Friday, May 24, 2019

15 Summer Blog Post Ideas

Even though summer is still about a month away, it's already starting to feel like summer around my neck of the woods. Summer plans have been made and some have already been accomplished. Summer is my favorite time of the year. Not so much for the heat, but for the slow pace and more fun attitudes that most people seem to have. So, tonight I am giving you 15 summer blog post ideas so you will have tons of fun things to write about during these summer months.

  • favorite summer activity
  • a summer recipe
  • summer reading list
  • June, July. August goals
  • summer must haves
  • kids crafts; summer ideas
  • favorite summer TV shows
  • recap of your favorite movies you saw over the summer
  • share a summer playlist
  • labor day/plans recap
  • a full summer recap
  • healthy eating tips/tricks
  • favorite outdoor activities
  • what's in your pool/beach bag
  • Memorial day plans/recap

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Girl Boss Morning Routine

A GIRL BOSS needs a special productive morning routine to be able to run her day and get sh*t done. This is a morning routine for every girl boss out there who wants to start their day being as productive as she an be.
The Girl Boss Morning Routine

1. Open the blinds and make your bed

No, I’m not kidding. Making your bed in the morning has been proved to make you feel like you’ve accomplished something already, even if it’s small, and that motivates you to accomplish other things.
“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another. And by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.” –Navy Seal William H. McCraven
2.Wash your face

Washing your face is something that will really wake you up for good, and make you feel energized, ready to start your day.

Staying sleepy with one eye open and one eye closed is not how you start a productive day and get shit done!

3. Make your coffee and fill in your gratitude journal

The first thing I do when I’m done washing my face is heading to my kitchen and make some coffee. Once it’s ready, I sit down and fill in my gratitude journal as I’m drinking my coffee. This is probably my favorite part of the day. It's the only quiet time I have throughout the day.

It's super simple to make your gratitude journal. You can either get the original Five Minute Journal, or you can get a notebook you like and write down your daily gratitude in a notebook you like. I just have a simple notebook that I am using.

4.Write down your to do list

Making a to do list is a huge help to organize your day and know exactly what you have to do, and where to start. It allows you to set your daily goals and knowing exactly where you’re going.
Crushing your goals and getting shit done is SO much easier when you know EXACTLY what you have to do, which is why writing down your To Do list somewhere is so important.
I usually write down my To Do list in my bullet journal, but once again, this is totally up to you!

5. 15 minutes of yoga

I’m not a huge fan of intensive workouts as soon as I wake up (nor ever, actually), but I know how beneficial morning workouts are when it comes to feeling good and be productive. So I found an alternative: Yoga.

6. Get ready for the day

It’s now time to shower, get dressed, and do your hair and makeup (if you wear any)! Even if you’re not planning on going out that day, getting dressed will put you in the right mood to accomplish every task on your to do list.

7. Start checking items on your to do list

You’re now ready, dressed, and in the right mood to conquer the world. All you have to do now, is to get shit done.

No, put on some 80's tunes and slay the day!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

It’s very easy  to start slacking off on being good about taking time to workout, meal prepping, and having a good skincare routine. As the year progresses it's easy to let these things go by the wayside. These are 10 things to do for yourself every day that will make a huge difference in how you feel.

10 Things To Do For Yourself Everyday

1. Plan your day. Every night before I go to bed I plane the next day. Often, I take into consideration the amount of work that I have, any doctor appointments, and errands. Having a plan for your day will make you wake up feeling like you can  take on the world.

2. Workout. For me, working out is an esstential part of my day. This may be in the morning or even in the evening. It just depends on the day and what moods my kids are in that day. It makes me feel good. If you've seen the movie Legally Blonde then you will remember this quote:

3. Take time for your skin. N matter how late I am running in the morning or how tired I am at night I always take time to take care of my skin. I wash my face, exfoliate (with a DIY face scrub) once a week, and moisturize. Taking time for your skin is extremely important.

4. Catch up on the news. I usually catch up on the news by watching clips on Yahoo (we use a streaming device) or even CNN.

5.  Listen to or watch something you like. I enjoy listening to Pandora. Some of my favorite stations to listen often include; 80s hair bands, Katy Perry, Nickleback,  and the Bon Jovi station just to name a few. I listen to music whenever I clean my house or when I am studying. Music puts me in a good mood! Who wants to be in a bad mood?

6.  Talk to a friend. Now I don't have many friends, but the friends that I do have do not live in the same state as I live in. So, we mainly talk over Facebook. We send messages back and forth and send each other comments all the time. This is something that I always make time for.

7.  Hydrate. This is pretty self explanitory, but drinking water is pretty important. Hydration is key. It makes your skin clearer, it tends t relieve headaches, and if you don't get enough then you tend to just feel bad all over. I am constantly drinking water throoughout the day. No matter where I am I always have a bottle of water with me. It's important t be drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day.,

8.  Smile. Smile. It will make you happy.

9.  Write it out. Blogging or journaling are great things. Being able to write down your feelings is a great way to help cope with them. Keep a notebook by your bed and jot down everything that happened that day, it will make you feel and you may even sleep better.

Before I even begin my night time routine, I usually do a quick clean in the kitchen and living room (I cannot go to bed with a dirty house it's just not possible) and then I get some computer work done (I work on blog posts, work on the layout for my meal planner, and I update all of my planners).

10. Night routine. After putting the kids to bed, I take a shower, brush my teeth, moisture my lips with a soothing lip balm. I will read for about an hour and then I will finally go to bed.

Doing things for yourself has to be your first priority every day. If you aren't taking care of yourself then how can you take of others?

What do you do for yourself everyday?

Saturday, May 11, 2019

9 Ways to Destress

Now a days I feel stress is such a common word that we hear quite often. Seriously, find one person who isn't stressed. It's just become part of our normal life, am I right? I know for me, being a stay at home mom who is trying to start up her own at home business is very stressful. Add in  a 9 year old who has marital arts class twice week and a toddler who is into everything, it just becomes A LOT! In today's blog post I want to share 9 ways to detress so when that things get hard, or start feeling stressed, you know the tools to use to hopefully make it a little bit easier.

9 Ways To Destress

  • Talk to someone: I don’t necessarily mean a professional someone, but talk to your mom, a friend, or your spouse. Sometimes talking through our stress and what we have going on helps!
  • Take stock of what’s going on and decide what you can cut out: For me this is huge. I am HORRIBLE at saying no and taking on too much. So look at what you have been doing and ask yourself what can go. If nothing can, then try not to commit to new things.
  • Make a list and start with the most important things: I make a daily to do list and always try to do the hardest task first. OR do a ton of the easy quick tasks. Seeing a ton of things crossed off your list will make you feel so much better!
  • Carve out time for just you: Even if it’s 15 minutes to read, or go for a walk alone, or do a face mask. Just something that is just for you. You may think that this will add stress but doing something for yourself to center yourself will calm you down and make you feel like you can get the other things done.
  • Ask for help where needed: Again, something I am awful at, but ask for help. Maybe you need a babysitter one or two days a week for a few hours, or maybe you need to ask your spouse to take on a few more errands or house chores. Whatever it may be, ask for help.
  • Take a nap even a quick one: It’s amazing what a 10-15 minute power nap can do. I used to feel super guilty napping when my kids napped. Like “shouldn’t I be doing XYZ?” It took a quite a while to realize that nap time was important that  SOME DAYS had to be my recharge time too! Not always, but at least once a week I would use at least part of their nap for a rest for myself.
  • Read for 30 minutes: Again carving out this time may not be feasible each day. It may not work for everyone but engulfing yourself in another story or another world can really ease your mind and take away some stress.
  • Do a workout: This is my biggest destress time! I try to work out for at least 30 minutes each day. Some days it doesn't happen. Recently I only had time for 20 minutes but it was better than nothing and still did the trick!
  • Give yourself a little grace: When all else fails, remind yourself that we all feel this way. Everyone has stress and not everyone can get everything done every day. Don’t beat yourself up if the kitchen is dirty, or the laundry isn’t put away, or XYZ errand didn’t get accomplished. Just try again tomorrow.
What are some ways to destress you find helpful?

Saturday, May 4, 2019

5 Things I Do at Night to Set Up My Morning for Success

I am a creature of habit. I could easily eat the same thing for lunch every day (a tuna salad sandwich, Doritos, and grapes) and I would be completely satisfied.  In addition to being a creature of habit, I can get completely overwhelmed at the length of my to do list. Because of these two characteristics, I tend to rely on my routines. My routines tend to make me feel safe and they give me a sense of security. They also help me know what to do next so that I do not get overwhelmed. The routines that I follow are: my morning routine, my afternoon routine, and evening routine. I also have my Sunday routine or my GYST day routine.

However, my evening routine is the most important routine that I follow every night. Without my evening routine my mornings would be chaotic. Without my evening routine I would be lost and behind all day long.

So, here are........

5 Things I Do at Night to Set Up My Morning for Success

Clean the Kitchen. There is nothing that makes me feel behind in the morning than walking into a dirty kitchen.  Just taking a few minutes in the evening to do the dishes, clean the counters, and sweep the floor can make a world of difference in my attitude and my productivity.  I try to clean up right after supper each night and empty the drainer before I go to bed (I don't have a dishwasher).

Plan your day. This is an important one for me. I plan my day the night before so I don't forget an appointment or an activity that one of the kids has to go to. I even plan the most mundane things like laundry, brushing teeth every morning and every night. 

Declutter the living spaces. I cannot go to bed with a messy house, it causes too much stress for me.  It's the one habit from my childhood that I cannot break.  I take 30 minutes to declutter the living room, the kids bedrooms, and to do a quick swipe in both bathrooms. It's alot less stressful (at least for me) to wake to a clean house then to wake up to a messy one. Am I right?

Read. I try to take the last hour or so before bed to read a chapter in the book that I am currently reading. This helps me to relax and actually helps me sleep better at night. 

Go to bed early. Finally, I try to go to bed early every night. There are times that this just does not happen, but most nights I am in bed by 930pm.

What things do you do at night to have a successful morning. I would live to hear in the comments below!

Friday, May 3, 2019

5 Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

We all have bad days, it's just part of life. No one is happy all of the time, just like my kids, we all wake up on the wrong side of the bed. So here are....

5 Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

1. Cry it out. Sometimes you just need to cry. It's helpful as well as therapeutic. It really does help to just cry it out. If you are sad, angry, whatever just cry because you feel so much better. Trust me!

2. Vent. Every time I am upset I vent. Usually I vent to husband. We all need someone like that, that someone who will tell you when you are wrong or just let's you complain.

3. Watch something fun. We all have those go to movies or tv shows that we can watch over and over.  For me, I like to watch Grease, Dirty Dancing, and Bride Wars, for tv shows, I watch Friends, Gilmore Girls, How I Met Your Mother, Fuller House, and The Ranch. These are so much fun to watch and always put me in a better mood.

4. Change your surroundings. If you are in a bad mood at home get in the car and go somewhere. Go to the gym, go for a walk, or get some retail therapy. The key is to change your surroundings you will feel better.

5. Help someone. The best way to turn your bad day around is to help someone. Pay for someone's coffee, help someone carry their groceries to their car. Helping someone will cheer you up.

What are some ways to turn a bad day around that you use?

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 2019 Goals

How is May already? Where has the time gone? I did awful with all of my goals for April. I think I might have accomplished one. Well, with a new month comes my May 2019 goals.

In May I want to:

  • Read at least one book
  • work on being more consistent on Instagram
  • take a trip the zoo and/or science museum
  • watch at least one movie this month
  • be more consistent with my yoga practice
  • give myself one self care day a week
  • find time to journal
  • use my bullet journal more
  • have blog posts scheduled through June
I am trying to be a little more realistic this month just knowing how last month went. There is NOTHING wrong with having a month that things just don’t get done or that is a bit of a fail. Just remember that friends 

What are your goals for the month of May?