bucket List?